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CpuCap.com / CpuCap.org / CpuWin.com Review

Cpu Cap (CpuCap.com/CpuCap.org) was created on February 6th, 2018 by Alex Denial and is an online platform that supposedly enables users to participate in free cryptocurrency mining.

cpucap.com - CPU Cap

Cpu Cap Review

CpuCap.com does not provide any information regarding their operation except for in their meta tag where they promote the ideology that users who sign up with their platform can participate in free cryptocurrency mining.

According to their platform, Cpu Cap currently supports the following cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Stellar, Monero and Nem.

Upon further investigation, Cpu Cap mostly embodies an affiliate platform and provides no outlet for cryptocurrency mining.

When visitors decide which particular supported cryptocurrency they wish to mine and select “Switch to Mining,” they are prompted to disclose their wallet address.

Upon disclosure of their wallet address, users are then redirected to their affiliate dashboard where no reference to mining is disclosed besides a “Run Terminal” button. Which when activated does not render any cryptocurrencies to the user which leaves them with solely an affiliate driven income opportunity.

According to their affiliate dashboard, users will earn 20% from Bitcoin producers that they lure into using their platform. Whether or not this platform is compensating its affiliates or not is still unclear.

According to a WHOIS report, CpuCap.com was created by Alex Denial through the PDR Limited registrar on February 6th, 2018. Reflecting an expiration date of February 6th, 2019, Alex Denial’s disclosed contact information is as follows: Alex Denial, California California, Kırıkkale, Turkey 55123.

Provided contact information in the WHOIS report would be the email address phpsxs@gmail.com along with the telephone number +505.555555555.

Cpu Cap Scam

CpuCap.com provides an attractive site interface yet fails to disclose any information of value regarding their operation.

Lacking transparency and credibility, Cpu Cap deceptively asserts that their operation is an online platform that supports free cryptocurrency mining when in reality it is nothing more than an affiliate platform.

Cpu Cap references that CpuCap.com Inc is their alleged corporate entity underneath their supported cryptocurrency assets although thorough research on the web and amongst Turkey business registries fail to validate that CpuCap.com Inc is an existing corporation.

The disclosed contact information in the WHOIS report is falsified, rendering a physical location that is unable to be plotted according to search queries which likely means that the true creator behind this operation rented a virtual address and alias online.

According to a SimilarWeb report, CpuCap.com does not possess any market intelligence rankings or insight.

Given the deceptive nature behind Cpu Cap, we do not condone that any cryptocurrency investor, miner or enthusiast consider utilizing their platform.

Whether or not this platform is paying is uncertain and until more community feedback surfaces regarding CpuCap.com, we are classifying this operation as not credible or trustworthy.

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Do you have any knowledge, experience or opinions relating to CpuCap? Please feel free to share your feedback by leaving a relevant comment below!

118 thoughts on “CpuCap.com / CpuCap.org / CpuWin.com Review”

  1. I’m trying to mine bitcoins on this dite, bitcoin.cpucap.org it’s been 2 days and I don’t know if or how can I upload the bitcoins into my wallet
    Does anyone have an idea, please or I’m just wasting my time there.

  2. Suzette Vasquez

    I am trying to mind right n9w at CpuCap.com and there no way to contact support. I had 1uestions right away. I also couldn’t m8ne BTC with out losing coins when trying to save. Big scam but why would anyone do this?

  3. Here in 2019, and what are you who are doing this site ScamBitcoin, what did you take to make such scammers find and sanction, you just write something here, and whether it’s true and whether it’s not, just write, do you have, you know how can they be sanctioned. By writing you do not achieve anything, you are with them, you work together,so it’s best to write and hear more. You are really miserable.

  4. fuck me Where is my money?

    jo eboy
    19:41 (0 นาทีที่ผ่านมา)
    ถึง info

    Where is my money?
    Your Payments History
    ID Amount Date Status
    1 0.00558060 BTC 26 September 2018 – 06:01 Paid
    2 0.00647255 BTC 30 September 2018 – 16:45 Paid
    3 0.00505919 BTC 03 October 2018 – 16:32 Paid
    4 0.00556541 BTC 06 October 2018 – 14:22 Processing
    5 0.00525561 BTC 09 October 2018 – 18:46 Processing
    6 0.00570150 BTC 15 October 2018 – 15:40 Processing
    7 0.00581543 BTC 19 October 2018 – 13:37 Processing


      This is fraud, don’t use.

      1) Math bitcoin faucet app available it’s genuine app. Daily 0.00000980 BTC earned

      2) bitcoinsfor.me (affiliate link removed) its genuine faucet every week payment deliver coinbase wallet.

  5. I Don`t know why people doing this much hard work for making others fool. If they have this much brain to use.(cloudmining.cpu.win)
    I request them to use it in a right way also their country will be proud for them.
    whole world is talking about this shit (cloudmining.cpu.win). I hope the frauds will feel guilty one day.


      CPUWIN fraud. I already three times payment request. Status “paid” but unable to receive my wallet.

      1. me too. but i let it run about 3 months already. i lost 3 payments because of my fault but the 4th was the right address said paid but i did not receive any ethereum. i think it’s a fake. wastey e months. i would not like to be this person if he would meet me (just talking … for sure …)

    2. Mustafa if it’s real let me pay, it says that I’m paid but there is no money in my account, here’s the other month I’ve earned 0.055, waiting for a month to go and I will again ask for a withdrawal, and what will be, I have earned 0.110 btc and 0.036 ethereum , …. well, that’s a lot of money …. if it’s okay, let me help you get my money, you will receive the prize …..

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