AionNext Review – Cryptocurrency Trading Brokerage

AionNext ( is a relatively new cryptocurrency trading operation. As you will see below, there are several things about it which do not add up. In this review, we shall try to find out who runs this operation and we shall take a closer look at the above mentioned red flags. - AionNext

What is AionNext?

As said above, not much about this operation adds up…and that goes for the actual definition of what it is that it does, too. At first glance, AionNext seems to be some type of a cryptocurrency exchange, which lets traders purchase and trade a selection of cryptos, covering bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Dash. The site also offers some type of a High Frequency Trading-focused automated trader, which is allegedly capable of success rates of 87%.

To top it all off, the Ainonnext homepage also boasts some sort of mining capabilities, which take advantage of some type of algorithmic mining technology that will somehow “ensure the best cryptocurrency trading profits” for AionNext clients. Not only does all this not make any sense, there’s no proof provided for any of these claims, in any shape or form, anywhere at the site.

The cherry on the cake is an alleged wallet service, also offered by AionNext, about which not much is shared, beyond the fact that it makes use of an “offline Coin Vault.”

Should I Trust AionNext?

Based on what we’re about to discuss below, the answer to that question would have to be no.

Red Flags and Question Marks

Where to begin? Although professional-looking at first glance, the AionNext website – including its homepage – is nothing more than a haphazardly tossed-together, sophomoric attempt at creating some sort of cryptocurrency-focused content. Not only is the grammar simply atrocious, words are misspelled (Ethereum is actually called “Eterium”), and some paragraphs make no sense whatsoever. They look more like the rumblings of a diseased mind, rather than the simple, informative copy one would expect from a professionally run operation.

Why is all this important? Ask yourself this: have you ever seen a legitimate, reputable and serious operation of the type AionNext is trying to portray itself as, which featured such atrocious webpage copy?

This is just the tip of the AionNext red flag iceberg though. The auto trader that they offer is supposedly AI and machine-learning based, and that’s always a giant red flag in our book, especially when it comes with no technical details or any sort of proof of technology. This AI auto-trading lie has been used and re-used so many times by the scam industry, its presence has become little more than a bad joke for most experienced scam reviewers. The signals offered by AionNext claim a success-rate of 87%, which is a bit too-good-to-be-true as well.

The About Us page of the site offers absolutely no information on who runs this business. In this day and age, and in an industry so riddled with scams of all types, providing a proper look at the corporate entity and people behind a project, should be a bare minimum requirement.

The site claims that AionNext has been an industry-leading Forex brokerage since 2000. That is a bit far-fetched indeed, given how there’s almost no information about the operation available out there. The web domain on which it is currently hosted, was created in July 2017, and the name of the registrant is private. The site has been registered from Panama: not exactly the most trustworthy jurisdiction, when it comes to peddling crypto currency auto-trading.

While the operation claims to observe proper AML and KYC policies, its policies regarding withdrawals can only be described as a train wreck. When someone tells you that “The account must be traded before the principal withdrawal is permitted”, you should indeed think twice about making a deposit there. Also, there are strict, 3-month, 6-month and even 12-month withdrawal restrictions on the various trading accounts offered by AionNext. They feature HFT accounts, PAMM ones and fully automated high-speed crypto accounts, for which the withdrawal restriction is set to 12 months. Essentially, no matter which account you sign up for, you will have your funds locked up for a minimum of 3, and a maximum of 12 months.

AionNext’s Background

Despite the fact that almost no information is provided about the people behind the operation, we’ve done our homework and came up with a possible lead in this regard. Let us first see what we do know though. According to the site, the company behind AionNext is one called Digital Hestia Ltd. based in the Marshall Islands. The street address is Ajeltake Road, and there is no house/apartment number provided. Interestingly, but unsurprisingly, the internet does not seem to know anything about this Digital Hestia Ltd. The contact phone number provided is +442038689927.

We’ve managed to find a press release about AionNext, which features faulty grammar, similar to the webpage copy, and which describes the operation, linking to its website, and reiterating the claim that the brokerage was founded in 2000.

This press release is dated September 26, 2017 – which fits the above discussed domain registration data nicely. At the bottom, there’s a name given under the Contacts heading: Frederick Marshall. The phone number provided for Mr. Marshall is the same as the above one.

Who is Frederick Marshall? He seems to be an online trading guru, specializing in various auto-trading solutions. We have no idea if he is indeed the real deal that he claims to be. What we do know though is that he peddles a massive variety of deals, at least one of which claims to make him $80 per hour, through his cell phone, while he is at the beach.


Given the actual age of the operation (which is likely 4 months) and the unconvincing nature of its pitch, it is safe to assume not many people have registered with it. As such, there’s no actual user feedback available either.


As of November 16, 2017, was not a very popular site. Their global SimilarWeb rank was 1,617,793 and much of their traffic came from Belarus.

AionNext’s Response to this Review

In general the entire review is based on a conspiracy theory rather than pure facts. AionNext is a “New” and highly financially backed Crypto currency trading platform. Our motto is to provide our traders with a professional and user friendly trading experience and constantly improve our technology. As for now AionNext is in a continuous growth as its fueled on:
A. Investor money. Money which was crowd-funded for AionNext establishment.
B. Commissions structure. AionNext charges a small commission for each and every trade a client is taking on our platform.

AionNext Review Conclusion

While we cannot call AionNext a straight-up scam, we have to call it very suspicious indeed. This operation rings all sorts of alarm bells and raises a variety of red flags as detailed above. We would keep our currency – fiat or crypto – well away from it.

Do you have any feedback about AionNext? Please share it with us by leaving a comment below!

Thank you for reading our AionNext review. For legitimate alternatives, visit our cryptocurrency day trading page. Feel free to subscribe to in order to receive our reviews directly to your e-mailbox.

252 thoughts on “AionNext Review – Cryptocurrency Trading Brokerage”

  1. i have been trading with Aion next for the past 11 months i can say that during the most part i am very satisfied from the investment portfolio I have.

    1. shon is a Aionnext propaganda. Notice the bad spelling & grammar. It also makes no sense. Kim Spector or Nick Lucino wrote this. Aionnext hasn’t been around for 11 months. And none of their
      victims have ever seen a return on their investment because scammers don’t work that way. Let alone
      reinvest. Its a 2 person show and only have a few victims on the hook all times, that’s why they try to
      pump more money from them right Nicko Lucino. John & shon are Aionnext propaganda reviews on themselves. If innocent peoples money wasn’t involved it would be amusing but this is all damage control. Aionnext scammers that share the same I.P address address in Bulgaria.

  2. Is a scam !!! Drained my account the day before I was supposed to get my money back and opened trade without my knowledge or calling. Very rude and unprofessional. I put 7000 AUD in this company and now have $32.00 left one day before my 3 months ends. Scammers at their finest !!!!!

  3. Hi, similar experience, although there is a Withdrawal for one to click it appears with a “form” and nothing happens. Wanted to just try a withdrawal part of the equity, nothing happened.

    1. Further to my earlier input of AOINNEXT about the withdrawal: the fact is that there was no confirmation when you withdraw until you go into another page to see that withdrawal is in progress. So I have informed AIONNEXT about this glitch and they said they will something about it. I am presently dealing with a top notch accounts manager by the name of Nicko Luciano who approved both my withdrawals and the money was in my bank about 3 days later on both occasions. When Nicko says he will call me , he does keep his word which is is a good practice to keep. I am seriously thinking about depositing more but in small amounts. I have informed them that if someone does write bad about your company you take action to clear your name.

      1. This guy, you are a bloody lier, Aionnext is a complete scam.

        I invested £500 and I was been pressurised by account manager who was really pu pressure on me. he day I said I don’t have more found to invest, the following day, my account balance which has built up to $840 and after $600 and $400.

        They are callous and not trust worthy set of people. I am so happy that I did not invest more than that. The most surprising is that I was persuaded to borrow money from bank, what would have been my fate, but my saving grace is that I did not.

      2. More Aionnext propaganda, only a scammer like Nicko Lucino would write this bullshit.
        Your a top notch scammer Nicko! Great at losing peoples money and then blaming the clients for losing their own money. Your a joke, I told you Bt would drop below 8k & you believed it was going to recover back to $15k. Guess your top notch dumb ass lost it all. Did you trade it all on your Binance account? I know this trading platform is a scam because I was being charged $500 commission before trade started to using my own money. You are such a professional scammer, I hope you come across a victim in real life so they can thank you personally. Same with the Kim Specter & any other aionnext scammer. It’s a backyard 3 person scam operation, and Nicko only call’s to demand more money for his victims. Top notch con artist!

      3. Heads up, this is clearly Nicko Luciano pretending to be “Ray Nair”, clearly they take notice of every post on this website and then pretend to be their own customer. It get’s old after a while. Yes scammers usually want to clear their name! Otherwise future victims don’t bite!

      4. Nicko with fake Italian accent was screaming at me on the phone because he wanted me to go withdraw all my life-savings including any retirement saving and send them to him because he asked me “how much interest rate my current financial investment portfolio is giving me annually?” and I said I don’t know? He scream at me on the phone and said “How could you not know? I’m going to give you homework right now. Call your investing company, ask them how much annual interest rate you’re getting! I’m sorry, but how could you not know? Are you that stupid?” Then he said “Ciao” and hang up. It was my Account Manager (Alexa) that asked this idiot guy to call me without forewarning, thinking that this guy can convince me in closing out my entire savings. I kept telling him that my savings are all lock-up for a long time (how ironic it is that he of all people didn’t understand that especially when they’re scamming people’s money with the 3-6 months lockup contract) but he was furious that I said the same thing even though I didn’t even know they’re scammers at the time.
        Here are more proof… Aionnext is a Scammer

        Alexa Zultan

        Jan 4

        to me

        Hi Cherry We received a 10% lower price bitcoin for the company.
        since you are dealing with currency exchange, it seems to me that it will interest you.
        These are Bitcoin, which was bought at $ 872, so the company still makes money on them after they been transferred to the company and you also earn $ 1,500 in the exchange.
        If you want to buy it is a new investment.

        just hurry up there is no bitcoin in the market to buy spacial not in this price.
        biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that changing really quickly
        (BITCOIN), the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking

        Alexa Zultan
        Account Manager – VIP Division


        Jan 4

        to Alexa
        Yes, I am interested. Buy a lot for me please & thank you 😊!

        Jan 4

        to Alexa
        I have deposited $4000 just now with my credit card.

        Alexa Zultan

        Jan 4

        to me

        Sent with Mailtrack

        Jan 4

        to Alexa

        Great, thanks for the update.
        Thank you so much 😊!!

        Jan 4

        to Alexa

        Darling, can you open more trade for me? I don’t like money sitting around 😄😏!

        Alexa Zultan

        Jan 5

        to me

        Hello Darling

        Remains to be completed to continue Bitcoin payment.
        We bought it at $ 14,900, minus 10 percent equal $ 13410.
        you already deposit 4000 dollars remains to complete 9410 dollars

        sheri bit is up as you can see and i am thrilled for you!!!🌷🏁
        lets keep making money on the wonderful cripto market.

        Jan 5

        to Alexa

        Hey Alexa,

        What will happen if I let my open trade wait for awhile? I put in a Sell order against 2 other Buy order of the same pair and the open price for them are huge 😐!! I have to close the 2 other Buy orders because they’re gaining while the Sell order was losing! So much confusion and I just got learned something new but now, should I leave the Sell Order until it gain positive or should I close at a lost maybe below $50-60 Dollars.
        I opened and closed 7 pairs already with $440.59 profit total.
        Can you check my trade and tell me what to do with the losing strike! I want to go to bed but am afraid to do so because I’m not familiar with this kind of overnight trading. I didn’t set a Stop Lost or Take Profit and this is bugging me now.
        I will wait for your reply.
        Thank darling 😃!

        Alexa Zultan Jan 8

        to me

        PROFIT $478.32🌷

        Jan 8

        to Alexa
        What 😀? How is that possible on one trade? Oh my God! You have to teach me 😲! That’s amazing!!! Awesome, thanks!

        Jan 8

        to Alexa

        It took me a while weekend scraping $10 here and there to make $670 something profit and lots of trades 😄☺️! That’s why I want you to teach me gurl. Thank you 🙏🏽 again, you’re the best!!

        Hey Dear

        Alexa Zultan Jan 9

        need to deposit the rest of the amount…

        Jan 9

        to Alexa

        Hey Darling,

        I just got of phone with credit card scam department letting them know I’m the one using my card.
        This is all I can do now, I have exhausted all my credit cards just to buy bitcoin. The last money I sent now is $2000, please remember this is not part of my plan, so if those amounts are not good enough to buy the bitcoin, the rest of the decision is up to you now I’m done.
        Let me know how it goes whether or not we’re buying bitcoin 😄. I so much in credit cards debts and credit cards exchange rate are too high. This is why you see me trading all the time now because I don’t have the money like I said my real savings investments are not liquidated right now, I’m locked in forever.
        I hope you understand my situation. Starting next week I’m going back to school to finish my last year of my Degree, so I may not be available to trade with you. Also, I’m getting tired of these currencies pair with Forex Robot on my side to enter and exits the market. If I get out of the current 6 Trades, I think I’m done doing these trades manually without technical tools.

        Okay, I’m going back to bed now. I hope you have a better day than me 🤨
        By the way, the email about your Company you sent to me was empty (blank, no content).

        Alexa Zultan

        Jan 9

        to me

        And my favorite :


        Jan 9

        to Alexa
        Hey Alexa,

        Can you ask Niko to call me now, I have answers to his questions.

        Alexa Zultan

        Jan 10

        to me

        let me know when you are available to talk

        Jan 10

        to Alexa

        I’m very busy right now and your guy Nicko was very rude and shouting in my ears yesterday! Is this how you guys conduct business? How did he expect me to closed up my Retirement Investment for something else like Bitcoin that have no value associated with it except speculation? He treated me on the phone as if I’m dumb! I’m not dumb at all and I don’t even know you guys, and he expects me to just jump because he said so! Look at the price of Bitcoin now? Way lower than the deal your company is trying to sell.

        My dear, I like you but you have to build trust first before you can asked people to jump when you said so.

        Talk to you later and by the way, I’m no longer interested in buying Bitcoin for now. The one you bought is dropping in value so fast!

        Alexa Zultan

        Jan 11

        to me

        Dear sheri, I am really sorry to hear that this is so shameful.
        You knew me a little and understood that my conduct with my clients is a process of trust.
        I will contact you as soon as you send me an email that you are free and together we will try to correct the account by trading correctly while teaching you.🌷

        ALL BS!!! I think I now know what a scam look like! They built trust, they act like they know you, they become your friend and said they’re there to make you comfortable. All lies..

    2. Hi Ray, I am considering investment options with Aionnext. Can I ask you, Did you end up with a successful withdrawal in the end?

      1. I made an investment and I am very pleased I both managed to invest smoothly as well as withdraw my profits at the end of the three month waiting period. I made very good profits on my investment.

        1. Warning: The comment by Devante might be a fake because similar positive comments were posted via the same IP address and with different names.

        2. Again another fake review from Aionnext. If you read their reply email that I posted above unless your terminally ill you can NOT withdraw any funds unless your terminally ill. Are you terminally ill in the head Devante? Aionnext propaganda, all genuine victims bloody well know this ponzi/pyrimid scheme doesn’t withdraw money and give it back to their victims. Scammers gonna scam, and then pretend to be a satisfied customer. Aionnext is a scam and the only people who withdraw funds work for Aionnext. So I assume Devante is another Aionnext scammer either Nicko Luciano/Kim Specter or Elizabath. They are a scum of the earth and need to be held to account for their criminal behaviour activities. Scamming people is their specialty and then pretending to be satisfied customers. Yes it’s that bad!

      2. Warning: The comment by Peter Bishop might be a fake because similar positive comments were posted via the same IP address and with different names.

      3. Peter Bishop is another Aionext propaganda, hey I just heard you just got scammed and was wondering weather I wanted to get scammed too, that’s why I’m here too. These scammers don’t have half a brain if they think that is kidding anyone. LMAO
        Listen to genuine reviews like Olu, their advice will save you a lot of financial hardship.

      4. “Peter Bishop” is Aionnext propaganda, any comment’s recommending is most definite Aionnext propaganda, alway’s pretending to be a satisfied customer, using the same IP address as Aionnext. Admin has also notice this and brought attention to these bogus posts, they where written by Aionnext scammers!

      5. Here’s the scammer “Peter”/Steve Aionnot are vermin, scum of the Earth. Are you still waiting and watching? Wanting to troll? No doubt u scammers are. Giving up your fake review trolling? When are Aionnot going to clear their scamming name? Guess that’s now impossible that everyone invested is onto your scam, and future victims are warned off doing business with you scammers ! Aionnot. Yes clearly a conspiracy that everyone gets scammed Im sure. Your motto Is “greed ain’t welcome with scamming scum ” I hope that karma gets you all in the near future. Aionnot are just sad losers, glorified pickpockets, can’t get a real job and still can’t make a profit in high end Bulgaria!, for scammers in this game have you ever had a profitable day?. With all them desperate phone calls pumping victims for more $? Kim didn’t you say it was going to be a great year when u thought all the $ was being wired? Yeah now I know why you where so certain it was going to be great, bc your a scammer! Didn’t you think after the bank told me you where scammers that I’d reinvest? I’m sure Nicko & Kim scammed Steve my last crypto transfer. Kim VIP scammer, Nicko account scammer. Nicko doing unauthorised checks on my bank accounts, top notch scam accounting! Kim ur a VIP scammer, all ur successful clients are figments of ur imagination. You carry on like a goose when ur called a scammer because the truth hurts. How long until you donkeys shut down? I’d ask Steve but I’m sure he’s prolly busy on his knees again “head” trading Nicko! AionX gypsy rats arn’t going to be successfully defrauding/ scamming anymore decent people. Exposing Aionnot scammers was the right thing to do, sounds like ur whining that I exposed your scam, my favourite word regarding Aionnot is scammers! Scammers don’t enjoyed getting called scammers! Go figure. Aionnot a cesspit full of vile, evil, greedy SCAMMERS! Flush Aionnot sewerage!

      6. you are full of it PETER BISHOP I have photos of their scam in action and will show them to who ever wants to see the contact I sent the photos to support with a pease explain yer guess what never herd from them again your a FAKE

        1. I would like ton state there full of shit they manipulated numbers and trades and i lost 27k usd DO NOT INVEST ANY MONEY you would be better to burn it atleast you would get the satisfaction of watching it burn lol

    3. Ray as you probably well aware that withdrawal tab is just for show. If it actually worked there would be a mass exodus of all their current customers. They can’t manipulate the figure’s on the dashboard if your able to withdraw the funds. Sorry about all the money you lost to these scumbag scammers.

    1. Dear Rudra and every client in general,

      We will no longer react to our clients in this forum.
      We Ask all our clients to contact us via the appropriate line of communication.
      Client who wish to reach us kindly contact our Support or compliance team: or

      Best Regards
      Team Aionnext

        1. Scammers can’t even write english, look they can’t spell “react” or “forum”! Do you wish these fools to invest your money? Look how bad they are with spelling, now imagine their math!

  4. As a customer with AionNext my experience with them is great sofar. I have both credited and debited my account with them multiple times via different routes: USDs both via bank transfer and credit card and BTC directly to and from my hardware wallet. Substantial retrievals from your account may indeed take a few business days which is in line with their terms and conditions and I have no problem with that. The website can certainly be improved and I do understand the ‘red flags’ that the author above sees, but I repeat their service has been great so far for me. They are also improving their website and communications and they keep me up to date very well via email notifications.

    1. Here is more Aionnext propaganda. Once again in damage control and trying to pretend to be a genuine customer. The only issue is that Aionnext never has any satisfied customers. It’s Aionnext scammers pretending to be their own customer all using the same IP address from Bulgaria. These scammers are scum of the Earth! Please don’t invest to all genuine potential and current customers, as an existing customer this I say to save future victims to these’s scammers, who need to rot in jail

      1. It’s not so black and white Zak. My name is Peter indeed and not the Peter Bishop elsewhere on this blog. I am a genuine person and NOT a scammer from the ‘same IP address’ for sure NOR ‘scum of the Earth’. When you start an account with AionNext you agree to the fixed period where you cannot make withdrawals, that’s a contract. During this time you can trade by yourself of let an account manager trade with or for you. For those trades I insisted to be there with them on the platform and watch what they were doing. I checked all trades life against the actual Poloniex Bid and Ask prices which is their data source. Everything matched 100% and I made decent profits in nearly every session, thanks to low commissions and some leverage that the trader and I agreed upon.
        I’m quite sure that you will try again to call me part of ‘the scam’, but I am definitely not. I’m not sure what you know what I don’t know but your loud shouting way of communicating and many repeats on this blog doesn’t help. Please come with facts.

        1. Peter Bishop
          I am blown away at the amount of time Zak spends rubbishing the trading firm and all out of suspicions he has regarding the way AionNext conducts business. If AionNext is such a big scamming operation, how come there is positive feedback given on various unrelated but reputable websites.
          I have been sitting back and waiting, watching and I personally do not detect illegal practices and I do believe that you are locked in to a 3 month contract before being allowed to withdrawal funds. This is a contract agreed between 2 parties.
          And I do think that telling the readers that I am not real but just AionNext Propaganda is so far from accurate it is just laughable. Get your facts straight sir, you clearly have too much time on your hands.
          If everyone who chooses to invest in the ability to have managed trades and succeeds, good on them, so long as they do their research thoroughly. Zak’s favorite word everyone is “scammer”

          Peter Bishop
          Hi Ray, I am considering investment options with Aionnext. Can I ask you, Did you end up with a successful withdrawal in the end?

          January 20, 2018 Reply

          Warning: The comment by Peter Bishop might be a fake because similar positive comments were posted via the same IP address and with different names.

          February 7, 2018 Reply

          wayne biela
          you are full of it PETER BISHOP I have photos of their scam in action and will show them to who ever wants to see the contact I sent the photos to support with a pease explain yer guess what never herd from them again your a FAKE

          As a customer with AionNext my experience with them is great sofar. I have both credited and debited my account with them multiple times via different routes: USDs both via bank transfer and credit card and BTC directly to and from my hardware wallet. Substantial retrievals from your account may indeed take a few business days which is in line with their terms and conditions and I have no problem with that. The website can certainly be improved and I do understand the ‘red flags’ that the author above sees, but I repeat their service has been great so far for me. They are also improving their website and communications and they keep me up to date very well via email notifications.

          December 15, 2017 Reply

          It’s not so black and white Zak. My name is Peter indeed and not the Peter Bishop elsewhere on this blog. I am a genuine person and NOT a scammer from the ‘same IP address’ for sure NOR ‘scum of the Earth’. When you start an account with AionNext you agree to the fixed period where you cannot make withdrawals, that’s a contract. During this time you can trade by yourself of let an account manager trade with or for you. For those trades I insisted to be there with them on the platform and watch what they were doing. I checked all trades life against the actual Poloniex Bid and Ask prices which is their data source. Everything matched 100% and I made decent profits in nearly every session, thanks to low commissions and some leverage that the trader and I agreed upon.
          I’m quite sure that you will try again to call me part of ‘the scam’, but I am definitely not. I’m not sure what you know what I don’t know but your loud shouting way of communicating and many repeats on this blog doesn’t help. Please come with facts.
          march 22-3-18

          March 22, 2018 Reply
          wayne biela
          YES I can back ZAC on this one it is PETER BISHOP is fake I have photos of their scam in action so your full of crap peter if anyone wishes to see them bielawj@hotmail is my contact I sent the photos to aionnext support with a please explain and guess what never herd from them again

          Dear Peter Bishop

          Not so black & white? What is there some grey area I’m unfamilar with? What are the chances AionRats have 2 clients named Peter Bishop who has been trolling/promoting Aionnot here for so long? Anyone who promotes AionRats is a scammer period!
          What AionRat Trader are you referring about? None of AionRats have a trading licensed, AionRats aleded trading license’s have been investigated and don’t exist for any of the clowns at Aionnot! Please check yourself on Bit Trader Aionnext. No Western country has any documentation to give Aionrats any credibility. Another fact is $10-$400 isn’t low commission to use your own money at the start of trade, Aion Noot @ facebook, evidence on my account proves this. In 5 minutes I had lost $1500 just in commission to AionRats! What did AionRat do to deserve such exaggerated commission fees that you describe as low at the start of a trade I conducted myself, no leverage but massive commission making any profit impossible!! I stated before that I didn’t sign that joke of a contract, I knew it was to protect AionRats so they can defraud people then hide behind “rigged contract” as CEO Steve explained to me. He can charge whatever he wish’s, Why bother trading with risk when AionRats can just charge $400 in “commission”?? I noticed you went in depth with details of cross checking Poloniex, very strange that the only person that had faith in Aionnot went through all that trouble! You seem to be very familiar with AionRats, I doubt Aionnot have ever done that cross checking with any other client. I asked you for AionRats address number before but it seems that you don’t seem worried that you don’t know or care where your funds are located, It seems your an astute investor NOT! CEO Steve told me the numbers on AionNot can be manipulated, do you know something he dosn’t? doubt it!.
          So your basically gambling with AionRats ( unlicensed traders, with a high risk scam assessments evaluated by Bitcoinscam & Scam Trader!) You made money with AionRat? without low $400 commission? Seems like you have had a diffrent experiance to every other genuine customer, reg flag? And because you claim that you have made profit because your manipulated dashboard says so? I’m guessing if your genuine client you have never have had that said profit in your hand, as others have experienced/learnt the hard way? It’s beyond me that you claim I don’t have evidence despite other Aionnot victims having exactly the same experienced but not you?? Who was your unlicensed trader that made you decent profits? How much did you make & what was the commission charged? I asked you to inform me where you seen positive Aionnot reviews so I could correct them? I haven’t found any positive review that was genuine. I called you a scammer based on your rhetoric and have other genuine client agreed. To refresh your memory there are numerous posts by other clients defrauded by AionRats.

          Wagam, Wayne, Greg, Nisar, David x 2, Anabelle,Shaun, Graham, Jordache, Ann, Ed, Van, Hailey, Olu, Dr Irene, Micheal, Emeliano, Max , Basant along with myself, all genuine clients have all had similar experienced but I guess you missed every post but mine! I know AionRats have lost a lot of potential money they could have scammed if it wasn’t for me, am I suppose to feel bad about myself?
          I’m guessing Peter Bishop will be AionRats only client the way things are going Lmao. I don’t care if you wish to get scammed yourself, you have expressed how clever you are dealing with unlicensed traders who charged me $400 because they knew I wasn’t investing more. I’m sure if you keep stupid enough to reinvesting more than you withdraw then AionRats will string you along for as long as possible. AionRats don’t even have an address but I’m sure that isn’t a problem if your employed there, which I dare say is the case.

          My loud shouting a problem too? You do realise that you read my words & not hear them, but logic dosn’t seem to be your strength Peter. Nobody has ever made a similar comment about my shouting. Yes emotions affect my behaviour because AionRats stole 3k of my Btc. I’m sure your still watching my posts and its taken months for you to respond? AionNot is a scam & anyone endorsing it is scammer, probably Aionnext propaganda agin!
          I’m guessing you address me because I’ve exposed your scam and everyone is quoting me & asking for refunds. If thats the case Im happy to deprive AionRats of defrauding further victims. Please post your profits Peter & commission charged. Is you think that your going to discredit me despite evidence on Aion Noot Facebook & also Wayne being able to show AionRats defrauding on low commission. Just wait till other client learnt to look up their trade history & see where their $ they lost was commissioned to AionRats! Didn’t you hear AionRats derauded a client of $4k in just minutes yesterday? Sounds like AionRats want to escape the sinking ship, maybe you should join them Peter Bishop! I’m sure CEO Steve head trader will reward you for your propaganda after he finishes with Nicko. Just say his name with a (;, Im sure he will have his knee pads ready. Enjoy xx

    2. YES I can back ZAC on this one it is PETER BISHOP is fake I have photos of their scam in action so your full of crap peter if anyone wishes to see them bielawj@hotmail is my contact I sent the photos to aionnext support with a please explain and guess what never herd from them again

      1. Nice one Wayne, Peter is AionRat propaganda. Yeah after I found the low commission I spoke to CEO after the clowns on the scamming call where talking out of their ass. I spoke to CEo Steven Vulcan who thought he was so clever saying he could charge whatever he wished in commission, in an unregulated industry and a contract signed he thought he was bulletproof. Problem was I didn’t sign nothing nor send my KYC details. He wasn’t so confident then and was asking why I didn’t sign the contract. CEo Steve was butthurt that he thought he was right to rip me off without doing his research, namely learning I signed no contract. I have evidence on Aion Noot @ facebook, Wayne has screenshots, please explain how genuine customers are able to make a profit with these exaggerated commissions of $400 at beginning of trade? The only winner are AionRats. And you can take that to the bank, I mean that statement, not money to deposit to AionRat because accounts are constantly flagged for defrauding clients! Do you want screenshoots from the Commonweath Bank explaining that AionRats are fraudsters? Im only too happy to help clear any grey area, AionNot are SCAMMERS, who defraud clients on a daily basis. No AionRat employee “trader” has a trading license registered in any western country. Bit Trader has investigated AionRats and found NO license to call themselves traders exists. Verifying my belief that AionRats are degenerate gamblers with a -85% success rate. Peter is so astute businessman he dosn’t even care to know the address this scam operates from. Have you spoken to Ceo Steve about the commission he charges? You should he’s quite proud he can rip anyone off for any amount in commission and hides behind the contract. Keep scamming with AionRats Peter, who knows u might be their only satisfied customer/employee. I got charged $400 without leverage, I’d imagine a $4000 commission with leverage. Your not too smart if your using leverage, especially with AionRats. In 1 trade you will probably loss all your profits and end up owing AionRats money. Trading using leverage using unlicensed traders is the dumbest thing an imbecile can do! U can be wiped out in 1 trade! Peter good luck with your scamming methods, I’m sure u will be a millionaire in no time, scamming with AionRats.

  5. Hi to all. I’m Max from Australian. Above I made a comment in regards to my dissatisfaction over the software and subsequently made a request to have my money returned. The full amount was returned to me with in 5days.✌️
    The CEO made personal contact with me and wished me all the very best.
    Therefore I wish all Clint’s the very best with their own experiences with this company.

    1. Max you were spot on with your earlier post that these scammers need to be shut down ASAP.
      Again another satisfied who only after posting on this website did he get a refund. Aionnext made sure Max made amends for his earlier post so other their other scamming victims weren’t affected. Also wishing (CEO) Clint the best with his endeavour to scam more victims is poor form. It wasn’t much fun when it was your own money on the line Max, you don’t promote a scamming company. I’m sure Aionnext strongly encouraged you/ or made it a condition to getting a refund that you distant yourself from your original post where you wished to shut these scammers down.You wished Aionnext all the best in scamming other victims just for a refund. Poor form to promote scammers, when ur money was concerned you wanted to shut them down, then u got fortunate with a refund. A refund is the best result any of their victims can receive. I’m guessing you also didn’t reinvest. Enough said. Aionnext only refund victims if their investment isn’t much and future victims aren’t scared off. Thank bitcoin scam for your refund, that would be genuine.

      1. Hi

        Just letting everyone know that within a few hours the robot has just lost me $4,500.

        No surprise, as predicted.

        Beware anyone who’s thinking of investing in Aionnext DON’T DO IT!!!
        Complete scam.

        Waiting for my niece to come home from Australia, she works for the FSA so hoping she can steer me in the right direction.

        Graham Kilbourn

        1. Sad to hear that Graham, Have a look at the commissions you paid on your losing trades. I knew they where playing you for time as your 3 months lock in contract was due to expire. I can help you recover any losses that you transfered through ur credit card wo any details, as payment platform already has those. I bet Aionnot tried to discredit me and you learnt the hard way. Email me as Aionnot is watching this forum and I don’t want to give them the head up. Ur daughter can email me as I I reside in Australia.
          Best of luck mate

    1. Again another client that got full refund,We have a withdraw policy that 99.9% of our client are happy with.
      You where fully refund on this date :08/12/2017 16:10:52 470.00 Accepted
      Refund takes normally between 5-7 working days.
      We ask you to be patient and remember you can always contact us any time, 5 days a week.
      Good day

        1. Basant if these guy’s are really genuine you would have reinvested right? You got lucky are just very fortunate their other scamming victim’s money was used to pay you only because you mentioned it on this website. Just because you where an early investor and where making noise was the only reason you got anything, if they were genuine why did you have to post here? Sounds like Aionnext made sure after you got payed that you were expected to give a positive review feeding these scammers more victims. Aionnext genuine because you got your $500 back? Sad to see people sell out for Aionnext scammers, every other person wasn’t as fortunate, so don’t exaggerate the truth, other people lost plenty more than you and haven’t seen a penny. Aionnext are genuine SCAMMERS!

  6. It is a F__King scam ‘NO’ doubt about it in my mind. Close the F___kers down before many others end up losing their money.

    1. Dear Max,

      If our guess is right you are Max G from Australia.
      Withdraw went out on 4.12.2017(Created by Compliance Department at 04.12.2017 14:33:29 GMT
      Emailed client WD was approved)
      Yet again another bad review with no reason…client not patient enough…and obviously thanks to the “Amazing Review” that is above clients are getting paranoid.
      Dear client our support team is always for you 24/5 at
      If you have any decency Max, upon receiving the funds kindly have the courtesy to correct your comment.

      Thanks and Good day
      Team Aionnext

  7. Aionnext look like scam. I try to withdraw money out but I can’t. I put claim to department too many times but no answer. How can I get money back. Please advise me. Thanks

      1. This is a bit rich for Aionnext to claim their victim’s arn’t “genuine” and “honest” Im assuming Nguyen only got refunded after his post of bitcoin scam. Only after this occurred did Aionnext refund Nguyen. Yes the withdrawal is for display purpose’s only. It’s now February 3 months later and the withdrawal tab still is for show. At least Nguyen to his credit didn’t endorse or promote Aionnext scammers! Notice only the early investor’s got a refund, at the cost of later investors. Aionnext propaganda tried to put a spin on this post by claiming that the scammer’s are the genuine and honest which is a joke considering that they are genuine scammers, they haven’t an “honest” bone in their body. Can you be an honest Scammer? Doubt it!

        1. All these refunds are tiny amount of $500 just to bait other people in and for sure anyone can see that they forced these people to re-write their comment before getting paid, knowing the facts that these people are no good for them to sniff more money out off since they already know through this website that Aionnext is fraud and scammers. I just wish I had found this site on time before starting with them in December. There tricks paid off because those tiny refund of $500 fish they a lot of golds from other unaware victims like me.

          You can also tell from all these comments above that Aionnext scammers are reading this website everytime and trying to do damage-control in November 2017, which by the way was 2-months into their operation. Now, they don’t care anymore because they have plenty of fishes they’re dining with their money right now.

          1. joseph deguerre

            I have scaled o the bone I’m a pensioner they took everything they processed range VIP manager they got 226000.00 us dollars the minute I tried internets im n debt _17 $ w

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