Home » Crypto Currency Scams!

Crypto Currency Scams!

There are many types of scams in the world of cryptocurrencies. There are fake exchanges, mining schemes including cloud mining (learn why you probably shouldn’t get involved in Bitcoin mining,) HYIP, pyramid and ponzi schemes, auto trading robots, fraudulent account managers and many other types of scams.

Please let us know if you were scammed by any cryptocurrency brokers and services by leaving a comment below.

Avoid the following Bitcoin and other crypto currency related SCAMS, which we’ve already reviewed.

Cryptocurrency Blacklist

Bitcoin - The Dark Side

Want to report additional crypto currency scams? Please write a comment below or contact us today! If you would like to share a review longer than 300 words, then consider submitting content for us to post.

765 thoughts on “Crypto Currency Scams!”

  1. Admin plz make a list of telegram scammers . I am one of the thousands of being victimized by scammers in Telegram. Scammer name @johnhunt124 scam me to invest 100 $ so i ll get profit within a day . the scammer has audacity to ask me more money mother fucker . plz be aware on that scammer @johnhunt124. i urge all scam bitcoin camaraderie plz report this guy he owns a group name by PREMIUM BITCOIN SIGNALS attached here is the url of his group
    plz click that and report him so he wont scam another innocent person

  2. Hi all!!

    Please add Crypto-Bounty to the SCAM list please….

    Thanks for this excellent site!!!

    Greetings from SA

        1. on Telegram please be aware of the following names ( I know it’s not their real names) Jason Elliot and Anderson Boom (he’s using the senator of Argentina’s photo) and told me the Senator gives them money to run the setup. Doesn’t make sense but luckily I did not invest

  3. shagta abrkar

    hello can someone plz suggest me legit and honest trader
    my dream is to study medicine and i am poor i have only small capital my plan is to fund school tuition for trading ?
    plz legit and honest trader

    1. Sorry, but even with a legitimate and honest trader (and they’re the minority), it’s highly unlikely you’ll be able to turn a small amount of money into enough to fund medicine school. My advice would be that no-one should risk more than 10% of their wealth in cryptocurrencies, and they should be prepared to lose most or all of what they do invest.

  4. shagta abrkar

    hi can u plz check this telegram
    he says he is a legit am considering investing 500 $ and i ll get 5000 within 6 days his name is jame crypto martins
    i added his telegram
    and this is his ig

    1. Sorry, but anyone who says you can turn $500 into $5,000 in six days is lying, and almost certainly a scammer. Nothing on his Instagram suggests that he’s for real.

      Think about it – if it was that easy, everyone would be rich. There isn’t a magic money tree, just scammers who make money off people who believe in magic money trees.

      1. shagta abrkar

        thanks man appreciated ur honest feedback i just came across him on ig and i get wowed 500 to 5000$ within a week its obvious he is mofo scammer

  5. Wonder if this is a scam or not, any chance of finding out : viabtcmining.com/mining/
    Would be much appreciated.

  6. Hello everyone
    another Scam site that works like LTCminer,io and also it has some other coins miners separately and
    they works with free hash rates! (and even they have a miner for minning Dollar$)!
    site address is: deewe.biz

  7. And another scam is realautotrade, telegram bot, i invested a lot in there but all that happens is they keep asking for fees, only got 800 out once, everything else i put in never came out which made me loose about 8000. Ponshi scam probably, be careful, have all whatsapp and telegramdata on hand if needed.

  8. Hi Guys, great job getting all these mofo’s in public. Any chance somebody can check nemtechmining.com? Invested, tried to withdraw but all is “processing” and nothing is paid out. Got this site via Erica (bitcoin_queen_bee on instagram), have her whatsapp if needed. According to all info on the site after 2 weeks you should be able to withdraw your profits. Guess not.

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