AionNext Review – Cryptocurrency Trading Brokerage

AionNext ( is a relatively new cryptocurrency trading operation. As you will see below, there are several things about it which do not add up. In this review, we shall try to find out who runs this operation and we shall take a closer look at the above mentioned red flags. - AionNext

What is AionNext?

As said above, not much about this operation adds up…and that goes for the actual definition of what it is that it does, too. At first glance, AionNext seems to be some type of a cryptocurrency exchange, which lets traders purchase and trade a selection of cryptos, covering bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Dash. The site also offers some type of a High Frequency Trading-focused automated trader, which is allegedly capable of success rates of 87%.

To top it all off, the Ainonnext homepage also boasts some sort of mining capabilities, which take advantage of some type of algorithmic mining technology that will somehow “ensure the best cryptocurrency trading profits” for AionNext clients. Not only does all this not make any sense, there’s no proof provided for any of these claims, in any shape or form, anywhere at the site.

The cherry on the cake is an alleged wallet service, also offered by AionNext, about which not much is shared, beyond the fact that it makes use of an “offline Coin Vault.”

Should I Trust AionNext?

Based on what we’re about to discuss below, the answer to that question would have to be no.

Red Flags and Question Marks

Where to begin? Although professional-looking at first glance, the AionNext website – including its homepage – is nothing more than a haphazardly tossed-together, sophomoric attempt at creating some sort of cryptocurrency-focused content. Not only is the grammar simply atrocious, words are misspelled (Ethereum is actually called “Eterium”), and some paragraphs make no sense whatsoever. They look more like the rumblings of a diseased mind, rather than the simple, informative copy one would expect from a professionally run operation.

Why is all this important? Ask yourself this: have you ever seen a legitimate, reputable and serious operation of the type AionNext is trying to portray itself as, which featured such atrocious webpage copy?

This is just the tip of the AionNext red flag iceberg though. The auto trader that they offer is supposedly AI and machine-learning based, and that’s always a giant red flag in our book, especially when it comes with no technical details or any sort of proof of technology. This AI auto-trading lie has been used and re-used so many times by the scam industry, its presence has become little more than a bad joke for most experienced scam reviewers. The signals offered by AionNext claim a success-rate of 87%, which is a bit too-good-to-be-true as well.

The About Us page of the site offers absolutely no information on who runs this business. In this day and age, and in an industry so riddled with scams of all types, providing a proper look at the corporate entity and people behind a project, should be a bare minimum requirement.

The site claims that AionNext has been an industry-leading Forex brokerage since 2000. That is a bit far-fetched indeed, given how there’s almost no information about the operation available out there. The web domain on which it is currently hosted, was created in July 2017, and the name of the registrant is private. The site has been registered from Panama: not exactly the most trustworthy jurisdiction, when it comes to peddling crypto currency auto-trading.

While the operation claims to observe proper AML and KYC policies, its policies regarding withdrawals can only be described as a train wreck. When someone tells you that “The account must be traded before the principal withdrawal is permitted”, you should indeed think twice about making a deposit there. Also, there are strict, 3-month, 6-month and even 12-month withdrawal restrictions on the various trading accounts offered by AionNext. They feature HFT accounts, PAMM ones and fully automated high-speed crypto accounts, for which the withdrawal restriction is set to 12 months. Essentially, no matter which account you sign up for, you will have your funds locked up for a minimum of 3, and a maximum of 12 months.

AionNext’s Background

Despite the fact that almost no information is provided about the people behind the operation, we’ve done our homework and came up with a possible lead in this regard. Let us first see what we do know though. According to the site, the company behind AionNext is one called Digital Hestia Ltd. based in the Marshall Islands. The street address is Ajeltake Road, and there is no house/apartment number provided. Interestingly, but unsurprisingly, the internet does not seem to know anything about this Digital Hestia Ltd. The contact phone number provided is +442038689927.

We’ve managed to find a press release about AionNext, which features faulty grammar, similar to the webpage copy, and which describes the operation, linking to its website, and reiterating the claim that the brokerage was founded in 2000.

This press release is dated September 26, 2017 – which fits the above discussed domain registration data nicely. At the bottom, there’s a name given under the Contacts heading: Frederick Marshall. The phone number provided for Mr. Marshall is the same as the above one.

Who is Frederick Marshall? He seems to be an online trading guru, specializing in various auto-trading solutions. We have no idea if he is indeed the real deal that he claims to be. What we do know though is that he peddles a massive variety of deals, at least one of which claims to make him $80 per hour, through his cell phone, while he is at the beach.


Given the actual age of the operation (which is likely 4 months) and the unconvincing nature of its pitch, it is safe to assume not many people have registered with it. As such, there’s no actual user feedback available either.


As of November 16, 2017, was not a very popular site. Their global SimilarWeb rank was 1,617,793 and much of their traffic came from Belarus.

AionNext’s Response to this Review

In general the entire review is based on a conspiracy theory rather than pure facts. AionNext is a “New” and highly financially backed Crypto currency trading platform. Our motto is to provide our traders with a professional and user friendly trading experience and constantly improve our technology. As for now AionNext is in a continuous growth as its fueled on:
A. Investor money. Money which was crowd-funded for AionNext establishment.
B. Commissions structure. AionNext charges a small commission for each and every trade a client is taking on our platform.

AionNext Review Conclusion

While we cannot call AionNext a straight-up scam, we have to call it very suspicious indeed. This operation rings all sorts of alarm bells and raises a variety of red flags as detailed above. We would keep our currency – fiat or crypto – well away from it.

Do you have any feedback about AionNext? Please share it with us by leaving a comment below!

Thank you for reading our AionNext review. For legitimate alternatives, visit our cryptocurrency day trading page. Feel free to subscribe to in order to receive our reviews directly to your e-mailbox.

252 thoughts on “AionNext Review – Cryptocurrency Trading Brokerage”

  1. everyone lets get it out there spread the word aionnext must go down before anyone elsa looses money Nicko luzenao or what ever your name your a pethedic excuse for a boy that lives off of other ppls hard earned money

    1. I think that Aionnext is broke, the house of cards is going to crash! All their existing customers know not to reinvest & potential victims wouldn’t flush their money down the Aionnext toilet. I got my refund yesterday but not through Aionnext, hope everyone does the same. Aionnext will soon close down. They will no doubt rebrand and start all over again. There game under the name Aionnext is over. They will be in the same position they where 4 months ago when they started Aionot. I don’t know all the previous names that they have gone by. Sham is that they will rebrand and start this process of scamming again. It’s hard for them to sell bullshit when we have brought attention to it. Bye bye Aionnot, can’t say I’ll miss you. It’s hard to pump something that has a massive hole in it. I told you I’d shut you down by spreading the truth to all investors & stopping future victims to your SCAM! Kim alway’s mad & she wasn’t finacially invested, think she’s on her period 24/7, I know Kim the truth hurts! Imagine the pain your victims have felt. AIONNOT ROT IN HELL

    2. If anyone wants to contact the “CEO” of this scam his email is He’s a quiet delusional and claims the title “Head Broker” of Aionnext (AX) , If anyone wants to contact the number 1 scam head trader in Bulgaria! Yes its a scam, yes numbers can be manipulate,he can charge whatever commission he wishes. He was quite honest to my surprise. He wan’t me to stop ruing his scam, I’m guessing it’s hard to scam people who ask complicated question like why haven’t you a number at address? It was during that conversation I realised that aionnot wasn’t successfully scamming enough $ to remain profitable under the Aionnot name, scamming hasn’t been so successful for them since my reviews and they didn’t have my money (2K Btc) to appease me to stop posting. Instead he offered to return it in 1/2/3 weeks, I said I doubted he be around in 3 days. Next day I hear person post their accounts draining funds. I then realised the dump was on. Account is drained because of massive commission rates, all 100% profit for Aionnot, not due to losses on trades. This scam is done until Aionnot because when the market 5 days ago AX held onto $10k Btc when it dropped and now it’s only worth 8k, -20%! Thats why they are so desperation, they don’t know when to hold or when to teather. All they know is how to SCAM!

      1. because the market crashed 5 days ago* If they had tethered they would be in great profit and not so desperate to extort more funds from their victims

      2. Our CEO Steve is exploiting the unregulated laws of crypto economy, so everything he is doing is fine! The reason they operate from Bulgaria? Well Bulgaria has a developing high underground financial economy. Criminals like Steve starts “company” there because it’s relatively safe there for him to operate. Bulgaria has highly corrupt with their authorities, and don’t have the resources to shut down this massive blackmarket economy. And only shut down easy to prove cases. That’s why Aionnext doesn’t have an address! If Aionnot had an address authorities could pay him a visit! Without an address they wouldn’t even bother trying, following an IP address is obviously more time consuming. Google KYC laws Bulgaria and you will see for yourself. Thats why they use private numbers or fake number’s in victims country. Do you think reputable business do that? Do you think you can proceed with a lawsuit if you haven’t got an address to send the subpoena? Of course not! Sorry to break it to you, that’s why they claim to be in London, because an operation would be shut down because England have the resource’s and aren’t corrupt, Aionnot would not survive in a westernised country, it would be shut down because even with IP address England has resources to find Steve! So it all fits together nicely for Steve being in Bulgaria, and not say London. I hope everyone who reads this understands the situation, and don’t fall for Aionnot’s propaganda about having offices in Bulgaria & London, it’s just Bulgaria. Were dealing with criminal scammer’s. Do you expect them to be honest in an unregulated industry where it’s easy to scam you? Do you own research, sorry if nobody brought it to your attention before. AIONNOT ROT IN HELL

          1. The only way to get a refund isn’t through, banks don’t work with scams like Aionnext and they need a reputable company to transfer funds. That’s how I got refunded, no credit card details required. I hope others follow suit.

          2. Create facebook page showing aionnext scam with screenshots of extremely high commission fees Aion Not Let the numbers do the talking. No one could make a profit unless it’s anionnot

        1. Does anyone know where there office is in London as I’m going over next week to visit familly, I’ll take care of Steve once and for all

          1. Hi Carl, CryptoPremier is now AionRats new scamming site, Premier Rats! I hope you find Steve the P.O.S & his vermin scammers. Their address on Premier rats is also obviously fake, guess his scared. If you used your debit/credit card then a refund is highly possible if you contact me. Best wishes in finding Steve, that rodent is in Bulgaria. Hiding like a little bitch!

    3. I created a Facebook page called Aion Not , please feel free to have a look at the screen shots of their scam commissions. Please before people invest have a look at the scam in the numbers. This scam needs to be shut down!


        Sent with Mailtrack

        On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 2:30 AM,
        hi Alexa. Please can I have the money back to my card which you promised would be refunded after 5 working days on tuesday last week. thanks

        On Monday, February 19, 2018, 12:41:33 PM GMT, Alexa Zultan wrote:

        my skype is
        Alexa Zultan
        Account Manager – VIP Division


        email no 2

        Thursday, February 8, 2018, 2:09:29 PM GMT, Alexa Zultan wrote:


        My name is ALEXA ZOLTAN,
        I’m the floor manager For VIP Accounts in Aionnext investment.
        Your account was assigned under my portfolio and I have been trying to reach several times today but unfortunately you didn’t answer.

        There are very good opportunity especially this time of the year.
        Send me an email when it will be comfortable time to speak, and I would like to show you the manner in which we will be working in order to generate profits on a monthly and annually basis.

        Since my success rate of the previous fiscal year of 2016 is 83%, I have composed a trading plan in order to receive a 28%-31% ROI (return on investment) on a monthly basis.

        As a senior broker and qualified market analyst with over 14 years’ experience, I have created a specialized program to guide your every step towards profits.
        The trading plan is as follows – this will be a 3 up 6 months plan:

        You will invest at the value of one of the TEST account types : t-types

        There are Four necessary rules to work with me:

        1. Every trade is based on an educated decision, never a gamble!
        We work with the latest technology with the upgraded algorithm every day.

        2. Greed is not welcomed – once we reach our target, we stop trading.

        3. Healthy account – funds, money management and risk management.

        4. My name With a huge smile 🙂

        We work on diversified plans in the period of 3-6 months using only 55% of your total capital during a trading session.
        A trading session is Between 3-12 trades,

        By working in this manner, we can generate a return on investment (ROI) of 28%-31% on a monthly basis that compounds on its self-up to the 3th up to 6th month point, (it is Depending on the type of account you choose)
        At this point you will withdraw your investment and work on profits alone in order to place you in the most secure position trading in the Crypto currency market.
        CAGR (Command Annual Growth Rate) – we will work on the account till the end of this fiscal year to receive a total profit in % of minimum 340% of your investment,

        If you ask what is the maximum you can earn?
        Even the sky is no longer the limit 🙂
        In 2017 by now the BTC has risen more than 1000%
        This year we are watching a whole lot more,
        I am here for any question or request,
        Good luck
        email no 3


        Please follow the instructions provided below to login to your account.

        Click on the following link: AionNext

        Email: Put in your email (the one that you received this email on)
        Password: Put in your password (the one you used the last time you logged in)

        *In the case that you have forgotten your password, a temporary one can be generated at your request.

        Dimitri Grunin
        Wealth Manager.
        Phone:442038689927 ext: 2002.
        Link: AionNext

        as just scammed few weeks ago and have requested for a refund from a female staff of theirs called Alexa Zultan but sounded like a male on phone. I was about to pay in but mistakenly gave them my card details which they withdraw money immediatel i credited it for other things without me telling them to take the money ….this is the messages from this people

        1. Lmao Alexa Zultan, what kind of BS name is that? Sounds transgender! Yeah they did that too me with credit card. Don’t believe a word of their BS, they are just scammers who charge $400 commission rates. Yeah superior technology like “bots” that drain clients accounts? Where Kim Specter I thought she was VIP scammer, another accident I hope. Alexa or whatever his name is will never give you a cent of your refund, not how scammers work. When you through with Aionnot I’ll help. Say my name with 🙂 WTF? Aionnot arn’t greedy, they just take all your money, their douchebag scammers based in Bulgaria. If she’s so great at trading why is she scamming $ over the phone? What is she doing in Bulgaria, the Scammers paradise? Yeah I can get u a refund but Alexa will prolly be mad. lol

        2. Ann don’t send these scammers ur KYC details or sign any contract, They just want ur money and will ask for more before draining your account. Because I had a good lol at their email I can help get u a refund without Aionnot authority. What they did to you is nothing new, these are scammers, call your bank and get the credit card transaction cancelled. if within 3 days it should fix it. Otherwise refund through payment platform is possible. Best of luck Ann.

          1. My Facebook page is Aion Noot have a look at $400 commission rate to Aionnot for just trading on their exchange. Don’t bother using thie platform, that way they can blame u for losing all ur money. I hope u have read other reviews and relise this is a scam and the only ppl profiting is Aionnot. Alexa won’t part with a penny. Why didn’t u read this thread before u spoke to them? I can help get ur refunded credit card in 5 minutes, just ask Aionnot. Best of Luck

          2. Every trade is educated not just a gamble? lmao, why put Dave & Graham on stupid bots that lead to them losing all their investment u douchebags. Lying scum Aionnot

        3. Hi Ann, thanks for your great posts, I see Alexia has embraced Sype, can you please skype it & record everything. I need any images of these scamming cockroaches, get as much info possible because it will help authorities find these scammers if they have previous offences & it will also help prosecute them for all violations they are infringing. You only invested $500 usd, tell them if they don’t refund you that I’ll get you a result. But I want any evidence you can record, authorities are keen to audit Aionnext & prosecute them for all violations they infringed while stealing off me. They still have my 3k Btc and with blockchain technology know account it was sent to. Get a shot of Nicko Lucinao too, he scammed more ppl than I can count.Don’t expect Aionnext to give you a refund, they are dumb scammers gambling on crypto market & don’t understand the concept of making a profit no matter whatever they claim. The skys the limit? That statement applies to scammers, as no client has every received a profit and with a unforgiving market it’s ridiculous to make that statement unless ur scamming. Also when I coin pumps, Aionnext then close trade cause who wants to make a massive profit? Not Aionnext for genuine clients! Alexa why don’t u mention cheap $400 commission for using this scamming exchange? Binance is 0.013% and Aionnext is 1000000000% higher fee thats got to be a selling point right? Also 340% minimum profit? Wow quite a statement? Only scammers would make figures like that as if they control the market! The sky is’nt Aionnext limit, the sewerage is! Ever investment with Aionext is def gamble, on which Aionext can’t lose with whatever commission they wish to charge, especially on lost trades. Plenty of people have been put on bots which ended in 100% loss in reality. Where is Kim Specter Alexa, the scammer u replaced at ur BS VIP title? Did she also have an accident? 86% success rate in 2016? Lmao most alt’s from 2016 arn’t around nowadays such BS!. Why if your a genius trader do you spend all your time scamming over the phone? Alleging you would be the most successful trader in cyrpto market, forget Warren Buffet Alexa is the man! Why does such a successful Aionnext with 85% success rate need to steal my 3k BTC??? Alexa must be a multi millionaire & trading guru, yet she just answers the phone to a scam in Bulgaria. Do you blame Ann for not answering phone to listen to this BS!?? Why don’t you release your address number ?? Funny how u claim all these fancy numbers but an address number is beyond your brain capacity! Give Ann her refund, she knows ur scammers and buying Aionnext BS! Let me guess Aionot isn’t good for $500 USD right? Aionnot vermin are so desperate after everybody knows their scamming/criminal behaviour, who wants to do business with scammers??
          Anyone that contacts Aionnext please use Skype & record images, they have your details and you should have theirs! I’m also willing to arranging to pay someone to visit Aionnext, to thank these scammers personally, Skype pics are needed for verification of these scamming rats! I don’t just want them prosecuted, I want them eliminated from scamming period! Good Luck Ann, glad to know ur too smart not to waste your time listening these good for nothing scammers. It’s obvious their current clients are very limited & that’s why they put all this effort in for $500 USD, desperate much Aionnot? Douchebags pls give ur address, your allegedly so successful & have so many satisfied customers, so why hide ur location/address in Bulgaria? Did Nicko have an accident too? One can only hope, karma is real, explains why you can’t make a profit using other peoples money, and why every client gets scammed with $400 commission, and money must be traded so Aionot can benefit from people paying btw $10-$400+ commission, Otherwise the “bot” can zero accounts in days, no gamble involved, its so rigged investors are better of at a genuine casino! Unregulated markets are scammers paradise, especially if their “contracts” are signed, I don’t remember signing that contract never the less you still laundered/stole my money. What chance do those who have actually signed a contract have? Im going to enjoy helping recover refunds on credit cards and scamming Aionext criminals. The fact ur still scamming is shameful! Dumbest scammers who scammed a million USD and lost 4/5 of it, 85% success rate at losing trades otherwise you would be doubling/ tripling millions! Is that the case? Degenerate gamblers at Aionnext can’t read a market and for them it’s not really gambling bc if it isn’t your own money right? It’s money Aionnext scammed & lock up for 3-6 months minimum, at a company with no address or information revealing who these monkeys are. Make all the BS claims to entice honest investors to part with fund ect life savings, and then rob them blind while expecting the victims to smile at the criminal defrauders. No bank in Australia want to do business with you and if it worn’t for that devious payment platform your scamming capability would be eradicated. Only able to scam crypto deposits, like mine.
          Please respond Aionnext if I’ve left anything out, or you disagree to any allegation Aionnext, i know clearing ur name is essential for your scam to continue under Aionnot name. Hope everyone effected by this scam all the luck to limit their losses to these Aionnoot rodents, and recover what they can if they put in the effort. Aionnext Im sure want you to walk away without attempting any recourse. It’s actually karma that Aionext scammed me, which caused me to learn first hand how refund are possible and spread the good word to others who wouldn’t have dreamt of refund on credit cards being possible without Aionnext involvement! Once people start getting refunded beyond Aionnot’s control then this scam won’t be effective and will disappear and rebrand. Watch this space.
          Aionnot to be trusted, should be ur motto
          Pls Skype & record these douchebags, With a decent Btc reward they will be quite famous and endangered. Otherwise with an address authorities may protect them in Bulgarian custody. Aionnext scammers life is cheap and worthless. This scam needs to be shut down, but not before a visit from fellow Bulgarian criminals talented in the act of persuading Aionnext scammers disclose their Btc/Eth wallet address, Binance account’s. Bulgaria is full of colourful characters my Bulgarian friends have great contacts & we have spoken to some who would love the opportunity to find these scamming rats and to persuade these Aionnot rats to find Jesus, Bulgarian style! Can’t say it will be a sad day if Aionnext scammers close’s down because of unfortunate scam related accidents. Aionnnot underestimated my persistence, I worked out refunds are possible to their disbelief, enticing dangerous criminals to visit Aionnot, what they do is not my responsibility, Bulgaria has its own criminal code and if/when Aionnot go running to authorities, then justice can take its course. Genius part of operation is that this will pay for itself, any extra $ will be returned to Aionnot victims. That’s the thing wo KYC details, these douchebags scammers don’t know or care who they defraud, I could be part of terrorist syndicate, drug cartel or hitman. Usually scammers are lightweight criminals, similar to pickpockets with I.P address & can’t handle the blood & violence of standover criminals. It’s coming together, photos required and after results are posted and then Monaro reward will be payed to these wonderful Bulgarian enforces. They have already offered to Skype their work live, isn’t Bulgaria wonderful? Criminals so considerate, unlike Aionnext rats.
          Aionnext stole my Btc, defrauded peoples lifesavings and lead to countless financial misery, any help with identification (Skype ect, Nick & Steve, even tranny Alexa, Kim, Jessica, Liz )(“insert alias here”). Aionnext you defrauding intelligent people with contacts in the country you operate ur scam is karma. Give me a week and you will all be touched. God bless

          1. Bulgaria is such a violent place, human trafficking, money lauding for terrorism, drugs, human organs. Are you scammers in good health? If Btc/Eth ect not recovered there are other ways to earn $!
            You scum won’t missed, the scamming life is full of dangerous people & Bulgarian is no exception! Amazing what $500 USD will buy you in Bulgaria, great conversion rate no doubt, 935 Bulgarian Lev, sounds fancy! As u know my European background is an asset when dealing with fellow europeans. Their is a big diff between robbing a bank (insured) compared to honest people just wanting financial security. You have scammed Bulgarian people & appalled Bulgarian badasses who wish to visit u all. Foreigners u scum (English Poms) Liz/Jessica for her terrible Pommy accent, Nicko Dicko Lucino (Italian/topnotch wanker) ) Kim Specter (Feral Pig) Steve (Docile Ceo). yes authorities are corrupt but Bulgarian Standover men arn’t t. If Bulgarian Politicians are targeted by hit men, I dare say aionnext scammers too wouldn’t be safe, Aionnot Rats won’t make headlines in newspapers though, scammers arn’t an endangered species, especially Aionnext rodents. Serb, Albanians, Kosovos, Croats, Greek, Russians & Bulgarians, Balkans, love the free market!. So many potential contacts that would love this opportunity to find Aionnot personally to invest!, it’s just typical business in Bulgaria. If it’s a crime I’m sure authorities have their price, or too many victims/suspects of aionnext scam, everyone has their price in Bulgaria, life’s cheap and interest is high because of Monero involved, great investment, great team! Im wondering if Aionnext get scammed/robbed/extorted would they go to authorities? Hopefully. lol. Whoever they blame it comes with the territory of money laundering from terrorism, drug trafficking and human trafficking ect. I’m sure there might be a long line of scammed victims arranging the same thing for Aionnext. Great minds think alike I guess. Don’t be surprised when u get a visit in ur apartments. These investors like to do their investing personally, and your scamming BS won’t be as effective, unlike usual business scamming over phone overseas. Return all $ scammed to victims now! I doubts feral rats at Aionnext know anything apart from greed and their greed will be the death of them. Pls say my name with a (: during ur visit, it’s just fair. It takes 4 rats to run 1 scam, answering phone & scamming must be such a talent. Who’s was the genuine who wrote that BS Alexa attached to email? Lmao. No trading involved unless it on scammers personal Binance ect.U know theres no honour amongst thieves/scammers. Aionnot rats financially ruin ppl daily!, Scamming will be detrimental to ur health/life don’t say u worn’t warned, scam the wrong person, take all their life savings and don’t be suprised what ppl are capable off if given the chance. I’m hiring a private investigator to find ur stinking scamming asses. Aionnext need to be held accountable, pls hand yourself into authorities otherwise don’t complain after your visited. When hiring private investigator locates your address. Don’t worry I won’t call authorities, there are better alternatives. Don’t think you can scam ppl in real life without repercussions, u think ur an endangered species? Usually u need a bad ppl to get rid of worse ppl in a corrupt country such as Bulgaria. U scammers are the worse parasites, leaching off others because u all at Aionnot are unskilled douchebags & too dumb for western countries, so off to Bulgaria to scam honest ppl wealth. Make up ur our stats and scam ppl to believe ur delusions of grandeur, make claims that u can make so much money and that’s why ur on the phone begging for money, opposed to not using ur fictional money to trade. Tell ppl u made them 10k them pump them for more! Don’t explain why u can’t reinvest that said 10k bc it’s also fictional! Im so glad that’s where u chose to operate from Bulgaria, so much talent available at cheap rates. Such a dangerous place and when Im informed of ur addresses expect a visit from a satified client,( if one exist) and they want to thank you personally! U lost ppl life saving and then u want them to mention ur name with a smile! Scamming must make 1 delusional, I’m sure they will be smiling when they get hold of you, though I can’t say the same for the scamming rodents. It’s long overdue, I hope some victim uses Monero to make this a reality. The Scamming life should be dangerous, especially in Bulgaria. Aionnot are long over due, soon they will be put out of business, carried by 6 if need be. Whatever it takes it will be worth it, These vermin need extermination as the Bulgarian authorities are too corrupt, under resourced, their are many ways to kill a snake like Aionnext. Put a price on these scammers and let the market do the rest. i don’t usually say things like this but these scammers are evil, callous, greedy psychopaths who can’t scam enough. Every day they ruin someone financially, life saving’s, bank loans and leave in their wake untold misery & financial loses. What comes around must go around, it’s time to stop them spreading misery for their daily $ benefit. Enjoy the money u rats, u will get ur’s soon. Authorities I doubt wouldn’t even investigate these rats if they they meet their demise. You can’t ruin ppl lives daily and expect to be protected like an endangered species. Aionnext is similar to the Dodo, similar IQ & outcome. Unlike the Dodo, Aionnext won’t be missed, plenty more rats to replace them. Aionnext are all rats! Always scamming for more cheese / money! The plague similar to Aionnot needs to be eradicated. Bulgaria is head of EU atm, what a joke the EU is when scum like Aionnext use it HQ as a haven for scammers, glad I’m not part of that EU. A George Sorros Scam destabilising europe and helping criminals like Aionnext to operate from. Lucily private detectives are relatively cheap in this shithole, I mean Bulgaria. lol

          2. Hi Zak,

            I am in the same position mate, i was scammed through Jessica Silver???,

            Is there any way to recall the lost money? Is it worth getting the bank to chase it up through trading company they used Digi???

            Once my money was put into the robot trading they sold my bitcoin and started trading and the money went pretty quickly,

            Any help from you would be appreciated, thanks


        1. Yeah after I got my refund AionRats changed their method of transactions. They have eliminated Digi as merchant name to a random account number. I knew Aionnot was going to make refunds as difficult as possible after my 10k credit card refund, Steve denied to refund a cent, had to break it to the dopey rat that I had already got there with a refund. He then asked me to email him and explain how I did it, what a tool! Wayne I respect all your effort in spreading the word on Aionnot scam that if you email me I’ll do what I can to get you refunded. You too Shaun email me and lets try to get a result without Aionnot disproval! Best of luck guys!


  3. Graham Kilbourn

    Hi Everyone

    Just keeping you all updated on what’s happened since I left my first comment.

    Jessica, who is my account analysist, called me the next day. She tried to explain that I was made aware that after investing 5,000 USD that after one month if I did invest another 10,000 USD silver account or 20,000 gold account, I would be put on a robot. She said if this happens I will lose the money I had already invested. My account (supposedly) is at 11,800 USD, so I said give me my 5,500 USD back and keep the profit. I was told that it doesn’t work like that.

    Was anyone else aware of this because I certainly wasn’t. I wasn’t even aware that after parting with my first 500 USD that I would then have to put another 5,000 USD in for her to trade for me.

    I’m starting to think that the dashboard we all look at is just a load of numbers and mean absolutely nothing.

    Basically on Monday, my account goes on to the robot, I will keep everyone updated with what happens.

    I would appreciate any comments you all have.

    Graham Kilbourn

    1. Dave

      Hi Everyone;

      I’m watching trades transacted on my account and losses accruing as I am typing this message. None of these trades are made by me or authorized by me. It looks like we all have similar experiences. I expect by the end of the day the account will be wiped out. Similar experience with pressure to deposit additional funds.

      Sad times.

      1. Demand they liquidate your account now! Aionnot is clearly manipulating the numbers to
        so you believe your losing money. Email me if you payed using credit card

      2. The sad time was when you invested in this scam, Yes it’s a sad day when you learn you invested in a scam too, but every genuine customer get’s scammed by huge ($400) commission or whatever they wish to charge. You where always going to lose the day you invested. At least when they call trying to scam more money off you tell them where to shove it. Aion Noot facebook, have a look at there scam commissions. Don’t belive you lost on trades, it’s all commission straight to Aionnot. Bulgaria the capital of online scammers! They can’t afford to even make up a number in their address because whoever resides there would be in danger to the victims of this scam! Sad day, even more sadder had you reinvested! The only way to get anything back is if you used your credit card. I got refund and will post the refund approval on Aion Noot. If others did the same at least they would see some of the capital returned. Banks don’t work with scum like this so you go after their payment platform, after threatening with a lawsuit they just asked me to hit reply for a refund. These scambag scammers still have my Btc, that Im sure they lost already. At least I got majority of my capital refunded without Aion Noot even being informed. When I scammed my money back from the scammers, that was priceless!

      3. yes the same has happened to me I have some great photos of it in action losses of 1300 one for 464 in 15 seconds and one for 884 in 28 seconds I keep the photos so anyone wanting to see them contact I sent the photos to support with a please explain ha ha never herd from them again

    2. email me if you want a refund if credit card was used with Aionnot, the sooner the better as this “scam” will soon disappear, I know because I’ve spoken to their irrelevant CEO last night

    3. Whatever they promise is bullshit! It’s 100% scam and the only winner is Aionnot! You think professional traders operate from Bulgaria the capital of the world in online scammers? The commission rate which they can manipulate leaves every genuine client broke before the 3 month limit. Check out Aion Noot on facebook and you can see their commission fees on my account. took screenshots, It’s such a scam run buy manipulative cockroaches like Steve,Nick, Kim & Elizabath! They are SCUM of the Earth! and need to be exterminated asap!

    4. Hi Graham,
      I had the same situation. I signed with them later Nov/Dec with 8K. Since then I had 3 account manager. I received a call from Jessica S saying that my first manager Vicent C had an accident and she was taking over. She called me also to talk about my goals and all that bullshit and saying that she had good news and bad news. Bad news was if no more funds were deposited it will go under a robot and the good news was that she will nominate a Junior trader Steve V. He called me once to introduce him self and since then no more contact. My account went from 10K (made 2K in the booming time of crypto) and 1.3K expecting to be liquidated anytime my account soon.
      I requested to close the account but was told not the way it works. Earliest I can withdraw is March and by then will be dry.
      Watching the account go down is very frustrating. Latest trade was a loss of $1000 buying LTC/USD with an opening price of $259?? and close of $159. WTF?
      Tried to contact the company to get the account closed but no luck.
      Good luck and hope you can come out ok.

      1. Hi everyone, spoke to Jessica today. My account is now on the robot because I won’t part with anymore money (please take note of this if you are thinking of investing) so I will keep everyone updated daily with how it’s doing. As anyone who has already invested with this company knows it won’t be good news.

        Out of curiosity after being told by Jessica that they have thousands of happy clients, could just one genuine person get in touch about a good experience with this company (no Aionnet employees).

        Graham Kilbourn

          1. They will have 1 happy client, the day pigs fly! They are scammers operating in Bulgaria, and are pissed off now that ur onto their scam! Did the she the commisson charged on Aion noot @ facebook. Other ppl though thy had great profits, then the account gets drained with their bogus cheap commission. Imagine being fooled by these monkeys for 3 months?

          2. How do people who have accidents loss there job like this? Steve who in a few weeks went from junior trader to head trader & CEO?
            Only in a scam do people get promoted so quick and having an accident with no additional detail necessary. I guessing it was a work related accident in the scam industry. Hope nobody reinvest! What was the commission during your loss trade? Thats the kicker ED. U will notice that the commission even when you lose $ is extremely ridiculously high, even when u loss during trade. Making only winner AionX scammers!

        1. Hi All

          Lost over $500 on the first day with the robot. Three trades lost and it has now automatically opened three more. No say in the matter.

          Will update tomorrow. What evil, greedy people Aionnext are!!!

          Graham Kilbourn

          1. AionX & Bitconnet are very similar scam! both alleged useing auto trading bot, both are scams! we now what happened to Bitconnect & hopefully AionX will follow suit. Target their payment plaform for a refund if you used w AionX SCAMMERS!

          2. calling them ppl is unfair to good ppl, I would compare those who work at AionX as cockroaches, rats and other vermin. Amassing at how effect that bot is at losing so much money at huge commission to AionX! With todays gains WTF? AionX are greedy SCAMMERS, Im still waiting for 1 genuine customer to report a profit, not holding my breath though. AionX SCAMMERS

          3. I am blown away at the amount of time Zak spends rubbishing the trading firm and all out of suspicions he has regarding the way AionNext conducts business. If AionNext is such a big scamming operation, how come there is positive feedback given on various unrelated but reputable websites.
            I have been sitting back and waiting, watching and I personally do not detect illegal practices and I do believe that you are locked in to a 3 month contract before being allowed to withdrawal funds. This is a contract agreed between 2 parties.
            And I do think that telling the readers that I am not real but just AionNext Propaganda is so far from accurate it is just laughable. Get your facts straight sir, you clearly have too much time on your hands.
            If everyone who chooses to invest in the ability to have managed trades and succeeds, good on them, so long as they do their research thoroughly. Zak’s favorite word everyone is “scammer”

          4. You are so full of shit you guys are a fucken scam you guy steal money from hard working ppl that want to get ahead but instead grt fucked over by scum of the earth everyone there is lots of safe low commision sites to use where you arr in control ofyour money these guus dont even have an app and by now you would think they would have given up so again i warn AIONEXT you will only loose

          5. Peter Bishop is clearly delusional Aionnot propaganda! It took long enough for AionX scammers to just wait and watch. I know their is illegal action happening at Aionnot scam. Don’t reputable traders need KYC details? Because they took my $ violating all those laws and are violating laws ect money laundry, tax avasion, dealing with the proceeds of terrorism money, drug $, ect! I didn’t sign no contact so why do they demand they can keep it for 3 months? Why don’t they have a number to their business address?? In an unregulated industry online scams based themselves in Bulgaria Eastern backward country that’s corrupt and lawless. Didn’t you reply as to a previous post bringing attention to the withdrawal feature not working and you claimed you would bring it to Aionnot attention? Before I even stared posting? Why do positive reviews under fictional names come from same IP address? How much money have you made, cause all genuine customers have learnt the hard way that Aionnot is a scam! They are vermin who authorities need to shut down! If only Idf only I had a number to their address in Bulgaria. Yes I have contacted authorities about Aionnot KYC violations and will prosecute them but without an address it buy’s Aionnot more time to scam. Peter you seem to know Aionnot so well I’m sure, If you are a genuine customer you must be an imbecile and I can’t help mental issues. Funny how your previous reply watch attached to a customer dissatisfied w Aionnot scam. You seem to spend more time here trolling genuine Aionnot customers and sound like Aionnot propaganda or your delusional. I guess my post’s have caused genuine customers to not reinvest in this scam. I guess Aionnot must be really mad, where dealing with scammers/criminals who pretend to be nice/polite/professional whatever until they have your $, then they pump for more! This is just a call centre just scamming, why do they use a “bot” when claiming they have human traders? Who is their “legal dept”? Why can’t people control their own money? Yes Peter keep trolling ur delusions/propaganda and I’ll keep genuine ppl from losing their money down the Aionnot toilet. Aionnot stalling for time costing clients opportunities. Until Aionnot refund my Btc 2k, which is on fire atm and I’m not seeing any action bc of Aionnot scammers. Graham must have asked for a refund and Aionnot & you want to stall for time for your scamming agenda! Peter respond with details to your delusions! Do you know the address number? That would be helpful exposing this scam!

          6. Peter Bishop did you actual endorse AionX scam?
            Margain trading at $500 commissions Facebook “Aion noot” proof!
            Other commissions don’t make any sense. Margin trading with no leverage and getting charged more when I lost money. But when I lost money that’s when their genuine commission ect $10. It only make sense if it’s a scam! Aionnot inflate commission on their losses trades and charged me $9 in Aion noot. Every trade I started would begin with minimum $10 up, my last trades where $500 commission and I shut it down. No loss on trade and only $500 commission for using their trading platform. Jordan client of AionX was charged $200 & brought it to Nicks attention who erased it. Only a scams would charge those rates. they seem to only charge next to nothing on their profits. I guess it hard to convince ppl had huge profit if you don’t include massive commission to Aionnot. I wasn’t margin trading as I only invested 10//k . $500 commission with $10k account is 1/20 value and that’s why people account get drained so quick. When I spoke to AionX “CEO” Steve V about the extremely high commission he he defended himself by the “unregulated laws” and he could charge whatever he wants in commission and hide behind the contract. Thats why after I contacted Aionnext payment provider was refunded in 2 minutes but only on credit card transactions. I know how it feels being embarrassed in myself for investing in AionX before I got refunded I felt far worse. AionX still has my Btc unlawfully. I told CEO until I got refunded I would expose this scam. 101 scammers usually post positive reviews & pose as genuine satisfied customers. AionX has already been exposed doing this until my post.What is your agenda Peter, all genuine customer hate aionX. AionX scammer/Peter using personal phone bc other IP exposed no doubt! Yes Aionnot are as genuine as there address number. Reputable business have those, even CEO Steve couldn’t answer that question. Only a scam would operate this way. What is English office address? which address they pretend to be instead of Bulgaria the capital of internet scams. “Peter” ur scam has been exposed so bounce out of here you joke! Aionnot exposed as a scam should be on google search engine auto predictor so other victims alerted. With no new clients & current ones aware of this scam which sooner or later would be exposed. Will u scammers need to move address when that happens? I’m guessing not, as nobody knows your current address right? AionX been around under diff names same scam, so long as that name and game isn’t exposed. AionX is 4 month old name & scamming game exposed!

          7. Hi everyone

            I’m on the robot and when I started I was on $11,800 now on $22,900. Still think that when it comes to being able to withdraw money it will show a big fat $0.
            Will carry on updating you all.

            Graham Kilbourn

          8. guys its a scam they show you want everyone wants to see money but is it really money NO IT IS NOT its a bunch of number on a computer screen and you will never get your money

          9. AionX is similar to Bitconnect wo 1% per day return, AionX also like Bitconnect also had month lock periods. Bulgaria’s version was far less successful but same structure. But have similar outcome / pyramid scheme. I signed no contract, no KYC details so Peter tell me why is ur reputable business violating laws? Yes Aionnot can scam people if they sign’s a contract covering Aionnot ass, but not the case here.

          10. Peter pls advice me the names of these websites that have positive feedback regarding AionX & I will correct the situation, thx

          11. Hi Graham, glad you aware of the situation. The numbers on yor dashboard seem to have magically doubled despite no correlation with cyrpto market during the day of post. No crytpo coin when up 200% in binance, kucoin ect. Can you have a look up the trade details of the trades in Aionnot profit and compare them on coinmarketcap. Every other client is demanding refund and if you wait for lock in contract you will see nothing. They don’t want you asking for a refund because everyone else are. Sadly on money processed with AionX payment provider are only capital that is able to be refunded as I found out. AionX wasn’t involved because AionX will always stall and never give you nothing but excuses. I was refunded wo Aion being informed, Steve called and denied my refund, when I informed him the name of he’s payment provider he was shattered, he tried to lying saying he hadn’t heard of the trading platform then gave me his email & asked for details about how I got refunded . Yes it went down like that

          12. Admin 
            Warning: The comment by Peter Bishop might be a fake because similar positive comments were posted via the same IP address and with different names.

            February 7, 2018

          13. Im quite sure there is no “bot” these are scammers and that would be out of their budget. Unless AionX can scam 1 a bot lol. No it’s these scammers that are opening trades. Notice how the commission is more expensive when u lose money, rather then when in profit? They probably noticed u where online and opened some more trades just out of spite. These scammers manipulate numbers so they can say, wow look I’m so great I’ve made u whatever. Now they say ur on the bot bc when they dump you won’t blame them personally, their hoping that you will blame “bot” for losing your money instead of the truth that these morons are the ones trading. Their bad gamblers who seem to get smashed by the whales & then call again pumping for more $. These nits at AionX wouldn’t be able to afford a HFT either. It’s 2 scammers operating out of a house, or similar. Ask if you can Skype them Graham so u can see the “bot”. Hopefully Dave was successful in obtaining credit card refund, hoping he posts his result. You would need to hire a private detective in Bulgaria to find these rats. There rates are prolly cheap & if thats the case that might be worth it to get their address. That way u can pay someone to pay them a visit too.
            If they put their usual commission of $400 then it won’t take long and you account is zeroed. Hope u used credit card so u can get a refund through their payment provider, because them bastards are broke & they won’t return nothing, Aionnot rats are good for nothing. I’ve already saved 1 guy investing, and Aionnot scammers aren’t going to be pleased that they won’t see his money. If u used credit card get refund asap. listening to their BS is not worth the headaches, or the therapy after dealing with these scumbags. Aionnot I know ur reading this so I better be polite & tell u that ur putrid gypsies & despite all the money u scam (crowdfund) & not 1 genuine client has seen a profit to reinvest. I know through blockchain my Btc was used on Binance account. Hopefully that information with ur KYC details will be enough for authorities to find you scam operation & shut u down! Aionnot rats never prosper!

          14. Gidday Zac,Could you please show me how to get onto their payment platform,because I have never needed to get money back from my credit card before.All new to me.
            All the best and thanks for your time.

          15. I have tried to get my money back from AionNext and I have been told that I have to wait 3 months. Now am connected to a robot. Surely I can do something about this .

            Hi Peter,

            The options are either that of a managed account or a robot to trade on the account – It must be traded as this is not a savings account as your know.

            If you do not want to make the necessary investment for a managed account I will connect you to the software.

            All the best

      2. If you used credit card go after their payment platform thats how I got a refund, If enough ppl do the same they will shut down! just got to know what to say email aionnextscam if you need help. They begged me to press reply for a refund in 2 minutes. lol

          1. Their payment platform, just got to know what to type, it’s on the net, They might play games & say words to the effect of” we’re just process payments aren’t connected to Aionnot”. Hit me up if you have any drama. Hopefully u should be right

          2. Their platform should be on ur credit card statement it’s Dig something. Have a look. Best of luck

      3. LTC never lost $100 in a day recently. Quite the opposite $150 to $220.
        Clearly these Aionnot trader maximise their losses despite the market activity and price. No doubt a huge commission to Aionnot scammers.

    5. yes the same has happened to me and I also said keep the profits and return my 1000 USD did you ever get a refund I’m not holding my breathe that’s for sure as their attitude changes big time once they have your cash anyway let me know if you got your money back thanks wayne

  4. I don’t know, I’ve had a good experience I’ve invested and withdrawn my investment as well as profits 🙂 My broker is also fantastic and has made me great profits over the space of 13 months that I’ve been with the company

    1. I do know actually that this comment is aionnext propaganda! Who is you “broker”? How much where your profits? Aionnext hasn’t been around for 18 month so you sound delusional. Only Aionnext would refer to their scam as a company. A scam company!

      1. Ive worked with two brokers here, Ive earned over 20% in profits on my investment. Ive been with them for 18 months.. why do you say they haven’t been around that long, sounds like your the delusional one.. ? Obviously you had a bad experience but I have had a different experience than you have clearly…

        1. “I’ve with two brokers here” clearly this in Aionot scammer who claims that their the only one here making a profit. I’ll leave it to the genuine investor I guess which one of us is delusional? Aionnot is dead

          1. Your IP is the same as Aionot too, you know I got a refund without your CEO’s approval, he seems to be quite irrelevant

        2. Chis / Steve how successful are you as head CEO of a SCAM? , That’s for your IP address, how is this scam going now that it’s exposed? You still think you will be around for another 3 weeks? Your so successful at losing peoples money, only in Bulgaria do criminals like you call themselves CEO, in the west we would refer to you as an oxygen thief, got blow Nicko, That’s why ur “Head” broker because your on your knees giving head!

    2. Chris, you must be m*therf*cker Steve or Nicko alias!!! Guest what? You and all your impersonated names are going to burn in hell! Say hi to your darling Alexa Zultan. You are not fooling anyone here, we all know you’re not real and as you all rob innocent people from their hard earned money, so shall God wrath is going to be all of of you, Amen!!!

  5. complete scam Nicko is a professional scammer always pressuring you into put more money in i invested close to 8k usd and had turned it into 26kusd in the past couple months in that couple months there were definitely some things that i thought weren’t right this morning i opend two trades what i always trade and some how the trades got closed it says i opened them at an amount i never opened them at i lost all my money and NICKO tells me if i invest another 50k he can give me my money back complete scam they need to be shut down ASAP

    1. I and many other genuine victims of these scammers agree that this needs to be shut down. People please before you send money & KYC and signing contact to cover their ass please KYS (Know Your Scammers). Get their information and that way when Aionnext scam you you’ll know where to find them. Im sure if people had that information it would be detrimental to Nick Luciano and Kim Spenter well being. And if that was the case then these scammers wouldn’t still be in the scamming business.

    2. This is from Alexa when I tried to confirm if they are legit. I tried to withdraw $4,000 from $37,000 virtual profit dollar on their screen and the “Withdrawal” page went into “Processing” mode without any explanation and Alexa got back to me a week later because she was planning to stiff another $20,000 USD out of me! Everytime she introduced this great deals such as Buy Bitcoin, join PAMM group, all of a suddenly she trade me a trade that make $700 profit when in fact I calculate the time spent and date and I know it was impossible for her to make such a profit because I was constantly making record of those pair. God knows I suspect them right then and told my spouse about how this woman make impossible trade especially when I traded the same pair and the chart doesn’t even have such record of a price spike when she open-close the trade, which is by the way less than a minute or two. Just manipulated for sure. I will post some replies from her below:

      Hi darling
      How are you?
      How did the weekend end?
      I’ve seen you try to pull $ 4000 …
      The money is in a 3-month plan that means that 3 months’ money is closed as I explained in the first conversation.
      If you need money and get stuck, then there is no problem I ask the manager of vip department to withdraw the money. you can withdraw up to 1000 USD.
      The idea of closing the money for 3 months is because there is a trading circle here for money management and account risk.
      This work of analysts is daily and every touch of the account Violate
      its balance and then the analyst cannot know the final goal of how to conduct and how much to trade with in order not to make losses
      let me know when i can call you…
      and i see that you making fantastic trades, you are one of my smarts Clint that i have!!!
      happy for you you are about to change you life!!!

      Alexa Zultan
      Account Manager – VIP Division


      to Alexa

      So, what you’re telling me is that you have a circle of Money management team that trade with all my money for a minimum of 3 months without arranging a percentage profit cut to me? That’s not right! I have other trading platform and they always straight forward with their intention and agreement are layout on how they intend to pay me off for using my money for trading. Also, I have to agreed on the % of my interest for them having access to my money.
      Alexa, your company is very fishy to me right now and maybe I need to look more into this, what do you think?
      By the way, I just read your first email to me. There’s nothing about circle of money management team using my money to trade nor the fact that I can’t touch my money in the first 3 months. Your email specifically stated that you will work with me as my broker for the next 3-6 months but I have to select an account, which I haven’t select yet.
      Please you need to be straight with me because I don’t function well when there are signs of misguided information and non-transparency.

      to Alexa

      I don’t even have a phone number to call you at?

      Alexa Zultan
      Jan 30

      to me



      to Alexa

      Alexa, tell him (Steve) to call me now because I will be going to another lecture in 9 minutes

      Sherifat Ogunye
      Jan 30

      to Alexa

      Hey Alexa,
      I have been trying to deposit the money thru my credit card I gave you but it kept denied it. I check the credit card transaction & balance online and saw that all transfers I made to it today have not reflected yet. So, I’m guessing it take sometime to reflect so I can use the card for tonight. I will check tomorrow again before I try to withdraw from it.
      Also, what’s going on with you and the guy John Kuruma’s email about you withholding his fund?
      Secondly, send me your direct phone line in case I have to get hold of you instead of waiting for your calls.
      How are you feeling now? It’s the weather that’s making you sick?

      Alexa Zultan
      Jan 31

      to me

      Dear Sheri
      You have to understand me I have 90 clients and if I have a line I will be on him all the time and will not be able to engage in my profession as a broker but I will become a secretary.
      I give you my private Skype and contact me whenever you feel comfortable.

      Sent with Mailtrack

      Inbox x

      Alexa Zultan
      Jan 31

      to me


      Alexa Zultan
      Account Manager – VIP Division


      Sent with Mailtrack

      Sherifat Ogunye
      Jan 31

      to Alexa

      Good morning Dear,
      I understood your email and I support the protection of self because there are crazy people in today’s world.

      I have bad news though. My credit card company called me this morning to explain what’s going on. They said that they have freeze and canceled my card because of the someone tried to access my account from another country. I told them that I was aware of it but they said I broke the Privacy and confidentiality rules by giving out my PIN, so they have canceled my card.
      This is bad for me because I have transferred all my money to this card. They will be issuing another card but will take 10 business days before I could get the new card.
      I won’t be able to join the PAMM group now. This is really bad and I feel so bad because my gut feeling was telling me yesterday not to do that.

      Sherifat Ogunye
      Jan 31

      to Alexa

      By the way, I can’t talk on the phone because I’m in class for the next 4 hours.

      In the week of Jan 31 to Feb 3, here is a guy that sent out his complaint to this large group about his money been frozen for false accusation, which is not even possible on their fake MT4 platform.
      VeralynWilson Honetana
      Jan 17

      kuruma John
      Jan 30

      to VeralynWilson, Alexa, me, dhancox15, IT, jayax09, heath, praxissm, Lance, w.taylor, Ettiene, melanvance54, Scott, Fouziemoussa, Manuel, Shaun, Dallas, leonard, Lukiemchughy, nabohj, Arnold, gabrielsmau, Luijindy, corey, Francis


      My 445,000 USD balance in my account you fraudulently blocked .

      My lawyers are requesting for your physical address- last time you told me that your office is in London , while it reads Marshal Island , currently your

      websites reads Sofia Bulgaria .

      I sent you and Steve email requesting for your physical address but there was no reply and no body is answering my calls either .

      You will recall that I insisted that you stop trading for me with your automated machine which made me loss 8,000,USD in one trade , that I prefer manual trading .

      I have traded manually without any ones help for several weeks and I managed to built my balance up to 445,000 USD before you made the false allegation that

      I am a robot hence you blocked my account , I have offered to trade with your screen and prove to you that I had no help or even come to your office and trade

      while you watch me trade but all my suggestions you ignored .

      Well I have no choice than to take you to court so you can prove to court how you arrived at your allegations.

      If you are not scam – give me your physical address so that my lawyers can file this case .

      eric mashau
      Jan 31

      to kuruma, VeralynWilson, Alexa, me, dhancox15, IT, jayax09, heath, praxissm, Lance, w.taylor, Ettiene, melanvance54, Scott, Fouziemoussa, Manuel, Shaun, Dallas, leonard, Lukiemchughy, nabohj, Arnold, gabrielsmau, Luijindy, corey

      Scary staff

      Alexa Zultan
      Jan 31

      to me, dhancox15, IT, Abas, heath, praxissm, Lance, w.taylor, Ettiene, melanvance54, Scott, Fouziemoussa, Manuel, Shaun, Dallas, leonard, nabohj, Arnold, gabrielsmau, Luijindy, corey, Francis, taipan4, Florence, Trevor

      Foremost this email was sent to a group of traders not so that this format can be abused by members. We have nothing to hide – as the large majority of traders here are happy with our services and the profits which are being made on their behalf – I believe that a few members even in this group can attest that they are profitable and happy.

      I would like to address in this format the email which was sent by John Kuruma. This trader had 15000 US dollars invested in the company and in the space of a few hours he “traded” the account up to over 400k. This appears to be done fraudulently and as such his account is under review. The clients funds have been sent back to him.

      It is no secret that without supervision the automated software is not the ideal method of trading but this trader insisted that he does not want a managed account and he would rather do the trading himself as he himself said. We believe now that he did this knowing that his intention was to attempt to rob the company – again this is still under review which is the reason he has not received daily correspondence – His calls are being accepted and moved on to the relevant department.,

      In reference to our address. Our company is located in London in Ludwig Hill. We do not accept walk ins. The reason is simple – not all members of society are sane individuals and we prefer to protect ourselves. Did you know that there have even been instances where an individual was so mad he did not pass his drivers test that he shot the driving inspector… Since then the results are never given on the spot but rather at a later point. Below I have included a piece of an article which should illustrate the exact reason we prefer to protect ourselves.

      “A SHOCKED America plunged into renewed agony over its violent gun culture last night after a disgruntled trader killed 12 people in Atlanta – amongst them his wife and two young children. He was later found dead in his car in another part of the city.
      In the second multiple shooting in three months, a middle aged man, Mark Barton, stormed into two brokerage companies in the city’s business district where he opened fire with three handguns, killing nine people.”
      The full story can be found in the link below:

      Sent with Mailtrack

      THEY ONLY NICE WITH YOU WHEN THEY WANT MORE MONEY FROM YOU AND THEY DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO INFLATE THE MONEY IN YOUR ACCOUNT, TO GIVE YOU CONFIDENT THAT YOU’RE WINNING (but reality is that those money figure are virtual, non-paper money, a zero value.) The only real money they make is the money you keep sending them to buy BTC, PAMM, over losses on your trade. I lost over $22,000 in a period of less than 3 days and Alexa begged me to close the trades but I refused. She then promised to retrieve all my losses if I could send in another deposit of $13,000 USD. I straight up told her that these losses had made me sick already and I have no money anywhere else to use. Then she felt sorry for me and said she won’t ask me for any money for now because my health is more important to her. I actually believed she got a soul but I guess she does like the kind of relationship and trust she had built, only that she’s in a shitty, mean world where other people’s life means nothing to them!

  6. Hi it is a complete scam i put just about 8000usd in turned it into 26k this morning i opened two trades what i usually trade at 2.19 and 2.49 it told me i must leave my tade open for an hour so i waited and second before i could close the trade i lost 45k it now shows in my history that i opened the trades at 8.19 and it auto closed them at 2.51 i have contacted NICKO and he tells me that no you opened it at this and i never did he said he could give me a bonus so i coiuld get my 45kback but insisted i invest another 50k for this to be done he gave me 60seconds to think about it and then hug up complete scam I’m interested in doing whatever legally a guy can do anyone that’s interestred email me at

    1. Sorry to hear Jordache. Yeah crypto market only rebounded 50% after crashing yesterday, not over 300%. I’ve used their “trading platform” and when the trade started I was already -$500 commission!
      I didn’t send them my KYC details and they can’t defraud me without them, otherwise they break
      money laundering laws even in Bulgaria. After seeking legal advice I know my position and their’s.
      I told them to expect a subpoena and asked to speak to there said “legal team”, they then offered me
      a refund after I send my KYC account. Don’t trust these scammers, and I won’t give them KYC details
      even if I was terminally ill. Im sure they lost plenty of people’s lifesaving, causing some people’s to commit suicide after dealing with Aionnext. Im guessing scammers lives would be in danger had they put a number to their address. I hope they don’t have your KYC details otherwise I don’t see a happy
      ending, meaning you won’t see that money again. I withdrew a $1000 from these scammers under
      the pretext that I need them to earn my trust after my bank stopped my wire transfer because their account was red flagged. I never reinvest because I knew they were scammers! They have a routine they follow, they make people believe that they have some magic gift making extreme profits but that’s
      fake, them number’s are as fake as John review in this forum. Shut these scammers down!

      1. Everyone please use Binance where you control your own money and the trading fee
        is .005% instead of $500 commission so instead of flushing your money down the Aionnext toilet. Their claims to have millionaires as clients is also a joke! Notice how
        eerily quite it is in the background? Claim to be in London when in fact their operating
        from an address in Bulgaria, they can’t spell properly or have a address number. I’ve
        checked it out on google maps and it’s not pretty, they wish they where in London but
        for legal reason have based themselves in Bulgaria where the laws aren’t as westernised.
        They give Bulgaria a bad name and suggest everyone report their behaviour to Bulgarian
        authorities to shut them down and put them in a jail cell where they can’t same anyone else.

  7. I invested £500 and I was been pressurised by account manager who was really pu pressure on me. he day I said I don’t have more found to invest, the following day, my account balance which has built up to $840 and after $600 and $400.

    They are callous and not trust worthy set of people. I am so happy that I did not invest more than that. The most surprising is that I was persuaded to borrow money from bank, what would have been my fate, but my saving grace is that I did notI invested £500 and I was been pressurised by account manager who was really pu pressure on me. he day I said I don’t have more found to invest, the following day, my account balance which has built up to $840 and after $600 and $400.

    They are callous and not trust worthy set of people. I am so happy that I did not invest more than that. The most surprising is that I was persuaded to borrow money from bank, what would have been my fate, but my saving grace is that I did not

    1. Sounds like Aionnext under a different name, glad you didn’t financially ruin yourself Olu. Scammers
      are callous vermin like my experience dealing with Aionnext. Unless I’m terminally ill they won’t refund
      my money. Say’s it all doesn’t it?

  8. Graham Kilbourn

    Invested 5,500 USD in this company and it is now showing over 11,000 USD after one month. Looks great, but now being told to invest another 20,000USD so that I can keep my personal analysist trading for me. If I don’t hand over the extra 20,000USD, then my account will be passed over to a robot. I know that if this happens I will lose everything. I have not been able to draw any money out because of the three month restriction put on your account.

    Very suspicious of this company, will keep you all posted on what happens.

    1. I had the same experience, I made the investment – Ive been with Aionnext for 8 months and Ive already withdrawn my profits twice and about to withdraw a third time. No complaints from me. Let me know how it goes for you

      1. Warning: The comment by John might be a fake because similar positive comments were posted via the same IP address and with different names.

        1. Yes Admin Its Aionnnext at their best. They make their own fake reviews too.
          They sound desperate because the market crashed and their broke.

          1. Yes Graham please let John/Aionnext how it goes for you. They are in damage control and want to pump you for more money cause the figures on dashboard are fake. Just like Johns review right Nicko Lucino?

      2. “John” is Aionnext propaganda. This post was sent from the same IP address as Aionnext. These scammer’s aren’t genius’s. They thought that they could post a bunch of positive comments and pose as genuine customers without any detection by all using the same IP address? Admin on this site is already onto these scammer’s, they post numerous positive reviews using bogus names. Aionnext propaganda sent by scumbag scammer’s posing as genuine customers. Say’s it all dosn’t it?

      3. well john your full of it I have some great photos of their scam in action after the fake trades came onto my platform I contacted support with the photos and guess what dident hear from them again the rouges

    2. So you should be this is a scam run in Bulgaria without even a number to its address so don’t believe
      the numbers on your account are true. I’ve invested and can’t get my capital back. Im looking at lunching a class action lawsuit if I don’t get my funds returned.

      1. Graham unless your terminally ill you have no chance of seeing your money again. According to their email thats the only reason that would happen. How many terminally ill people invest in a 4month old scam? Try not to laugh. lol

        Good Day, 

        I understand you wish to withdraw your funds and I would like to be able to assist you. 
        You are however in breach of contract of our terms and conditions which state that the first week after your last deposit is a trial period and thereafter you are not permitted to withdraw your investment for a contract of three months. Which you were informed of in advance.

        You have decided for no reason which is of any substance that we are fraudulent – I have discussed this with my legal team and this is not a reason which we are able to release funds – In the past we have had clients who have become terminally ill and they needed the funds prior the three months, so we sent them their funds. But this is not the case with you – you simply woke up one day and made an assumption about our company. You lost one trade – *by the way* you are a few thousand dollars in the green… so I am not entirely sure the exact reason for your assumption. 

        We do have alternative solutions  – we MUST schedule a time to talk via the telephone. Please find a time and make yourself available and advise me as to when that time will be so I can introduce you to Nicko. 

      2. DR. IRENE BONNEY FAULKES (RevIrene)

        Zak, I am in Australia and can see the same thing happening to us. SEC in USA is already on to them apparently, but how that goes will possibly do nothing for what they have already done.
        I am trying to make withdrawals of ETH and cash but no reply yet. Strange that:(
        I should have seen through this but must have had blinkers on. And was not informed of the 3 months withhold period
        Keep posted on class action.

        1. Hi Irene
          Yeah that 3 month withdraw period is akin to a Ponzi like Bitcconnect, and sure if you got in early you might have made money, but Most 99% of people got scammed and lost everything. Ppl where complaining for a refund back in Nov & they got lucky bc they got a refund while Btc was 5k-15k they market was on fire everyone making money except AionX customer! They got a refund and lost any gains made in the market, all they had to do was Hodl. Only after posting here they got refund. Now the market crash from 20k to 6k and recovered now to 10k What do you think happened to the money we couldn’t touch? We couldn’t touch it cause it was in the market and from the numerous other clients claims of getting defrauded it makes total sense and Bitcoinscam review on this scam. BitcoinScam review concluded wouldn’t go near it and we all should have done the same. They scammed me and I don’t want others to loss their money. Don’t hold your breath on seeing a return in 3 months, they empty account purposely with their exaggerated high commission. Another review summed up it up best about Aionnot. Scammers at their finest bc they emptied account that had extreme profits, they invested 8k usd and got $30! what a scam Aionnot. Don’t bother with class action get a refund through their payment platform as I did. I was successfully refunded in 2 minutes because Banks don’t register scams as “businesses” even in Bulgaria! They don’t even follow KYC laws and can launder terrorism money, drug money or whatever, Aionnot is a scam and is just playing you for time, if you wait the 3 months refunds they will no doubt declare bankruptcy and rebrand the scam!

    3. Graham, please keep your money in in your bank account, 1% interest rate pa is a the better option than investing in Aionnext and losing 100% and waste your time. How desperate does top notch scammer Nicko Lucino sound ringing you trying to pump more money out of you?? I sent them a message in my email wondering if you’d call them tomorrow. You then get Aionnext propaganda from John/Nicko. Please don’t just be suspicious, it’s definitely a scam! Tell Nicko where to shove it. My email is zakkrst1@gmail if you need any more evidence. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

    4. They don’t honour the 3-months contract! I am there right now, way pass mine 3-months and immediately I mentioned or ask them how I can withdraw my principal money, they all went dumb, including their!!! Please, call your credit card and tell them you want to dispute the amount. Their name on my credit card is, check your card and dispute all. Aionnext is using the 3-months lock up tactics because they knew credit card only give back money within the 90-days of purchase, anything after, you have to provide proof. Don’t wait on their lies, call your credit card company and get your money back. Don’t be fool by the $$$ figures on their platform, it’s not real! Even these people have zero knowledge about trading, Steve doesn’t know the meaning of Spread and he’s there all-in-one guy. Their IT department, CEO, and so on… all garbage.

  9. Michael
    Aionnext is a complete scam. Never invest a cent. They promise you of high return and once you are in they ask you to invest more like in my case $500 for registration and then $5000 for trading. A random person name claim to be an account manager called Nicko Luciano luring me by trading for 15 second with a return profit of $2000 usd and then promise me after 3 months he will make it $35-40k and then can withdraw all the money or re-invest. Then the next day rang up asking for another $5000. I smell something fishy here and I said no to him and ask him to buy 6 Ethereum instead of trading. He bought 6 Ethereum and to my surprise without my consent he sold half of it and started trading for me which ends up a loss of $3000. Then again the next day he sold the other3 Ethereum for trading and empty all my money which is $5500. He ring up the phone is never answered. So for all of you guys. Please be careful before you invest in AIONNEXT. ITS AT TOTAL SCAM.
    Comments on 29/01/2018

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