AionNext Review – Cryptocurrency Trading Brokerage

AionNext ( is a relatively new cryptocurrency trading operation. As you will see below, there are several things about it which do not add up. In this review, we shall try to find out who runs this operation and we shall take a closer look at the above mentioned red flags. - AionNext

What is AionNext?

As said above, not much about this operation adds up…and that goes for the actual definition of what it is that it does, too. At first glance, AionNext seems to be some type of a cryptocurrency exchange, which lets traders purchase and trade a selection of cryptos, covering bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Dash. The site also offers some type of a High Frequency Trading-focused automated trader, which is allegedly capable of success rates of 87%.

To top it all off, the Ainonnext homepage also boasts some sort of mining capabilities, which take advantage of some type of algorithmic mining technology that will somehow “ensure the best cryptocurrency trading profits” for AionNext clients. Not only does all this not make any sense, there’s no proof provided for any of these claims, in any shape or form, anywhere at the site.

The cherry on the cake is an alleged wallet service, also offered by AionNext, about which not much is shared, beyond the fact that it makes use of an “offline Coin Vault.”

Should I Trust AionNext?

Based on what we’re about to discuss below, the answer to that question would have to be no.

Red Flags and Question Marks

Where to begin? Although professional-looking at first glance, the AionNext website – including its homepage – is nothing more than a haphazardly tossed-together, sophomoric attempt at creating some sort of cryptocurrency-focused content. Not only is the grammar simply atrocious, words are misspelled (Ethereum is actually called “Eterium”), and some paragraphs make no sense whatsoever. They look more like the rumblings of a diseased mind, rather than the simple, informative copy one would expect from a professionally run operation.

Why is all this important? Ask yourself this: have you ever seen a legitimate, reputable and serious operation of the type AionNext is trying to portray itself as, which featured such atrocious webpage copy?

This is just the tip of the AionNext red flag iceberg though. The auto trader that they offer is supposedly AI and machine-learning based, and that’s always a giant red flag in our book, especially when it comes with no technical details or any sort of proof of technology. This AI auto-trading lie has been used and re-used so many times by the scam industry, its presence has become little more than a bad joke for most experienced scam reviewers. The signals offered by AionNext claim a success-rate of 87%, which is a bit too-good-to-be-true as well.

The About Us page of the site offers absolutely no information on who runs this business. In this day and age, and in an industry so riddled with scams of all types, providing a proper look at the corporate entity and people behind a project, should be a bare minimum requirement.

The site claims that AionNext has been an industry-leading Forex brokerage since 2000. That is a bit far-fetched indeed, given how there’s almost no information about the operation available out there. The web domain on which it is currently hosted, was created in July 2017, and the name of the registrant is private. The site has been registered from Panama: not exactly the most trustworthy jurisdiction, when it comes to peddling crypto currency auto-trading.

While the operation claims to observe proper AML and KYC policies, its policies regarding withdrawals can only be described as a train wreck. When someone tells you that “The account must be traded before the principal withdrawal is permitted”, you should indeed think twice about making a deposit there. Also, there are strict, 3-month, 6-month and even 12-month withdrawal restrictions on the various trading accounts offered by AionNext. They feature HFT accounts, PAMM ones and fully automated high-speed crypto accounts, for which the withdrawal restriction is set to 12 months. Essentially, no matter which account you sign up for, you will have your funds locked up for a minimum of 3, and a maximum of 12 months.

AionNext’s Background

Despite the fact that almost no information is provided about the people behind the operation, we’ve done our homework and came up with a possible lead in this regard. Let us first see what we do know though. According to the site, the company behind AionNext is one called Digital Hestia Ltd. based in the Marshall Islands. The street address is Ajeltake Road, and there is no house/apartment number provided. Interestingly, but unsurprisingly, the internet does not seem to know anything about this Digital Hestia Ltd. The contact phone number provided is +442038689927.

We’ve managed to find a press release about AionNext, which features faulty grammar, similar to the webpage copy, and which describes the operation, linking to its website, and reiterating the claim that the brokerage was founded in 2000.

This press release is dated September 26, 2017 – which fits the above discussed domain registration data nicely. At the bottom, there’s a name given under the Contacts heading: Frederick Marshall. The phone number provided for Mr. Marshall is the same as the above one.

Who is Frederick Marshall? He seems to be an online trading guru, specializing in various auto-trading solutions. We have no idea if he is indeed the real deal that he claims to be. What we do know though is that he peddles a massive variety of deals, at least one of which claims to make him $80 per hour, through his cell phone, while he is at the beach.


Given the actual age of the operation (which is likely 4 months) and the unconvincing nature of its pitch, it is safe to assume not many people have registered with it. As such, there’s no actual user feedback available either.


As of November 16, 2017, was not a very popular site. Their global SimilarWeb rank wasΒ 1,617,793 and much of their traffic came from Belarus.

AionNext’s Response to this Review

In general the entire review is based on aΒ conspiracyΒ theory rather than pure facts. AionNext is aΒ β€œNew” and highlyΒ financially backed Crypto currency tradingΒ platform.Β Our motto is to provide our traders with a professional and user friendly tradingΒ experience and constantlyΒ improve ourΒ technology. As for now AionNext is in aΒ continuous growth as its fueled on:
A. Investor money. Money which wasΒ crowd-funded forΒ AionNext establishment.
B.Β Commissions structure. AionNextΒ charges a smallΒ commission for each and every trade a client is taking on our platform.

AionNext Review Conclusion

While we cannot call AionNext a straight-up scam, we have to call it very suspicious indeed. This operation rings all sorts of alarm bells and raises a variety of red flags as detailed above. We would keep our currency – fiat or crypto – well away from it.

Do you have any feedback about AionNext? Please share it with us by leaving a comment below!

Thank you for reading our AionNext review. For legitimate alternatives, visit our cryptocurrency day trading page. Feel free to subscribe to in order to receive our reviews directly to your e-mailbox.

252 thoughts on “AionNext Review – Cryptocurrency Trading Brokerage”

  1. Hello everyone,

    I came back after almost two months

    Now everything is good with my family

    I am learning the market again and learning and learning and learning so I can help you as well.

    Please do not reply to this email,
    Just send me a new email

    (Make me a new email and do not reply to this email)

    Because of the great pressure you can
    Also send me messages on skype

    Thank you for your consideration and for sending me emails and asking for my son
    I really appreciate it
    Now, gradually, I’ll call all of you

    And please be patient with me, I will reach you all just a little patience…

    β€ŒNicko Luciano
    Floor manager For VIP Accounts

    Skype :
    Email :

    “We make a living by what we get, we make life by what we give”

    1. If you haven’t learnt the cryptomarket by now you will never learn Nicko. Wheres my Btc that you stole? no contract and yet after 3 months its not returned. What you call crowd funding I call theft. Why start another scam called cryptopremier? Its a brand new scam with claims of 82 reinvestment rate? Reminds me of Aionnot scam. Yes Carl don’t worry Nicko is here to fix everything, believe it when I see it. Incredible Nicko that you scammed ppl life saving, ruined families and yet those that haven’t realised your scammers wished you the best with your son. Where’s your humanity when you rob other peoples children Nicko? Don’t you have internet home? Them 2 months when Nicko was out of action saved numerous families being scammed of tens of thousands. I know your no trader but I’m sure you can ghet back to reading the scamming script. I heard you encourage ppl to max out 3 credit cards, I belive in karma and if you keep scamming next time God won’t be so forgiving. Whats your address in Budapest? Actually I don’t belive a word that comes out of your mouth, trying to win sympathy after robbing us is a bit rich. I hope your son knows what you do for work, I’m sure he will be so proud his Dads a scamming rat. Thank God Kim hasn’t reproduced. So now Nicko is back does that mean everyone entitled to a refund gets one or are you just talking shit, as usual? How did Aionnot/cryptopremier scam without Nicko? So many accidents in this Aionnot industry, surprised you weren’t replaced. Have you still got Btc at 10% discount? If ppl had access to their wallet then that scam wouldn’t work right? Why do you need 2/3 crypto scams if this one is so successful? I hope your son visits you in goal and realise his father is a good for nothing criminal. Its sounds like you took the victims 5k with you doesn’t it?
      Sounds like Budapest is a dangerous place, no wonder you hide your address you have scammed so many ppl, I would advice investing in life insurance if your scamming ways continue. Skype doesn’t work, nice try. Were networking all ur previous victims and fundraising to help facilitate a permanent accident for aionrat scammers. Sorry to hear it was your son who had an accident and not yourself Nicko. God works in mysterious ways Im sure, and Monero helps too.

      1. John
        Hi Zak. I used my credit card and debit card to invest $34450 USD with Aionnext and the same story as others. All good while I invested and I even tested withdrawing $450 to make sure I could get my money back through my deditt card. My 34000 went up to 100000k and as soon as I stopped investing and asking for some withdraw they told me i have to wait 6 months after last deposit then i ask again which they didnt like it and after few days I check my account all money disappeared . Can you please help me get my money back? No one is returning my emails and no one answers the phone.
        ****AIONNEXT IS A BIG SCAM****

    2. You keep scamming Nicko & I’ll keep getting ppl refunds on credit cards until my Btc is returned. Take your time. lol

    3. His alleged son’s accident shouldn’t impact on your crypto currency if aionnext was legit, unfortunately they are good for nothing scamming scum who scam instead of trade. Nicko also stole my Btc violating KYC laws & AML violations. The reason address isn’t disclosed is because no exchange/traders exist. It’s a bunch of scammers on phones scamming $ & promising profits which are non existent. Aionnoot (AionRats/PremierRats) new name PremierCrypto is already exposed because aionnoot isn’t so successful since recent posts by numerous victims. Incredibly shameful how this Nicko turd posts on this forum, so insensitive given how many victims here he personally scammed & defrauded of as much as possible. Nicko can’t video Skype because his too scared to reveal his face which he knows will be recorded and useful to identify him by victims financially ruined by Nickorat. A permanent accident will then befall Nickorat and his demise will be applauded by all past/current/future scamming victims. I bought plenty of Monero (nice & cheap under $300 each) for facilitating any accident if his identity is revealed. Zoltan Ago aka CEO Steve Vulcan was generously revealed his Linkin profile, forgot to add scamming criminal in his talents/occupation. His resume was quite amusing, just goes to show what a joke/scam Aionnext is when imbeciles like Zoltan are CEO without any business degree, luckily Aionnoot isn’t a legit business or Zoltan would be unqualified and unemployed. His minions/employees Nickorat & CrazyKim are also self qualified as trading geniuses & can’t scam enough money to get off the phone to trade. They are calling previous Aionnoot victims they defrauded under PremierCryto name. Thats how pathetic these imbeciles are, they are so desperate (with no new traffic at Aionnnoot) that they defraud victims numerous times. Just a scam call centre using fancy websites to trick victims and then defraud as much possible and cause maximum financial distress to their victims. Pls Nickorat do us all a favour and reveal your details so I can spend my Monero on a worth cause. Zoltan Ago isn’t as intelligent to remain anonymous and I figure when his identified he will identify all the retarded scammers he employees. God bless Aionrats with all the permanent accidents he can inflict on these rodents. This operation would benefit if an IED was detonated when these scammers where “working”.
      Im sure disclosing Aionrats address wouldn’t be too clever if they want to avoid IED explosions & accidents befalling these reptiles. The crypto ban on advertising isn’t going to help these rats at Aionrats find more cheese. Hopefully Aionrats get a visit soon and hear Allahu Akbar shouted before meeting him. Any information regarding Aionrats address would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Aionnext is a big SCAM
    They blocked my account with my 445,000USD in it . I kept asking them of thier physical address so that my lawyers can file this case in a court that has jurisdiction over them but they never replied to my emails.
    Get out every body who cares to listen.
    They will re brand with another name and claim bankruptcy and all your deposits gone .
    Let us close this fraud down,

        1. I, Sheri Ogunye, confirmed that the comment above it 100% true. Zak helped me fight this m*therf*ckers and now I received a confirmation of my whole $24,000 USD refunded. I am just waiting for it to show up in few days in my mastercard account. Please forget the Banks, they won’t lift a finger for you to get your money back. My Bank opened a Dispute case for me and after I sent them all the information they needed, they turn around and said “the only thing we need is the merchant Withdrawal Policy under their Term and Condition. Unfortunately, Aionnext even though it’s confirmed that they’re Scam, their Withdrawal Policy stated that if you’re closing your account, your money profit will be refunded to you every month at a maximum of 5% of your profit until the account zero down. Therefore, sorry, we as your credit card can’t help you. You need a legal advice.”

          The summary of this story, if you need help and you pay some or all of your deposit in credit cards, the only one that knows how so far and will bend backward to help you is this guy here call “Zak”.

          Zak, if you’re reading this, I blessed the day that I contacted you for help because I also contact some other online “myChargeBack” for help and their charge is $850 USD up front and then 25% of my total deposit after the case is solve and they said it could take anywhere from 3-6 months! Also, all they’re doing is to give me a Template write-up that I still have to do all the work with my Credit Card Banks. So, can you imagine what I am saying here, $850 dollars just to sent me a write-up sample and that money is the cost of this 1-page draft (maybe 2 paragraphs the most) and still my bank can still say “NO” and if that is the case, my $850 is gone because its non-refundable and up-front, my people!!! Please be careful, as there are scam companies like Aionnext opening new websites daily, so also are people online taking advantage of the same vulnerable victims as well, asking them to dish out more money for something with “No Guarantee!!!”

          Again, Zak, I am so uttermost grateful for your help. Know that you have me for life as friend and well-wisher. God will bless you in hundred-fold and make you prosper in everything you do, amen!!!
          Thank you.

          You’ve wipe my tears and did what financial banks don’t even have a clue on how-to for me.

          Luv Sheri Ogunye

        2. Zak, could you please help me, I invested usd $2500 using my credit card, show me how to get refund. Thanks.


          1. Zak, i contacted digitrader but they haven’t got back to me, can you help out, cheers

        3. Zak, could you please help me, I invested usd $2500 using my credit card, show me how to get refund. Thanks.

    1. Zoltan Ago is who you want to find. A private investigator would find this clown in a day and then find a service on the Darkweb to facilitate Zoltan into refunding your savings, that’s the only easy way to get your substantial refund. Remember use the Tor network but I doubt Bulgarian authorities will bother investigating Zoltan death. Too many suspects to possibly count and Zoltan Ago knew the risks of the scamming life. An IED attached to his car wouldn’t be a terrible idea if nobody else got injured. Zoltan Ago is CEO scum. Im sure Zoltan could be persuaded to reveal his Btc wallet under the right circumstances and doubt it would be too difficult to touch him, along with the rest of these aionrats criminals. Find his address and send a parcel that Zoltan will enjoy opening. Just some suggestions that hypothetically would work. Enjoying my Btc Zoltan you greedy maggot? Im sure you already lost it because trading isn’t so successful for imbecile clowns who pretend to be someone their not. Reveal your address and I’ll send a parcel full of BTC! and some XRP since your a big fan. Douchebag Scum

  3. Aionnext defrauded me of my 445thousands USD, and I kept asking Alexa and Steve of their physical address so that my lawyers can file this case in a court that has jurisdiction over them but they never replied to my emails .
    It is a big SCAM people be warned.
    Next step will be name change and all your money is gone.

      1. Hi Zak. I used my credit card to invest $5500 USD with Aionnext and the same story as others. All good while I invested and I even tested withdrawing $100 to make sure I could get my money back through my credit card. My 5400 went up to 13k and as soon as I stopped investing, Nicko got upset and said he doesn’t trade small investments and he will set me up with a junior investor. My 13k disappeared overnight. Can you help me get my money back? No one is returning my emails and no one answers the phone.
        ****AIONNEXT IS A BIG SCAM****

        1. Hi Al, don’t worry, their is every chance of getting your money refunded if u contact me.. Can u email me or friend me on aion noot @ facebook or, so we can get your money refunded. Yeah Nicko is still learning the market he says, spends all day scamming on the phone, thats the only way he knows how to make a profit in cryptomarket, not trading, scamming & calling himself an accountant, delusional much? Luckily for Nicko he doesn’t need brains to read a scamming script
          I can’t say he was missed him when he apparently disappeared for 2 months with 5k he scammed. I doubt his son is important as his scamming career, he’s pathetic. Glad your decided to get your money back. Yeah the gigs up when ppl don’t reinvest & his commissions disappears because your onto the scam. Glad Sheri brought Aionnot scam to everyones notice and encouraged ppl to get refunds on cards, Aionnext aren’t very happy when money they scammed gets returned to victims. I doubt his son had any accident, his a scammer who will say anything to deceive his victims. For him to post that BS on this thread shows how pathetic he is, who wished his son well when he scammed everyone on this thread? No details to accident, Nicko couldn’t stop himself scamming for 2 days let alone 2 months, I doubt anyone would reproduce with that genius. Im only too happy to reunite ppl with their money. I hope my Btc was worth the 50k Ive refunded from Aionnext scammers back to their victims. Im sure Im popular with Aionnext, Im sure Kim/ Nicko & Steve now regret scamming me in hindsight. But in hindsight we all wish we wouldn’t have invested a penny with these scamming rats. Especially those of us who wired money or deposited crypto. These scammers deserve to go to hell for defrauding ppl and causing financial misery to numerous ppl/families because of Aionnot constant greed. These scammers have no humanity or soul, and I pray everyday that God curse’s them all an early miserable & painful death. That’s my prayers for you Nicko & Aionnot scammers. Rot hell when u all get there. Ur welcome, If I had your address I could send u a sympathy card Nicko, but your too scared to reveal it? I guess rats in sewers have no address right? Don’t get too attached to money you scammed through credit cards as you have learnt. I’ll even help Cyrptopremier victims get refunds too, thanks Kim/VIP Dopey for bringing ur new scam to my attention, your new victims will appreciate their refunds. Steve still think stealing my Btc was worth it? I told you what would happen, lucky ur such an imbecile, CEO irrelevant, how does ur company operate without an address? Why get you wired $ to Hong Kong which is tax haven if ur in Budapest? The address on Cryptopremier is a license plate on a road, which is mirrored to aionnext dashboard., Attila Baka, Project manager @ AionNext, thats you right? lmao

          1. Zoltan Ago – CEO Aionnoext ltd. thats you in Linkedin ?
            Hungary area! Education Master of Arts (MA) Human Resources Development 1993-1998 No Trading License I see LMAO
            You face is similar to a ferrat / rat, honestly. lol
            You have no IT education, No Business Ed, ur a joke!
            Volunteer Exp & Causes, for a laugh Im sure
            Children (defrauding?) Human Rights? Poverty Alleviation Lmao
            More like Poverty facilitator & greedy pig! Cares for his own health,
            Skills? Scamming CEO, Scamming management, Scamming sales, Entrepreneurship in scamming. Team/Scam building.
            Ur Hungarian & attended CEO University gtfo ur kidding right?
            I’ll add this all to Aion Noot facebook. Should be easier to find now we you know we know the actual name of the CEO Rat!
            You didn’t mention that you defraud people & are a criminal, can you update that information please, it’s relevant and true.
            This will make finding you a walk in the park, thanks Zoltan Ago
            aka Steve Vulcan. So unbelievably stupid, Linkin or Jailin?
            Expect authorities to contact you & civil suit for monies defrauded
            Thanks for your helping expose yourself.
            It will make finding your address & arrest simple.
            New employment, Inmate @ Hungarian Jail

          2. I invested in cryptopremier.
            I guess after reading this my money is gone.
            Could you please confirm this so I can try to get my money back

  4. I have been scammed as well. I invested $500 in the beginning after I made some profit, I further invested $2000. Yesterday my account showing around $6500. Today when I call Aionext asked for my account manager Steve Vulcan, I was told Steve not in the office, he was in the meeting.

    Then I ask for withdrawal, I’ve been told only Steve my account manager could handle withdrawal. After phone call conversation finished, I look my account and I was shocked that someone traded with my account and brought the initial balance of around $6500 down to around $2300.

    It doesn’t make sense, if Steve my account manager is the only one authorized to trade and withdraw fund. Then who traded my account.

    Best not to deal with all this scammers.

    1. Sorry to hear you invested in this scam too Greg. Have a look at your trade history and you will notice massive commissions on small loss trades. It’s apparent that CEo Steve Vulcan was’nt happy with your request to withdraw your manipulated profits so he decided to punish you for daring to ask to ask to withdraw part of your capital. All the monies you lost where commissioned to Aionnext. Your loss is their gain. I’ve spoken to Steve who is head scammer, relished the fact he could charge whatever commission he wished in this unregulated industry. Everyone who doesn’t conform to this scam gets wrecked financially, although the profits you see are clearly manipulated, people invested want to belive them numbers are real, but the only thing real is the $500 + commission they charge on lost trades, so 5 small lost trades that are open less than a second can cost $2300. Have a look yourself in trade history or look at mine on Aion Noot @ facebook. People invested please do not reinvest and read reviews from the numerous genuine reviews with clearly state Aionnext is a SCAM!!

      1. Also Btc & Alts have lost marketshare is under 400b, meaning Aionnot is wrecked again. Why do scammers need meetings? What BS, while having said meeting” ur account is wrecked because you asked to withdraw funds, I sure this was the message from Aionnext, but in $$ instead of words. More effective and saves them ppl hassling them if profits are zeroed dosn’t it? AIONNEXT SCAMMING AT ITS BEST!
        P.s Dare you to ask again! lol

        1. You do realise Aionext don’t even have an address number for their scamming HQ, how real do you think you profits are if that’s the case??
          Scammers having a meeting? Steve was having a meeting with your account. Ask the goose at, tell him I send my regards & tell hiim I’m still waiting for him to return my Btc he stole off me. Thx

          1. Sorry marketcap is under 300 billion, Btc is going to drop heaps again, enjoy ur imaginary 85% profit Aionnot clowns!

    2. Aionnext still scamming?? They manipulate everything, I doubt there platform is even connected to an proper exchange. They seem to be able to loose ppl enormous amounts of money after seeing other clients screenshots, Aionnot dosn’t know how to use a stop/loss feature or deliberately waits over an hour in cases so max loss are accumulated. I doubt these losses are actually lost, just like Aionnext can manipulate profits the exact same in reverse with losses. Their platform is on practise mode or similar. Aionnext claim all this HFT tech with Ai but are based in Bulgaria where internet speeds are 3rd world fast. Legit HFT exchanges base themselves near exchange bc microseconds are worth the $$$$ rent. How much is rent in backwards Bulgaria without even an address?? Guess thats why they mention their in England. I remember when Kim tried claiming to be their but was unfamilar with any landmarks, guess they where hard to see from Bulgaria. Aionnot dosn’t even have fibre optics and tried sending my bank wire to Hong Kong which is tax free haven. I doubt any of the money ppl invested ever where ever in any actual account, after all their based in Bulgaria but didn’t want to pay Bulgarian taxes. Aionnext even credited me money that the bank stopped, approx 20k, they tried blaming my bank just hating, lmao! Aionnot are scammers & credit card refunds are possible before they shut down this scam, please attempt to get refunded while its still possible. hope every victim the best and wish Aionnext rodents the worst. rgds

    3. is an Original Scammer!

      Oh my God, why me? I don’t even remember how I come across while researching cryptocurrency exchange and I was very new to the game. All I know was that Dec-26,2017 was my first deposit of $400 to this nightmare hell game. I regret ever finding this website and for not finding any scam reports when I started in last year Dec 25, 2017! These people turned my efforts of trying to build wealth gradually from trading to a nightmare. Now, 4-months into this mess with $24,000 USD deposit with unbelievable equity built to $46,000 plus gone down the drain. These people will definitely suffer in hell because I put in all my hard-earned Credit Cards funds into this scam.
      My Account Manager name is Alexa Zoltan and she is the best at what she does at scamming with passion. At the very beginning, I deposited $400 instead of their minimum $250 which should have been a red flag in the first place. Now, I have been cripped-for-life and scare of ever going into any form of trading platforms. After my first deposit of $400, Alexa email and called right away, asking me to put in large amount of money, so that she can place me into one of their Account Type.
      Alexa always call me to demand for new deposit and said there is a deal going on that their Company want to sell Bitcoin at 10% reduced price and this was around the time that BTC dramatically dropped in value from $14,000 plus to mere $8,000 and below. I thank God that I had no money that I could sent her at the time and she was very aggressive to the point that she asked Nicko to call me. Nicko was very rude and brutal on the phone, he wanted me to go and withdraw all my savings including any retirement savings I ever owned. He made me look stupid on the phone for saving with other financial investors that will never give me any large interest on my money, claiming that the right thing for me to do is withdraw all my money from all my investment portfolio and transfer the money to them and they will even pay me back my transfer fees cost for transferring the money.
      At the time I have deposited $24,000 from their aggressive money transfer calls, I regularly traded their platform on my own because I have invested in trading education to do this right and not lose money out of ignorance. Alexa said she is to trade my account once-a-week since she signed me onto their Basic Account Type, which is $10,000 plus. She said she would work with me and won’t stop until she made me a million Dollar before the end of this year 2018. As she asked for more money and wanting me to join their PAMM Account with another minimum of $20,000 per person, I refused and told her to use some of my money equity which is at $40,000 at the point if she found another group starting with less than $10,000. Later on, she claimed that the first PAMM group was postponed and will be start soon and she will ask them for a spot for me with my $10,000 request but then she said she needed me to deposit that $10,000 in other to meet the joining date deadline. Alexa called me constantly for 5-7 times a day asking me to let her know when I can talk but thank God I was in school and I won’t pick her call while in class lectures.
      In summary, I built my account up close to $46,000 and through all this they at Aionnext had pull several tricks on me which I caught and Steve was suppose to be their Technical guy and from just talking to him on the phone, I told him that he’s not a technical guy because he had no simple knowledge of trading! He has no clue to what a Spread is? Or how their Commission is related to the Spread either. I complaint to them in several email about how their commission to a trade which shows a $0.07 (7 cent per 1 unit volume) suddenly change and charge several $100s when I execute the trade. I calculate all these mistakes and sent them screen shot and demanded to get my commission charge difference! They later deposit the different into my account after long emails from me and also because Alexa was waiting for me to send her another $10,000 USD for PAMM.
      In summary, I complained to them about their platform being a fake and not MT4 platform as they claimed and no one bother to respond to my email. They always said my manager will respond back (Alexa). Then I started losing large amount per each trade, I suspected they are manipulating the platform because I will trade the same pair as my manager and to my surprise mine will lost big time while she will have sent me message that she made $700 plus on the same trade and her margin will be even smaller than mine. I told my husband that something is fishy about this platform because I am losing money every time I go to sleep and some trade were closed without my permission, which I complained to Alexa. She even buy and sold my BTC coin without my permission. My husband said he noticed too how easy I was making $3000 profit plus on trades in few hours in a day spent and he’s not convince that this is not a scam. He advised me to ask for my initial deposit money back and I did. This is when everything turns sour. I filled the Withdraw form on their dashboard just for $4,000 and nothing happened. Normally I was used to how fast their Deposit Form was and I was very disappointed that nothing happens on the opposite side of deposit (withdraw)!
      Alexa Zoltan called me and said she was told I tried to withdraw some money that I can’t because my money is locked up for 3 months and until then if I am strap for money, she can ask the company for a maximum of $1,000 per month for me. Even the $1,000 was difficult for me to collect, I kept letting her know that I didn’t see it in my credit card.
      To shorten the story, now this month, I am over 3 months of their lock-my-fund excuse. I went though hell with constant losses on my trades with huge losses of for example $1,900 on a $4,000 margin trades each, they are trying so hard for me to loss all my money and I toughen it up and built my equity back again and again. Now that I finally have money in my free margin greater than my initial total deposit of $24,000. The total amount was showing $46,000 and I ask them to give me back my initial deposit to pay back my credit cards and they all went silent since then… both Alexa, Steve, and the Aionnext Support email had gone silent on me.
      I am in big trouble and in big credit cards debt from this nightmare. I am overshadowed with a great depression, felt very ashamed and lost every hope of getting my money back. How could another human being do this to another person? This Alexa person talk to me as if we are friends and ask about my family? She made me trust her and now dropped me like spoilt potato.
      What can I do to get at least some of my money back?

      1. Btw Aionrats also tried to sell me Btc at 10% discount. I laughed as i knew that was complete BS. They wouldn’t need cash if they had Btc to trade with, & nobody on Earth sell’s Btc at any discount, only a scam!. Yeah they lost so much Btc when the market crashed and from 20k usd to 6k usd. I said if they where so clever they would have sold at 20k and not hodl until it was 1/3 of that value. I sound like they all have the same script, their so pathetic! Alexa had the same email about her 85% success rate I read here & was exactly the same Kim Specter. They where so desperate when Nicko mentioned that to me, I laughed as I couldn’t belive what he just said. They must have rocks in their head to think that would fly, but I guess it must have worked as they wouldn’t have said it if it never got them a result. Btw that Btc at 10% off wasn’t available to their victims otherwise that scam line wouldn’t work. They could give a 50% discount, its still 100% BS and a joke, just like these vermin.
        I know 100% I will get you a genuine result this week if you contact me Sheri with real currency unlike Aionrats BS Btc. I really feel your pain & I know how to solve your financial problem as I used my credit card too, when I learnt how refunds where possible. Aionrats knew they would financially ruin ppl by maxing out credit cards and convincing others to take out loans with high interest rates like 20% on credit card. Skype me on Zack Krst, and I will prove/show you refunds on bank statements. I hope you contact me so we can fix this issue and get your credit card refunded and saving you 20% interest rate. I’ve been there and I know how you feel. I also know you will feel blessed after you get refund 100%. Im in Australia so if u Skype consider timezone. thx

      2. Get your husband to call me if you feel too depressed, I know how terrible it feels. Yes all the figures are manipulated & the scam only works until people want to withdraw all their funds. I was also refunded 1k when my bank told me Aionrats account was red flag for fraud. i hope you didn’t send any bank wire to Hong Kong, I was lucky their account at the time was flagged and I know Aionrats would have opened a new account to collect funds from future victims. I asked them to refund 1k to get regain my trust and they only returned 1k thinking I’d reinvest 20k. Yeah they lso offered to pay my bank wire & give me an extra 30% on my Btc I deposited. I thought this was too good to be true and it was. Of course they will pay $25 wire fee for 100% free $ they scammed. Their phone calls to me where enduring, begging for money & becoming rude when I denied them any more of my $. I was already familar with Btc and know what they where claiming was BS & they where scammers. I wish I had posted earlier but i just wanted my $ back after 3 month BS contract, I didn’t even sign that joke they called a contract or send my KYC details, still didn’t stop them stealing my Btc & credit card funds. I then told Aionrats if I didn’t get refunded I spread word of their scam. Steve rang me after my 1st day of posting, he wasn’t too happy I was scaring off clients they wished to defraud more $ off like Graham. But it was great karma because with my legal background I was able to get refund and help others, which I can prove through Skype. I hope you didn’t wire any $ and it was all on credit card Sheri. That is the only possible monies able to be recovered. Hope to hear from you and help you from Aionrats nightmare. Whoever msged my Aion noot Facebbok needs to be verified as I can’t read the msg otherwise.

      3. If you look at Aion Noot facebook I got charged $400 at beginning of trades for “commission” to use my own money! I can’t imagine what Aionrats would charge using leverage. Of course they want you to loss all your money because their platform isn’t hooked up to a legit exchange. Steve Vulcan is now “technical assistant”? his email claimed he was their CEO, Head trader & Risk management when I spoke to him he told me he could charge whatever he wished in an unregulated industry because i complained $400 commission per trade was a scam. Their commission is manipulated unless it a negative -$?00. Do you think these scammers and want noobs,inexperienced / experienced risking losing $ they scammed to the crypto market when Aionnext can scam 100%?? I’m posting another clients screenshoots on facebook where they would lose multiple hundred in lost trades and claimed they couldn’t close trade within an hour. I quiet sure the only trading that happen’s is on their personal binance/bitrex account. Steve told me he was a fan of these exchanges, no doubt compared to his potato exchange that he’d never use. Why do you think we never had access to our wallets? The icing on the cake is how they claimed to have a 10% Btc sale for USD lmao. If they wanted to trade couldn’t trade with USD, they needed actual Btc! People would never have to exchange USD at BTC/ETH at whatever exchange rate in order to trade like legit site. It wasn’t Tether, it was BS! So trying buying crypto at a legit site, you won’t get far no doubt. The reason they wanted $ was to buy more Btc because they lost 2/3 of the million they scammed, I know this cause they claimed the $ was in the market, meaning it was crypto currency but on my account only USD was showing. Steve agreed the numbers can be manipulated and sounded proud to be claiming that about his exchange/scam. U where always going to lose, it was just a matter of how much $ ?? Funny how they can constantly call when begging for more $ but are nowhere to be found when you want your $?? I think their even got a new name to this scam now that Aionnext is dead. Also why did they have Btc on “10% sale” when they could have got marketprice on any exchange for extra 10% without bothering anyone? They where fishing and would say anything to get a bite. You do realise that Aionnext doesn’t have an address? Its just a Bulgarian call scamming centre with monkeys reading a script. How can you audit them if you can’t find them? They couldn’t use your profits because they didn’t exist in real life, they where meaningless numbers on their dashboard that they can manipulate at will. That currency is worthless to anyone but their naive scamming victim, & when the victim is onto them and won’t part with any more $.
        It’s so obvious now I’ve read and spoken to other victims & Aionnext scammers. Aionrats have even given up trolling me because I make them look worse, if thats possible. Anyways I hope your husband are on the same page about this scam and the scum that operate Aionnext. Best get a refund and move on. I hope u don’t give up on the crytpo market because of these mongrols. Btc made $1000 this week and is profitable to trade the swings, or buy the dips. Daytrading is highly unprofitable if you unable to hold for a a couple of days, It could take 1/2/3 days for crypto to rebound to break even, or it could pump for several days especially with high leverage, too risky especially in crypto, 1 bad trade w leverage could wipe u out, and be in debt. This is why Aionrats love this scam, they don’t give anyone any actual leverage as they can’t afford ppl losing their scammed $ on the market when they can just trade it on their own account since they consider themselves genius investors. I remember their potato exchange didn’t work on Safari, their techincal division was non existent joke. A week later I was adviced to use Chrome. These vermin can’t make profitable trades on a market Easier to get a refund and make legit $ on a legit exchange in your own wallet in your possession. Instead of being in an unknown location in an Bulgaria. If you look up Priemier Crypto you will see Aionrats new scam. Check out the same scam diffrent name. Kim Specter new alias is Julia Lauren. Aionrats 2.0. look at their address / or license plate? lmao. Don’t be surprised if Premier Rats/ Aionrats call to rescam. Just say NO!

    4. Greg hit me up if u used your card as refund, Im sure u need this money more than aionnext scammers. If you receive a call from PremierCrypto hjand up, its Aionrats rebranded scammmers.

      1. Zak, could you please help me, I invested usd $2500 using my credit card, show me how to get refund. Thanks.

    5. Hi Lyse, I’m sorry to hear that you got caught up with these scamming rats. I don’t like posting here as they are notified of ppls intentions. But yeah Premier Markets and Soonest are the same scamming rats. They had their payment provider located in UK, I will post address as I wrote it some place. Time is of the essense otherwise they will delete their website in attempt to disappear. A lawsuit would be the best course of action, a group lawsuit would also be effective for those defrauded by aionnext. Look up their payment provider and launch legal action against that entity. They where located in UK so western law would apply, it probably scared off these rodents. Don’t be surprised if they contact you in future under a different name, me & others victims where contacted by Premier Scams. It has exactly the same dodgy exchange interface. These scumbags are greedy rats. Best of luck, email me if I can do anything to help, as giving scammers the heads up is counter productive.

  5. Unfortunately, in the same boat! Dealt with someone called Jessica Silver. Email responses back and forth. She was calling me regularly up until the point I stopped investing further funds. From being 4000US dollars in credit. Overnight went into the negative. Can’t get your money for up to three months from the last deposit they say! These people really need to be closed down! Total scam!
    Just lucky I stopped investing further funds!
    Aionnext- remember the name guys, you’ve been warned, I wish I’d trusted other people’s posts. My instincts told me something wasn’t right from the outset. Unfortunately, had to learn the hard way!

    1. Sorry to hear that Aionnext got to your hard earn’t capital Nisar. Jessica Silver even that name sounds fake. Yeah that 3 month BS lock in period is a scam, don’t hold ur breath beleving u will see any monies after 3 months, they will probably claim to put it on the bot and zero account as they have done to numerous other clients. The only recourse is if you used credit card when investing in this scam. How did they loss $4000 overnight? So much for their 85% success rate, should updated to -85% overnight!
      If you can get on Binance their are plenty of opportunties to make great returns. The market has a way of constantly bending Aionnext over and taking the money they scammed, its karma since they where always going to scam us all. I got an email from Aionnot saying my margins where low & my account was at risk of being closed down. I told them that they can close my account after returning my Btc. I’m suprised they haven’t put my account on a bot although I never signed any contract or sent my KYC details. They have already broken money lauding laws & KYC voliations, so long as I get them numbers Alexia was bragging about LMAO! Aionnext is a scam, it needs to be audited and prosecuted. The rats at Aionnext are desperate, they need more $ to scam. If everybody can google Aionnext scam, then google algorithm records and predicts it next time Aionnext is searched. Aionnext are stupid Bulgarian Rats, their the dumb money in the cryptomarket. Don’t let these fools manage to get to ur $$.

      1. Btw banks have started to ceased credit cards from buying crypto & or in scams like Aionnext. Fb, google, twitter will stop advertising crypto soon to stop people getting scammed by Aionnext ect. This will be the death of Aionnext & similar scams. This is gr8 news for Btc who all these scams feed off it’s profits. Banks stopping any flagged Aionnext wire transfer & now credit cards. Aionnext will soon only be able to scam crypto. Please do NOT give crypto to Aionnext. Btc will rise in value after all these scams disappear. At least banks will have the brains not to deal with Bulgarian scammers. Aionnext already know this though, enjoy ur last scamming days Aionnot!. Lmao

      1. JUST to let anyone who maybe confused if its a scam or not I have photos of the scam in action if you wish to see them my contact is I contacted aionnext support with the photos and a please explain yer you guessed it dident hear from them again kim spectre is hard to describe evil pops to mind but I’m sure theirs plenty of other discriptions

    1. hi I have joined aionnext also it all started of well but the wheels are falling of now and I have asked for my 1000 USD to be returned I am dealing with kim spectre who is a very difficult person to speak to its a pitty as I said it started well but now I have lost faith they are above board as the rules keep changing and some trades have appeared that I never placed and don’t even make sense but resulted in large losses anyway I made some good profits at the start I have asked them to keep the profits and return my 1000 USD will keep you posted

      1. Hi Wayne, unless u haven’t read similar post u should know that u invested in a scam & ur account numbers where manipulated by AionX to fool u into thinking they where cabaple of making a profit. Yes after they claimed to made u thousands they called u to pump more $ from u, sound familiar? Kim Specter is a VIP witch, she will go crazy when called a scammer! The wheels feel off when u invested, only when u where suspicious & asked for 1k was the game over. She can’t keep profit by it doesn’t exist. U offered her all profits but just wanted refund & that was refused, only because there is no profit & ur $ is now their Btc / Eth. Read Aion Noot facebook. $10-$400 commission to AionX at start of trades! They can say ur 1 mill profit, unless u have it in ur hand it’s BS! Please read post’s & realize the truth of this scam. Kim is feral, expect when begging for $. After ur grand she realized u wornt giving more & true colors & real bitchy Kim appears? Begging her 4 $ is πŸ˜‚. AionX won’t return 500 USD, why u think ur getting 1k? Ur account w be put on bot & zeroed b4 3 month. Their commission on losses are larger be that’s how they scam! How can they pretend to have made 1000 with $400 commission? Instead it 1000 profit will only be $1 commission. See how it works? All numbers manipulated, how do u buy Btc w USD? No conversation needed w scam. The potty is with all this info on this thread u choose to be ignorant. Yes there is a way to refund visa/mastercard but not through Kim the feral bitch. U realize that commission on ur loss trades is more expensive than loss on trade? I got charged $400 commission. Pls read this thread & get real. if u we use to believe Kim’s delusions be my guest. If u want a refund get real. Ask Kim if I got refunded against AionX wishes. I got 7k refund we AionX. think ur self lucky ur only 1k, others have lost plenty more. Anyway do as u wish, invest more! At end of the day ur too lazy to read truth or ur in denial. I hope it’s denial & sooner u accept situation the sooner u can help urself. Sorry for being a goose but I didn’t post on this thread for nothing. Most ppl slowly accept this is scam, I know being 1000k invested is sad. Ur mistake was not checking this website b4 investing. There MO scam is a routine. Be thankful u didn’t wait 3 months b4 ur account got zeroed like others. Maybe if u say Kim w (: it might help. I want to help ppl get refunds to retrieve my lost Btc but ppl would prefer to loss 100% instead of 6%.
        Anyway don’t reinvest I was joking. Good luck in ur endeavour to get refund cause it’s fruitless going through Aionnext. Ur $ is now there’s, they call it crowd funding LMAO

        1. well sent the photos to their support ha ha what support and it could clearly be see these trades were not possible to do but you guessed it haven’t herd from them since they are great photos it shows their scamming 100% but they are still trading how is beyond me and yes it looks like I can kiss my 1000 USD goodbye runaway folks their a scam

          1. Yeah the Aionnot scam was exposed when you showed irrefutable evidence of their low $400 commission ect. No leverage involved, no genuine client can profit with Aionnot exorbitant high commission on beginning of trades. Yet clients are dumbfounded when Aionnext eliminates thousands of dollars from their manipulated accounts after Aionnext believe that client is too clever to reinvest so the dump is on. Trade history will show people loss over 10000x commission compared to a marginally low loss on trade. But when Aionnext claim $500 profit on 1 trade less than a $1 is charged in commission. This makes no sense unless Aionnot don’t understand the fundamentals of math. They claim that they don’t charge commission on loss trades but this fictional. Aionnext charge the most commission $ on lost trades than what Aionnext charge on commissions on manipulated successful trades. Aionnot are stupid scammers claiming to be successful traders. Their claim to be traders is exposed after investigation website Scam Broker Aionnext DOES NOT have a license. If they claim otherwise ask for their license number and cross check, don’t be suprised when no trading license exists for DOA/CEO Steve (claims to be head trader) probably gives great head while trading on his own account with other peoples money.! , Dim Kim, Jessica Silver Scammer, Nicko Dicko Luciano, & Elizabath “hired 4 her stupid english accent “. 100% scammers that spend all their time scamming money while lying, BS about 85% stats but don’t have any trading license because their scammers without a number to their successful scamming backyard operation. Aionnext operate from Bulgaria because of the high corruption & lawlessness, Please those who have invested do your research if you don’t believe my allegations. Ask to withdraw your capital and don’t be suprised if that’s impossible even if your thousands in profit. Then expect Steve to have a meeting with your account. Don’t worry he has NO trading license despite his BS, defrauding victims is Aionnot speciality. Aionnext have manipulated the rating for this sites review, which was 3/5 & now it’s 2/5! Clearly Aionnot didn’t appreciate Bitcoinscam investigation on their scamming activities. Scam Broker also investigated Aionnext scam and came to the same conclusion regarding Aionnext scam. Please reasech that website & check out Aion Noot @ facebook to see low $10 – $400 commission rates. Please don’t believe Aionnot lies, ask for their address so Aionnext can be audited & prosecuted for all their fraudulent activites. Wish everyone invested all the best. Aionnot is a scam which I believe will disappear and rename their scam as Aionnext name is exposed & finding future victims isn’t as easy if those victims google Aionnext scam, I know I wouldn’t invest in Aionnot garbage now its been exposed. Aionnext if you want to claim any credibility then disclose your address if your all legit & have nothing to hide, No doubt that will never occour. AionRats can live in any sewerage, no address’s down there. I’ve got a private invesigator looking for their location, but as Aionnext hide their location, no doubt they need to hide to remain alive. Aionnot scammers need to rot in a Bulgarian jail.

    2. Dear James / Admin

      I think now with numerous authentic reviews Aionnext should be classified as a scam. No conspiricy theory nonesence as they claim. Your review was great, only the conclusion needs updating. You can know definitely call Aionnext a straight up scam. They stole my 3k Btc without complying KYC regulations or contract signed. Please I would appreciate other people not getting scammed. The only positive reviews are fake, same IP address. Do you see Aionnext disputing any allegations? Thanks for your great reviews & efforts to expose scams saving ppl financial disaster. Your doing God’s work. Keep up the great work!
      Ur review is 5/5. Too bad that Aionnext can’t be shut down now their exposed as a scam. It’s criminal to allow this scam to be keep defrauding people unempedied. Scammers paradise, how many lives need to be destroyed? Is there any advise u know to help shut this scam down?


      1. Yes, please. This is confirmed Aionnext Trading Brokerage is m#therf%c%er scam artist. The group of people that they use are uneducated gorillas with tiny brains. Their trading platform is a sham, I was new to trading platform when I join, as a matter of fact, I was a victim because I joined this site while navigating the world of crypto currency. I found their website within less than a month that I was learning about “cryptocurrency concepts and how to trade” (around Dec 1, 2017) and I made my first deposit on Aionnext on Dec 26, 2017.
        I did try to search the internet to find out if Aionnext was fake and a Fraud and just like everyone else before me, I found nothing that suggest that Aionnext was Scam and it’s not listed in the Scam black list. Can you imagine, how much richer and happier I would have been today, if someone just have the gut to expose these people on time? The stories I have read above had made me cry seriously, because if I have seen these stories while I was doing my research on the Company before joining in Dec, I would have thanks the commentators and thank my God for their strength in writing those comments to safe me. But it is too late for me, I am $24,400 USD deposit short even my time spent trading those moth*rfuck*rs useless platform on my own thinking “I’m day trading and feeling good with all those profits of $3,500 plus per hour” were nightmares now!
        Please I beg you, list Aionnext under Scam Black List so that other people will benefit from not becoming their victims. This is a terribly feeling of being violated, rob and stripped of all human dignity… Its terrible feeling and I am damaged from this people action. Please save others from this scam, please. If you need proof, I have plenty. Now I want my initial deposit from all my total equity made ($46,000) plus 0.6 BTC coin Alexa Zoltan bought for me from my $10,000 deposit again after she sold the first BTC she bought me without my permission. These people just violated everything and there’s nothing on their platform that look like MT4 as they claimed on their homepage. This thing they called trading platform has no technical analysis chart or tools, no limit orders initiation from the client-side, every time I have to trade is like gambling because I can set anything to execute late. I can only go into trade immediately, can’t set profit gain or stop lost after entering and their trading information is very manipulated!!!
        Please help

        1. Check out for great TA. look at Cryptopremier, Aionrats new website as the Aionnext scam is on its last legs. These Aionrat retards are ring previous scam victims to try to hook them again into their scam. Yeah you are right, they are as dumb as dog $hit. Aionnext scammers do yourselves a favour a go play in some traffic. PremierRats website is carbon copy of trading exchange. These idiots claim to possess military grade protection Lmao, is this in case Russia or China attack? And again your made up address is a residential street. At least your BS gave us a good laugh, 82% reinvest rate on ur brand new scam site without any new victims? Is that why ur calling previous victims Kim calling urself Lauren? Ur a P.O.S thats seriously lacking any intelligence calling pervious victims who recognised your scamming voice. It looks like your new scam name is exposed thanks to your greed & lack of intelligence. Your VIP stupid, and I will enjoy exposing that scam to save peoples $ for you thieving vermin. I told you I’d shut down Aionrats, & PremierRats scam will be no different. I gave u morons the option to return my Btc but Steve was a tight dopey prick, great Ceo. Allt hat effort to make a new webpage for nothing. I’ll expose it before you even scam ur first victim. And I’ll repeat the process every time u scammers rebrand. Already asked scambitcoin to review it. U used the same phone number with just last 4 digits different, same Marshell Island address, and dashboard is same as Aionnext. I knew you would be rebranding as Aionrats scam has been exposed. Thanks for your help exposing it Kim/Lauren,Im sure Steve will promote ur scamming ass. Enjoy trying to scam new victims, rescaming previous victims sounds quite desperate. Aionrats/PremierRats are the dopest traders in the cryptomarket. Im sure u all got your trading licences from a cereal box. Was that “winner” trophy ironic? I thinks so. Bunch of scamming losers who are good for nothing. It’ only a matter of time before you scammers are located and put out of the scamming business once and for all. Hope my Btc was worth it. lmao “winning!”

      1. You really do want to shut them down I don’t blame you Iv read a good portion of the reviews and when they call me tomorrow they will have a ear full from me they want me to invest but I’m doing my homework first thanks for the heads up I won’t be going through them now i don’t know who to go through that has a good starting price any thoughts.

        1. Binance is most popular, or something similar where you control your own trades, and control your funds mate. Glad my posts help you keep your money from these Aionnot vermin. Binance only charge 0.015% fee for trading and (heaps of alts have lost value are now cheap like xpr at 90c and ada, xlm & are due start gaining) Kucoin is also good as it has cheap alts that arn’t on Binance yet. Robinhood is good in U.S. Anywhere where scammer’s arn’t an issue mate. Cheers

        2. When they call trying to scam you tell them where to shove it. Glad you did your homework first, saved yourself a lot of drama, and trouble as well as ur hard earnt money. Just for kicks, play along with their game, get their hopes right up & If there’s any chance ask a question why they don’t have an address number? Then tell them they sound like the scammers u read about. It would appreciate anything you can do that will keep them occupied 2 minutes, saving any future victims during them said minutes. If you need any advice concerning crypto trading app, hit me up anytime no worries. Cheers

      2. Hi Zak,I asked Specter to refund my $500 US.She said it is on a 3 month contract and it will be put on a Bot.Ha!! Well the fucking Bot has just traded to nothing of course,Which I expected it would coming from these scaming fucks.
        I have never had to get money back when paying with a credit card,so how do I get onto their payment platform?Don’t know where to go from here.If you could help me it would be much appreciated.
        Cheers Dave.
        I just heard USI Tech has gone under,Which is no surprise being another bunch of SCAMMERS.

        1. David Evans,

          I am in the same boat. A broker by the name Kim Specter used intimidation tactics to ask me to invest money other than what I already have 500EURO .

          A day later I was thinking, it’s a bit fishy. Asked for a withdrawal . Kim says, “its exposed and locked in for 3 months .

          A week later. I checked my account . All my funds were gone. She traded my entire funds in a so call PAMMs account . Kept emailing them for the whole last week to ask for a ” please explain” up until last 1hr they have blocked me logging. My 500EURO gone just like that. AIONNEXT are scammers. Beware !!!!

          Apparently , you can get your money back if it’s credit card or wire transactions. Bitcoin transfer. Bad luck like myself. If anyone has any suggestions . Kindly , let me know !!


          1. Sorry to hear that you guys also invested in this scam. Sounds like Aionnext are aware that it’s reputation has suffered inevitable damage. Aionnext have giving up trolling because nobody is buying their BS. New investors who read this forum stay away. All current investors who know their scammers are having their accounts zeroed. Dave your statement proves my beliefs, that the money was always invested without investors authority into the market and those accounting numbers are bogus. The markets smashed the Aionnext these scammers bc they always invested our money & would making out that peoples money where safe in personal account with manipulated numbers which makes sense. The money was was AUSD instead Tether. You need to convert AUSD to crypto through exchange which Aionnext never does. AX scammers know current customers won’t reinvest, AX precious scamming time is wasted. Ppl wanted refunds in their first month (Nov) when Btc was gaining & where refunded out of profits of their investment. Aionnoyt where so bullish in a bear market, they have a gift of losing massive amounts of investors money, while claiming their the opposite. Kim Specter is a witch, a VIP scammer who only scams for money! So successful investors can’t part with a dollar? After my bank wire denied by bank I knew it was scam & she’s screaming for me to put $ in their account flagged for fraud, I asked the scammers to refund me 1K (to reinvest) to regain my trust after Bank proclaimed Aionnot was a scam. The bank advised not to trust Aionnot unless the money was in my hand on 3/1/18. Plenty of scams online and Aionext is just one of the latest exposed. I didn’t even sign a contract or send KYC details! If they can steal my Btc without contracts or KYC then it’s not legit and a fraud. Im worried Aionnot scammers have victims personal information and what it may be used for. Their payment platform should appear in your credit card transaction with Aionnext. You then contact them online. I was all new to this too, these scammers cost me more money they couldn’t afford to lose. Aionnext where ruining so many lives but they don’t have a soul, they only care about the new $ and forget the old investor $. Email me on for assistance as Aionnot scammers will read this & I know people getting refunds will ruin this scam. Aionnot know the games up. Scammers policy of mandatory trading despite clients experience and exorbitant commission rates or robot 99.9% fail rate? Clients can’t win and can only watch their accounted zeroed.
            Aionnot scammers need to zero your account before the crowd funding locked in period expires because they can’t return any money to investors. Asking AionX payment platform for a refund won’t be easily successful as I expect they will stall/deny those ignorant of the situation. After I got refund AX CEO Steve sent me his email with “tell me anything” about my interaction with refund. Lol, I then realised this caught his attention and I must have been a first to have have been refunded without AX approval. Good luck everyone, especially those trying to get a refund from AionX, that money AX can’t control, and when enough people get a refund that will be the death of Aionnext scammers.
            AionX scammers need to held accountable for their crimes! Please AX reveal your address cause authorities wish to meet you! AionX have already contacted scambitcoin and made all excuses & conspiracy theories, to keep this scam going. Thanks for everyone sharing their stories and exposing these AionX rats. Only if it was in the market can you trade, but Aionnot claim it’s in your account in USD but can’t withdraw equity bc it in crypto market? AionX BS at its best. Only worthless scammers could sell that. AionX scammers should be made into a human centipede, at least there mouths would be put to something more useful. Lol

        2. Look at the commission rates charged on your trades that lost. Usually the commission rate is more than u lost in trade than when Aionnot manipulate numbers to look profitable because they don’t include AX high commission on profits when they want to pump for more money. Only when they put u on “Bot” or u do ur own trades u see their ridiculous high commission. Don’t know why u couldn’t just buy Btc & hold? Day trading isn’t successful because it’s a long term investment, not daily. They want you trading so they earn commission at the start of trades. Their platform is Digi something. It should be on you transaction history. Get onto it asap, getting money back from these scamming fucks is priceless. They have no control over the $ at Digi, I got refunded in 2 minutes, make sure you mention what I have stated otherwise they will play games. Remember ur prolly the 2nd person to go straight to payment provider. I hope u get same result . Question the rats at Aionnot how ur money was in the market at Btc but their scam shows liquidity in USD? How can this scam convert Btc into USD?
          Why don’t people have Btc balance which should fluctuate w market! Btc crashed to 6k & now its over 11k weeks later. The only ppl that profited where the rats at Aionnot!. Specter is just a professional liar / scammer and good for nothing. Funny how traders who couldn’t lose before would risk peoples investment because they want to charge $10-$400 commission. Get ur money back and invest it Binance. The opportunity tomake money is lost bc AX scammers which is also is expensive. Wish u a successful refund. If you need any advice just hit me up. no worries. Good luck w Digi

    1. Don’t waste your time asking Aionnot scammers for a refund, they won’t part with a penny. Got straight to the payment provider for any credit card transactions refund. I was able to get my credit card refunded 2 minutes later and no BS. Any bank wire or cyrpto deposits are another issue, bc they went straight to Aionnot. Banks don’t register scams like Aionnot as a business,that’s why a legit payment provider is needed as middleman with credit card/debit card, otherwise their scam wouldn’t be able to process credit cards funds. The payment platform will be happy to refund you without contacting Aionnot. They know Aionnot is a scam! Happy to help anyone in this situation.

        1. Their trading platform should be on ur bank account, email me if you need any help as I don’t want Aionnot (who are trolling this site) to know how to counteract. I hope you understand.

          1. Dave can you let us know how you go with ur refund attempt. It only took me 5 minutes for me to be offered a full refund. They didn’t ask AionX scammers nothing, when payment provider asked what AionX had done I suggested that they should read scamcoin/AionX bc the Aionnot arn’t to be trusted being the scammers they are & having no credibility. Yeah I was then offered a refund on my money on credit card & they explained that other funds weren’t processed through them & they couldn’t refund what didn’t invilve payment provider. Please attempt a refund on credit card asap, When your successfully get refund please post here to inspire other victims to attempt refund as well. With an avalanche of AionX scam victims recouping their loss on credit cards transactions AionX won’t be around much longer. Everyday these AionX scammers operate is another day defrauding more victims is totally unacceptable & I look forward to the day AionX shuts down permanently. have you noticed that they have giving up their propaganda reviews? Their attempts to discredit me? AionX scammers know they can’t argue against the truth and they end up looking more devious. Adim here had already flagged Peter Bishop in earlier post as using same IP address as earlier positive reviews. AionX then pretend to be the same Peter Bishop without remembering that admin had flagged that name. AionX are hardly the genius they claim to be. Stupid, good for nothing criminals are what they are. No doubt AionX read this, like “Peter” said they wait & watch my posts & have given up their unsuccessful propaganda. Once more $ is refunded out of AionX outweighing their $ scamming new victims AionX will be be gone. No checks where done with Aionnot and Digi offered me refund without hesitation. My only regret was not attempting it sooner. Helping people getting refunds is now my agenda. What I have posted here in regards to my exp with successful refund I wish I had this insight. AionX are no doubt furious that this info is out bc scammers don’t like the ill gotten gains refunded to their victims. I will include receipt on Aion Noot Facebook. The fact that AionX have never disputed my refund or taken credit for it says it all. i hope victims are inspired to a attempt refund, I didn’t expect a refund w my first attemp and was ecstatic when it was successful, AionX weren’t so happy. Lmao
            AionX scammers how do you like me now? Douchebags

          2. Hi Zak,
            I have been a victim of aionnext and was wandering how to get my money back from the trading platform (digitech??) when it came out of my bank account,

            The whole company are a scam and couldn’t believe the things that they were coming away with when i dealt with my so called wealth manager Jessica Silver, or whatever her name is,

            Absolutely disgusted with them, is there anyone i can contact to get these people shut down, or will it be too difficult to find these people,

            I would love to find them,


          3. Hey Shaun. yeah I’m sure their would be a long line of people wanting to get their hands on AionRats. Jessica Silver Scammer, Im sure her previous employment was at some disease ridden brothel. I had a great Lmao when I read her email/resume someone attached, I’m sure Kim Sphincter had the exact same resume, same BS claims word for word. Wealth manager what a joke, with all her BS claims 85% success rate in her 8 years as trading manager, funny how she has no wealth herself to invest ironically after giving herself wealth manager title. The only way she’s capable of obtaining wealth is defrauding ppl in AionRats scam call center. These douchebags also claim to be trading veterans despite no trading license in reality. This explains why AionRats are so successful at losing clients money at an alarming rate despite the real market activity. Even on days when every crypto is pumping/rebound ect & even an actual monkey with no exp can pick a stock & anyone investing on the monkeys pick would have made a nice genuine profit. It’s on those same days I’ve read posts here by clients devastated that AionRats have lost them multiple thousands of dollars, which was impossible unless invested on a scam cryto like Bitconnect. Aionnot clients aren’t even advised to hodl. Day trading has a 95% loss rate in crypto because they don’t hodl and wait a day for the coin to rebound ect. Hint AionRats DONT HAVE trading licenses! This seems to explain why/how Aionclowns loss all the money they scammed and ask again for more despite claiming that massive profits where made. The massive profits come with hodling & not daytrading. But hodling takes longer and making clients a profit isn’t in Aionrats interests, the only profits Aionrats are interested in are for AionRats. If your hodling & making profits daily compounding over week/month but that would irritate Aionrats no doubt because they can’t benefit from their exorbitant high commission rates at the beginning of every trade & they want you making as many trades possible for their profits to. Peter Bishop is a fraud, Aionrats market numbers arn’t the same as Bitrex, AionRats charge more for their coins than any other legit exchange, Aionrats make You pay more and profit less than legit exchange, their massive wealth generator comes from scamming $10-$400 at beginning of every trad, and the “bot” & Steve love the 2 second trades. 1 second to open a trade with a $400 commission at beginning of trade, & then closed trade the following second literally. I was charged twice x $400 ($800) for opening my own trades with my own money & no leverage, after I exp seening $400 commission charge at beginning of trade I closed it and thought this was a glitch or error, so I started the same trade and after I got same result (another $400) I knew Aionrats where scammers, Ceo Steve reassured me that this was the case. $800 commission for a minute of trading was seen as reasonable by Steve, who admitted he could have charged more, he didn’t care to lower it when I asked him for clarification on “low commission” Their is no “bot” that’s Steves just doing a 2 second trade, a 5 second trade would be considered as Aionrats hodling. After all evidence regarding AionRats defrauding & getting lucky with a refund despite Steves objections/denial. Also I was so lucky defrauded victims flagged AionRats bank account saving me financial grief & constant depression bc I destroyed my family financially. Kim Sphincter knew I had children & asked me to thank my partner after Sphincter though she had successfully defrauded me. Kim was so happy & guaranteed that 2018 would be very successful. I wasn’t as confident with the market being highly volatile & unpredictable. I only realised with hindsight why Dim Kim was so confidant & happy, because she thought she successfully scammed a decent amount of money, prolly 3 years salary in Bulgaria. The market crashed days later & Dim Kim’s prediction was a joke Btc went from 15k, to 10k, to 6k & now 8.5k, no where near the 20k she predicted, she took money from my savings, credit card & crypto and I was depressed until I got my 8k refunded on my credit card, I was so worried about the 20% interest pa after my banks fraud department stopped me accessing my funds over the weekend, and I was told Aionnot was defrauding their clients. In hindsight dealing w Dim Kim & Nicko Dicko, all their calls asking me to deposit more $ their lies became more ludicrous, Nicko was doing unauthorised prechecks on my cards after I got them all replaced after Aionrats compromised their cards security. Nicko was so desperate when Btc was approx 10k, & after he knew I was depositing my Binance account he must have got a small hint. He then asked if I wanted to by a Btc at discount! He explained that AionRats had bought it from Chinese miners 3 years ago, & instead of selling it for 20k, 15k, 10k whatever marketprice I could have it at discount. They claimed to have mining capabilities on website which he just exposed as a joke. i also learnt though another client how evil that creep was. he had befriended the client years ago but only recently did Nicko reconnect with client. Client thought Aionnot was around for years but I informed him Aionnot was relatively new (5 month) he was then questioning how Nicko had contacted him again, I told him Nicko probably had his details and had initiated contact to defraud him bc they needed more $, not enough new clients. He told me Nick claimed his mum invested 200k in Btc 4 years ago & was now a multi millionaire. I said if his mum is a multi millionaire why is Nick scamming over the phone instead of asking his mum for a million. Thats the great thing about communication, it exposes scammers like Shpinter and Dicko, and Silver apparently educated in a western country but now scamming in a 3rd world country. Aionrats can’t lie straight in bed, their scamming vermin who believe their own lies after a lifetime of scamming. Im sure dopey Peter Bishop would buy this rubbish, the grey matter between his ears is lacking seriously. lol

          4. Zak, you know absolutely nothing about me. I too was scammed by this crowd. So I would appreciate it very much if you could restrain yourself from further slandering my name in your posts please. Fortunately I only lost $750AU. I feel for those who have lost a lot more.

          5. Peter, If you’re last name ain’t Bishop then I’m sorry if I offended you. I didnt understand why u address me, after my experience w soonest trolls like Bishop. I didn’t sign a contract but my Btc was stolen or even my KYC details. My account should be shut down by Soonest are breaking AML Anti money laundering, & I just thought you sounded like you where Aionnext propaganda. U claimed in ur 1st msg u had made profits u where happy with and in 2nd yet u said they scammed u too. Why where u asking for me to provide evidence when u didn’t seen to need it. It is black & white, Aionnext are scanners, yes some ppl are financially ruined by of them maggots. If you where happy w Aionnext old keep it to yourself, Aionrats are scammers no doubt about it will numerous ppl hurt. I want them expose them & I felt your where counterproductive.I find it hard to believe ur claim that you made numerous profits with only $700, Aionnext usually put those on small $ on bots but not you. Why did u need any evidence of u claim u to got scammed.I must admit Im confused, claiming I yell is a bit rich. I only yell when I mention Aionmaggots. U do whatever you wish, just don’t get in argument with me, asking for evidence of what? So confused, thx

      1. I had already paid through my credit card for a few months already.Is it possible to get any refund?

    2. I want to thank whoever it was that brought Aionnext bank account details red flagged. I tried transferring 15k via wire transaction to Honk Kong account and my bank stopped the transfer. The fraud department at bank got in contact with me and informed me of their assessment that Aionnext was a bc that account number was flagged after other people defrauded brought attention to it. Kim was furious “they can’t tell you what to do with your money tell the bank you want to send it to that account” . Im no big fan of banks but they saved my 15k from Aionnot scammers. Thanks to those who flagged Aionnot account, and this was at the beginning of this year. Sorry ppl lost money and then saved mine.

    3. Hi everyone

      Just letting you all know that the robot is today trading with all my money so I expect to lose everything by tomorrow invested 5,500USD.

      Be warned if you are thinking of investing in Aionnext you would be better off to put it in a pile and burn it, at least it would be your decision. Evil, callous scammers.

      Let you know what happens tomorrow.

      Graham Kilbourn

      1. Hi Graham,

        Yes you will, i have just lost my money with the robot, i had a bitcoin and then the robot sold it and started trading, what a joke, sorry but you will just have to watch your money disappear like i did,


  6. AIONNEXT I am starting to think the same. Real good bitcoin firms have mobile apps. This one doesn’t.

    My little chat with a broker on AIONNEXT.

    1. Had a chat with a broker from AIONNEXT. First the broker told me in an email intro about herself and her trading profession. “Greed is not welcome here !! ” and I quote from her email.

    2. Few days later,

    She kept saying, ” now , do you want to stay and trade at this level or you want to go to the next level ? I am kinda thinking , ” greed is not welcome here !! ” ”

    Trade with less money , you get a less return ” , she said. What do you want to do David ? ( since the cooling period is gone ), we have locked you in for 3 months.

    So you can’t take your money out. Read the Ts & Cs Dave !!!

    I said, ” do you want me to put more money in to raise my profits ? She said, ” I don’t care how much money you put in , for $500 USD , I can barely help you make a decent profit.

    My time is precious !!! I mean ” WTF !!! ” I even told her to lower her tone several times.

    I hope they use those messages for training purposes.

    3. Okay time’s up Dave, I shall reschedule next appointment in a week till then , we gonna set you on ” auto pilot ” trading. Her tone seems to change from 1 star cust service to ” in your face ” Time is money. Don’t do anything that you don’t know on our platforms otherwise , you can lose alot of money.

    I am thinking of getting a refund because

    a. sweet talk you to deposit money

    b. they wait till the “trail period” is over their tone starts to change . From professional advice to being
    an arrogant salesperson.

    1. Greed in not welcome in investing in Aionnot because it’s a scam/charity and returns no profits to genuine customers. They don’t want you trading because they don’t want you to see there ridiculously high commission’s when you begin a trade. They manipulate the numbers’s and I payed $90 on a loss and 0.03 on a 3 figure profit. When I used it it was $400 commission at beginning of trade. Real trading firms also have a number to their address. They would operate out of Nigera but now that country has a stigma attached to it new scams have now relocated to Bulgaria. The ppl u spoke to just scam and never trade, they don’t want to risk any loss to their 100% profit being money you gave them. No genuine customer has ever had a return to bother reinvesting. Her precious time is more useful scamming more naive victims, there was never a week cooling off period ever, it’s all part of their scam. You think insurance companies cover crytpo trading which is so violatile? The banks have stopped credit cards being used in crypto! Insurance companies don’t insure gambler’s because it never profitable! The economic crash due to stock market in America has stopped b anks lending to each other, inflation and higher interest rates are on their way! Why do you think Btc had been gradually falling? JP Morgan & Wall st bought millions of Btc at 6k, and are the whales. Aionnext is a scam who are an Bulgarian SCAM/charity. Dave u probably spoke to Kim Specter, shes as crazy as a cut snake! and delusional to boot!

      1. How affective do you think their scam who be if where being arrogant? Of course they will say everything and anything and be polite to get your money, until now that they can’t pump you for more $, They where pissed off because they saw your earlier post and know that you weren’t naive to their scam! It’s much harder to make profits on crypto because everyone Tethers there crypto & nobody hodl’s because of Btc declining value!

        1. I wouldn’t be thinking about trying to get refund from this scam, by the time you have thought about it the stock market & currency have fallen and nobody reinvesting in Aionnot will have caused it to close it’s scam. The sooner you decide to get refund the better position you will be before Aionot shut down and rebrand. Email or Aion noot on facebook for advice on getting a successful refund. After all my post’s here I’m in disbelief how few people want help in getting a successful refund, people are probably still in denial stage and are probably live in hope that Aionnot is legit. I can’t help people that won’t help themselves, I wish if I read my earlier post’s I wouldn’t have ever invested, their fake propaganda has stopped because it wasn’t fooling anyone and I drew attention to their BS! Their CEO Steve begged me to stop ruining their scam after he posted under pseudonym Chris for propaganda and damage control reason’s. It’s a 4 month old scam and on it’s last legs. Rot in hell AIONNOT SCUM!

          1. The only real money to be made now is investing in successful ICO’s. Sad the cyrpto market is now pump and dump phase. Until it Btc value stop’s declining I don’t see the type of return’s/profits as earlier this year, the only profit’s made where on the rebound after Btc crashed to $6K. It just hit 9k and whales sold is on it’s way down, hard to for people to invest & profit in a declining market. People losing confidence in market will play into whales hands who buy cheap and sell hight, at the expense of normal ppl money. Ppl don’t buy in greed and hype! I’m in disbelief Aionnot where put that disclaimer in their email, says it all.

          2. Just mean invest all you can in Btc on Binance ect or and not in Aionnot Scam, company before hyper inflation kicks in, interest rates increase ect. This scam isn’t going to have anyone investing with their $500 bullshit scam commissions. Is’t just a room full of scamming the only real trading is done on their own account on Binance. Aionnet sound like there desperate, they trade from Bulgaria where rent is cheap, and money laundry to aviod all taxes, so it sound’s like day trading has worked out for the clown at Aionnot! SCUM scammers in BULGARIA! Worse than BitconnectX, then again BitconnetX & AionX are both SCAMS

          3. Hi all

            Just an update on how I’m doing on the robot.

            It’s 700 up on the day as we speak, not holding my breath though.

            Update again tomorrow.

            Graham Kilbourn

          4. Btw it wouldn’t suprise me if these fools at AionX invested heavily from BitconnectX. AionX invested in another scam would be amusing!

          5. The AionX “robot” sounds more like a pokie machine, it’s just a ploy for them to stall for more time and get your hopes up that you have made a profit. When people have that feeling the more valnerable to being scammed. That their method that they used on people the first they invest. Genuine trader don’t use robot’s or trade without their customer’s authority. Insurance companies don’t insure SCAMs or any other unregulated investment. Graham while you hold your breath don’t forget to invest in Btc, which if you bought during the dip (1 week ago) was 6K and now just hit over 10K!. Make sure you buy it at (coinbase, coinmama) transfer to Binance or other reputable exchange and make some profit’s that you can withdraw into your own personal wallet! If I was yourself I would get the money refunded by the AionX scammers payment platform and invest it, as I know that you won’t see anything at the end of 3 months, that money is suppose to authorised by you to trade & not gamble on bot. Don’t be played by these clowns who will pump you for more money before scamming 100% just before 3 month period of your 100% capital. Make gains that you know are genuine! Take advantage of Btc recovery & not AionX scammers!

    2. All AionX scammers want is your hard earn’t $, after you give them some they want more! When you realise it’s a scam they carry on like retards. Kim is quite delusional and thinks that her imaginary genuine clients are real instead a figments of her imagination, even claim millionaires invest with her before they speak to her! Ppl didn’t become millionaires by giving their wealth to scammers! Kim couldn’t even dial my mobile number correctly after I sent it via email correctly which I now realised was a big hint. I shouldn’t have dealt with scum so dumb that they can’t enter a series of numbers in a particular order and get it wrong 4 times! AionX SCAMMERS NEED TO BE SHUT DOWN, she proved that brains arn’t needed to SCAM!

    3. Scammers tone change dramatically when your onto them & arn’t parting with any more of your money. Glad everyone is onto this SCAM

    4. yes I’m in the same boat they must loose a lot of customers with kims attitude towards customers after she has your money as I nearly recommended them to friends and almost placed another 2000 USD on top of the 1000 already placed all started well but the rules changed mid-flight as I was making good profits I have asked them to keep the 5000 in profits and return my 1000 as I have lost faith that they are above board

      1. Glad ur onto them Wayne. Yeah I can imagine how much worse it would have been had u involved friends or invested more. From 1k to 5k is unrealistic unless it’s ICO! Not daytrading lol. Trust ur faith, it could have been much worse & cost $ & friendships. Yeah I’ve interacted with Crazy Kim, I needed theorpy after interaction. Goes from 0 to Butch in 0.5 seconds. She only happy when successfully scamming, say no & Crazy/Bitchfaced Kim appears. I think she is a junkie & needs $ for drugs. Didn’t u read my comments, how can a scam be above board. Better of gambling in casino cause their commission is so rigged unless u haven’t already noticed. I’m trying to line a few ppl up & get as many refunds possible. Yes AiinX know, they ripped my 3k Btc so I offer refunds at small commission. But do as u wish, ur $. Best of luck mate

    5. That sound so familiar, when I started, I deposited $400 USD instead of their minimum of $250! Can you imagine my surprise when Alexa Zultan can and asked for more money because that is not enough to start anything and she said she have clients that just made millions and are on vacation with their profit. LOL!! She will definitely burn in hell. She make herself into my friend and ask about my life, I guess that’s typical scam artist trick. Here is her first email to welcome me to hell…

      Welcome Sheri

      My name is ALEXA ZOLTAN,
      I’m the floor manager For VIP Accounts in Aionnext investment.
      Your account was assigned under my portfolio and I have been trying to reach several times today but unfortunately you didn’t answer.

      There are very good opportunity especially this time of the year.
      Send me an email when it will be comfortable time to speak, and I would like to show you the manner in which we will be working in order to generate profits on a monthly and annually basis.

      Since my success rate of the previous fiscal year of 2016 is 83%, I have composed a trading plan in order to receive a 28%-31% ROI (return on investment) on a monthly basis.

      As a senior broker and qualified market analyst with over 14 years’ experience, I have created a specialized program to guide your every step towards profits.
      The trading plan is as follows – this will be a 3 up 6 months plan:

      You will invest at the value of one of the TEST account types :

      There are Four necessary rules to work with me:

      1. Every trade is based on an educated decision, never a gamble!
      We work with the latest technology with the upgraded algorithm every day.

      2. Greed is not welcomed – once we reach our target, we stop trading.

      3. Healthy account – funds, money management and risk management.

      4. My name With a huge smile πŸ™‚

      We work on diversified plans in the period of 3-6 months using only 55% of your total capital during a trading session.
      A trading session is Between 3-12 trades,

      By working in this manner, we can generate a return on investment (ROI) of 28%-31% on a monthly basis that compounds on its self-up to the 3th up to 6th month point, (it is Depending on the type of account you choose)
      At this point you will withdraw your investment and work on profits alone in order to place you in the most secure position trading in the Crypto currency market.
      CAGR (Command Annual Growth Rate) – we will work on the account till the end of this fiscal year to receive a total profit in % of minimum 340% of your investment,

      If you ask what is the maximum you can earn?
      Even the sky is no longer the limit πŸ™‚
      In 2017 by now the BTC has risen more than 1000%
      This year we are watching a whole lot more,
      I am here for any question or request,
      Good luck

      “The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that changing really quickly (BITCOIN), the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

  7. guys we need to spread it on facebook twitter anywhere that is public every other trading plateform that is LEGIT let everyone know lets make sure we run these guys in to the ground

    1. yes I have been working hard on letting everyone know and leave my email so if they want to see photos of the scam in action I will post them to them kim is one wicked witch she must be the head scammer how else would you keep a job with her attitude

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