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AntPool Review

Antpool.com - Review
AntPool is one of the leading mining pools which has been around from 2014. It has earned itself a reputable position in the eyes of the crypto miners. Currently this platform support 9 cryptocurrencies and over the last few years there has been a few complaints against them.

It is common for every service to get a little harsh feedback every now and then especially for a firm which has been operational for 4 years, it would be suspicious if there wasn’t any negative comments. Make sure that you go through our complete review if you want to know both the advantages and disadvantages of this service.


This service was founded by 2 people on August 2014. The names of the founder and co-founder are Lingchao, Xu and Xin, Tian. On many fake platforms there will only be stock photos with randomly picked names, so that the potential consumers feel that they are indulging with a reputable service while all the hidden facts points south.

Antpool.com - Team Members

It is nice to see that this firm hold transparency at the highest level. In the present time period wherein everyday may fake mining programs pop up and disappear, this firm is the one which deserves your trust.

What is AntPool and How does it work ?

AntPool is a cryptocurrency mining solution which supports many popular currencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin along with that a wide array of 7 more cryptocurrencies are supported which makes it a complete package. Their technical team is said to maintain more than 2,000 servers simultaneously thereby offering uninterrupted pool maintenance for various altcoins 365 days a year.

This service has servers around the world wherein the conditions are favorable for mining and the electricity cost is as minimal as possible. The dashboard of the user reveals few key elements at a glance like the present hash rate which you can adjust the reading according to your preference i.e., minute, hourly or daily time frame.

As far as security is considered there is nothing to be worried about as they follow standard procedures like email alerts and 2 stop authentication.

What kind of returns can you expect ?

This question is always a tough one to answer and if you are a newbie it might overwhelm you as well. No one can absolutely guarantee you the kind of profit you can make except for scams which evokes greed in you and disappears with your funds.

The only thing which correlates mainly with your profits is the starting capital. Of course many things and variables come into play which might affect the end result like the difficulty of mining, public interest, price of the coin and market sentiment. Unless you are starting with huge amount of capital do not have high hopes about the income.

AntPool Tools

To keep you updated about what’s happening with the miners and also to ensure the flexibility of monitoring the account from anywhere in the world with just an active internet connection.

The users are allowed to have more than one account so there is no problem if you want to dedicate the hash rate to two or more currencies at once without changing the IP address. Here are the list of softwares provided by them.

AntPool APP V3.0

  • Real Time Hash rate Monitor
  • Efficient Worker’s Changes
  • Sub Account Control

APMiner Tool V10.7

  • Monitor software for Mining farms
  • Scan LAN miners IP simultaneously
  • Batch upgrade firmware and miners in Bulk

Worker IP configuration Tools V1.0

  • Efficient worker IP management
  • Quick Bulk Configuration

ETH/ETC A/N Card Mining V2.84

  • ETH/ETC Gpu Card decide the speed
  • Motherboard
  • Electricity consumption and the stability of miners

ZEC A/N Card CPU Mining V1.0

  • ZEC GPU (A/N Cards) or CPU, A is efficient
  • N Card Consumes low electricity
  • CPU card is low efficient

AP Connectivity V1.0.0

  • This tool helps to detect instability and provide logs for further trouble shooting

Domain Insight

When we searched whois.com the details we got concerning this domain are that it has registered on 04/07/2011 and it expires on 04/07/2022. Since the registrant of this domain is using privacy service we are not able to find their contact details.

This service has interesting stats on a global scale. Their website ranks 13,805 in China and has a global rank of 33,532. The list of countries where the majority of traffic is originating from are China, Iran, United States, Venezuela and Russia.

Is AntPool Scam or Legit ?

This platform is 100% genuine and trustworthy,

Always when the masses join mining services they will be expecting radical amount of profits but when the reality disappoints then they will not be in a position of accepting them. As a result many do call them a scam but that does not make them one. Check out this comment on Bitcointalk.org and see for yourself what kind of reputation they have:

Seriously folks. Why are you mining there? You are giving up SO MUCH coin. Here’s just the past 24 hours:

In the past 24 hours, Antpool has made 29.50355862BTC for themselves from transaction fees ALONE. They’ve solved 17 blocks, which means they’ve made an average of about 1.74BTC per block. That turns into 13.88% fees they are charging their miners.

Why are you giving up 13.88% of your income?

Mine on a pool that pays you for your work.

AntPool Review Conclusion

AntPool is one of the most trusted and reliable mining solution. Many argue that their fees is on the higher side and also some hidden fees are present but these all can be overlooked if you want a reputable service to start mining with and is certainly not a deal breaker.

We suggest you to consider the amount you want to begin with and evaluate for yourself to see if they are with your time spent on this platform.

Do you have any experience with AntPool.com? Let us know your feedback by commenting below.

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