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AirBit Club (BitBackOffice) Review – Deceitful Ponzi Scheme Hybrid

As you can accurately infer from the title of this review, AirBit Club is more than just a deceptive Ponzi scheme that should be avoided.

Further polluting and tarnishing the legitimacy of the cryptocurrency realm, AirBit Club has left a massive wake of victims throughout Russia and Colombia.

While you begin to maneuver your way through our detailed review, you will accumulate the facts necessary to verify that BitBackOffice.com is an online destination that cannot be trusted.

About AirBit Club

AirBit Club is an expansive crypto related venture that is based upon an affiliate tier. Prospective applicants interested with this program are able to become affiliates through BitBackOffice.com and are able to enroll with 1 of the 3 memberships offered.

According to their site, AirBit Club was founded with the mission of providing “cutting edge technology utilizing innovative tools to ensure that trading potential is maximized and that way increase bitcoin distributions to all affiliates.”

In lenience terms, the alleged goal of this operation is to provide investors with an opportunity to accrue more earnings in Bitcoin.

Further revealed on the site would be a partial business model, where the only verifiable source of income disclosed would be by those who deposit into their platform to get started with one of their memberships.

As the site claims, “50% of bitcoins will be split among all club members and 50% will be used to increase the power of trading, also to solidify our business relationships with companies dedicated to the growth of technology to trade cryptocurrencies.”

While some reference to the investment of deposited funds are hinted on the site, consumer feedback will reveal the contrary and go on to show that when confronted, AirBit Club refuses to provide transparent evidence in accordance to their statement.

bitbackoffice.com - AirBitClub
BitBackoffice.com – AirBit Club

AirBit Club Operational Model

AirBit Club offers affiliates unrewarding investment packages that will fail to accumulate a break even return unless the affiliate succeeds in drawing in new members.

As previously disclosed, AirBit Club offers 3 membership packages that vary between $250 to $1,000.

While the site displays USD as an accepted currency, it should be noted that only Bitcoin deposits are accepted through their platform.

Executive Plan

Renewal Fees: 1 renewal fee

Minimum Deposit: $250 in BTC

Supported Volume: 200 level

Duration of Membership: 2 cycles of 75 business days

Corporate Plan

Renewal Fees: 2 renewal fees

Minimum Deposit: $500

Supported Volume: 400 level

Duration of Membership: 3 cycles of 75 business days

Pro Plan

Renewal Fees: 3 renewal fees

Minimum Deposit: $1,000

Supported Volume: 900 level

Duration of Membership: 4 cycles of 75 business days

AirBit Club - Membership - Bit Back Office

According to the AirBit Club compensation plan, affiliates can expect to receive a daily return ranging between 0.2% to 1.2% on their deposited funds.

As many of you probably guessed, these daily returns aren’t near enough to achieve a break even with initial deposits which is why affiliates are highly encouraged to obtain new sources of traffic to earn commission.

While AirBit Club claims to employ a “Matrix-based” commission tier, it is essentially a pyramid scheme when broken down.

AirBitClub - Matrix Commission - BitBack Office

The investment package an affiliate gets started with will dictate the number of levels supported through the AirBit Club commission tier. The executive plan supports up to 3 levels, corporate up to 7 levels while the pro package supports all 18 matrix levels.

Affiliates should also be made aware that renewal fees are charged between each duration cycle, these renewal fees equate to a value of 35% of the cumulative ROI paid out during each cycle.

Affiliates are also offered the option to opt in a Retirement Plan that is featured through their platform. While not much information is disclosed regarding the Retirement Plan until you become an active member, it is known that an additional fee between $150 to $300 will be required.

As with all pyramid schemes, we never advise any investor to enroll due to the unstable and growingly unsustainable operational model required for the model not to collapse.

Who is Behind BitBackoffice.com?

As with most untrustworthy Ponzi schemes, AirBit Club fails to provide any ownership information. Not only do they fail to disclose any identifiable or corporate entity but they are explicitly vague about their operational model.

Furthermore, a WHOIS search will go on to show that BitBackOffice.com was privately registered which makes it impossible for us to track down their creators.

One outdated review that went on the record against AirBit Club had disclosed that Mr. Gutemberg and Renato Rodriquez were the co-founders behind this scheme. Whether or not these two entities are truly responsible for BitBackOffice.com we are uncertain due to the lack of information on their site now.

Question Marks and Red Flags

BitBackOffice.com is a nest egg of question marks and red flags.

Taking half of the deposit value of new members and disbursing them to previously established members is a text-book example of a Ponzi scheme.

Regarding the other 50% that is allegedly invested and used to smooth over connections with other technologic crypto companies we are quite uncertain, in fact, due to the lack of transparency we assume that the creators behind this site are keeping those deposits for themselves.

BitBackoffice is a pyramid scheme!

While the AirBit Club binary matrix compensation plan sounds great and all, it is the living and breathing embodiment of a pyramid scheme.

In addition, there is no relevant information regarding the creators, operators or corporate entity responsible for BitBackOffice.com which makes this operation completely anonymous.

All of these exhibited characteristics are definite red flags in the investment world.

Can BitBackOffice.com be Trusted?

Absolutely not.

BitBackOffice.com fails to disclose any information of significance on their site. The creators behind this site make it as vague and misleading as possible in the hopes of deceiving prospective investors (affiliates) of out of their money.

To learn more about the deceitful tactics employed by the AirBit Club scam, read some of the recent comments which can easily be found online by entering “airbit club reviews” or “bitbackoffice scam” in any search engine.

AirBit Club Review Conclusion

AirBit Club is a viral pyramid and Ponzi scheme hybrid.

While recent community feedback indicates that the site is still paying affiliates, most consumer feedback suggests some form of financial discrepancy with BitBackOffice.com.

Operating with total anonymity, we advise potential affiliates to avoid this investment scheme while it continues to grow unstable with their unsustainable pyramid scheme model.

Review Verdict: AirBit Club is a SCAM!

Blacklisted Site: BitBackOffice.com

Do you have personal experience with AirBit Club? Share your story with us by leaving a comment below!

150 thoughts on “AirBit Club (BitBackOffice) Review – Deceitful Ponzi Scheme Hybrid”

  1. For all the people pumping Airbit, how many of them know that Airbit changed the rules this month for how much they will payout. I will be paid at least $5000 less than what I was supposed to receive before the new rules went into effect. It will be interesting to see how people react when they are no longer receiving their daily payouts that they were expecting. So under one of my plans, Airbit still owes me 75 days worth of payouts but because under the new rules I have exceed the max payout which less than what they used to payout. So on that one account I am going to receive $575 less than was promised under the membership I signed up for. So while people are defending Airbit, they should get with their “leaders” and try to understand the new changes their beloved Airbit has implemented.
    Also, for all those who have made so much money lets look at how long it will take to withdraw this money. Say a person made $50K. At $500 per week, it will take 2 years to withdraw your money. I hope Airbit is still around.

  2. I am a member of Airbit and I recruited several members to join with me. The are all pissed and demanding their money back. 1) the only way to earn money is through recruiting. 2) When you withdraw your money through Airbit, the value of the bitcoins you receive is 51% of the dollar value you requested. So for the individual bragging about having $1548.75, when you withdraw your money you are going to see $774.37 deposited into your bitcoin wallet. S0, $774.37 – $1000.00 is a loss of $225.62. 3) So recruiters are having to bring in new members and sell then their Airbit bitcoins to make a profit or break even. 4) At a withdrawal rate of $250.00 per week, your money is going to take a couple of weeks to withdraw. 5) Airbit is success because they lie and most people don’t apply math. 6) I hope this helps others prevent from happening what happened to me and my friends.

  3. Is my third year working with Airbit and everything have been working fine, i glad to meet this company, i received All my payments and i continúe with them
    Thanks Airbit

  4. When you cash out of Airbit, you only get about 51 cents on the dollar. In our club many people are upset. The managers are taking members cash and selling them the bitcoins in their accounts so they can get their money back. Buyer beware. The only way you make money is by recruiting. So if you purchase a $1000 membership (non refundable) you make $1,200. When you withdraw your money (after all fees and the markup on bitcoin 90%) you only receive $600.00. Good luck to all who decide to proceed. Yes I am a member and I am very upset with my returns. Note if people put their real names, Airbit will sue them. Go figure.

    1. We should get together and sue them, I’m also member that is upset too . There are some options I’m exploring currently.

      1. Would love to hear about your options. Don’t know how we can stay anonymous and communicate so we don’t get sued. We are looking for options to pursue.

        It was over a year before my team found out we were not making any money. We were happy watching our daily dividends being deposited. So I feel bad for the members who are in the same situation.

      2. Please let me know I’m researching how to sue them now ! Keep me posted. Everyone who was so hype about getting us to invest has now disappeared and or say they got their money out already therefore don’t know about the new rules and or systems ! What a scam 🙁

  5. My brother is an investor of Airbit Club. I’m a crypto trader . I think the writer is promoting binance because Binanace has a binary system also. LOL..

  6. The author just want to promote another trading platform. Why can’t you do business without putting another business in a bad light? You obviously dont have a bitback account for you to say that what you have been writen. I myself havr been earning and enjoying the financial freedom it gave me. I’ve risked my US$1K and when I started earning, convinced that its working, I put in more. The opportunity to earn is way better than i thought and its an honest way of earning. I still earn even if one is not a networker. I myself is an introvert living in my own hermit kingdom yet I earn an honest living. I check and manage my own bitback account. The author may spread false claims about bitback office, for obvious reasons he never was an affiliate, but guess what I AM STILL EARNING! Sa mga Akeanon, ga gita kami! In tagalog, siraan mo man ang bitback office, kumikita kami ng marangal!

    If you would like to know more here is my mail:

    1. Fire,
      Your Filipino and the Philippines and Filipinos have a world reputation for being scammers. Your comment does not carry much weight because of that there alone. But considering the Filipino people are very naive they will fall for anything. Remember Filipinos took serious the “NASA Declares Duterte the Best President in the Universe.”

      1. Ha! Learn how to spell correctly first and better educate yourself on correct grammar before saying anything bad about Filipinos. You are STUPID. Get over yourself and go back to school!

      2. You are fool. You are touching our beloved country!! whats the matter with you!! Would you please to come in our country? Im sure you will face death. You are seem wanting to die. Its up to pacqiao. One hit to kill. 😈

  7. Obviously the one who gave review is not an affiliate of the club,our trading profit is not base on new entries or membership! Me as an affiliate is very happy and contented becoz im experiencing right now financial freedom and nobody can stop me in sharing the good and best opportunity that Airbitclub gave me!!!! Sorry na lang sa mga naninira sa Airbit gawin nyo negosyo nyo ng di tumatapak sa iba!!!!ok?

  8. Obviously the one who gave review is not an affiliate of Airbitclub,our trading profit is not base on new entries or membership! me as an affiliate is very happy with what Airbitclub is doing in my life becoz im experiencing financial freedom and nobody can stop me in sharing the good and best opportunity that Airbitclub gave to us.

  9. Airbitclub is real. If the author says, it’s a scam, definitely I will get paid. If the author will still say, it’s ponzi scheme, I will still get paid. Hahaha

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