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AionNext Review – Cryptocurrency Trading Brokerage

AionNext (aionnext.com) is a relatively new cryptocurrency trading operation. As you will see below, there are several things about it which do not add up. In this review, we shall try to find out who runs this operation and we shall take a closer look at the above mentioned red flags.

aionnext.com - AionNext

What is AionNext?

As said above, not much about this operation adds up…and that goes for the actual definition of what it is that it does, too. At first glance, AionNext seems to be some type of a cryptocurrency exchange, which lets traders purchase and trade a selection of cryptos, covering bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Dash. The site also offers some type of a High Frequency Trading-focused automated trader, which is allegedly capable of success rates of 87%.

To top it all off, the Ainonnext homepage also boasts some sort of mining capabilities, which take advantage of some type of algorithmic mining technology that will somehow “ensure the best cryptocurrency trading profits” for AionNext clients. Not only does all this not make any sense, there’s no proof provided for any of these claims, in any shape or form, anywhere at the site.

The cherry on the cake is an alleged wallet service, also offered by AionNext, about which not much is shared, beyond the fact that it makes use of an “offline Coin Vault.”

Should I Trust AionNext?

Based on what we’re about to discuss below, the answer to that question would have to be no.

Red Flags and Question Marks

Where to begin? Although professional-looking at first glance, the AionNext website – including its homepage – is nothing more than a haphazardly tossed-together, sophomoric attempt at creating some sort of cryptocurrency-focused content. Not only is the grammar simply atrocious, words are misspelled (Ethereum is actually called “Eterium”), and some paragraphs make no sense whatsoever. They look more like the rumblings of a diseased mind, rather than the simple, informative copy one would expect from a professionally run operation.

Why is all this important? Ask yourself this: have you ever seen a legitimate, reputable and serious operation of the type AionNext is trying to portray itself as, which featured such atrocious webpage copy?

This is just the tip of the AionNext red flag iceberg though. The auto trader that they offer is supposedly AI and machine-learning based, and that’s always a giant red flag in our book, especially when it comes with no technical details or any sort of proof of technology. This AI auto-trading lie has been used and re-used so many times by the scam industry, its presence has become little more than a bad joke for most experienced scam reviewers. The signals offered by AionNext claim a success-rate of 87%, which is a bit too-good-to-be-true as well.

The About Us page of the site offers absolutely no information on who runs this business. In this day and age, and in an industry so riddled with scams of all types, providing a proper look at the corporate entity and people behind a project, should be a bare minimum requirement.

The site claims that AionNext has been an industry-leading Forex brokerage since 2000. That is a bit far-fetched indeed, given how there’s almost no information about the operation available out there. The web domain on which it is currently hosted, was created in July 2017, and the name of the registrant is private. The site has been registered from Panama: not exactly the most trustworthy jurisdiction, when it comes to peddling crypto currency auto-trading.

While the operation claims to observe proper AML and KYC policies, its policies regarding withdrawals can only be described as a train wreck. When someone tells you that “The account must be traded before the principal withdrawal is permitted”, you should indeed think twice about making a deposit there. Also, there are strict, 3-month, 6-month and even 12-month withdrawal restrictions on the various trading accounts offered by AionNext. They feature HFT accounts, PAMM ones and fully automated high-speed crypto accounts, for which the withdrawal restriction is set to 12 months. Essentially, no matter which account you sign up for, you will have your funds locked up for a minimum of 3, and a maximum of 12 months.

AionNext’s Background

Despite the fact that almost no information is provided about the people behind the operation, we’ve done our homework and came up with a possible lead in this regard. Let us first see what we do know though. According to the site, the company behind AionNext is one called Digital Hestia Ltd. based in the Marshall Islands. The street address is Ajeltake Road, and there is no house/apartment number provided. Interestingly, but unsurprisingly, the internet does not seem to know anything about this Digital Hestia Ltd. The contact phone number provided is +442038689927.

We’ve managed to find a businesswire.com press release about AionNext, which features faulty grammar, similar to the webpage copy, and which describes the operation, linking to its website, and reiterating the claim that the brokerage was founded in 2000.

This press release is dated September 26, 2017 – which fits the above discussed domain registration data nicely. At the bottom, there’s a name given under the Contacts heading: Frederick Marshall. The phone number provided for Mr. Marshall is the same as the above one.

Who is Frederick Marshall? He seems to be an online trading guru, specializing in various auto-trading solutions. We have no idea if he is indeed the real deal that he claims to be. What we do know though is that he peddles a massive variety of deals, at least one of which claims to make him $80 per hour, through his cell phone, while he is at the beach.


Given the actual age of the operation (which is likely 4 months) and the unconvincing nature of its pitch, it is safe to assume not many people have registered with it. As such, there’s no actual user feedback available either.


As of November 16, 2017, aionnext.com was not a very popular site. Their global SimilarWeb rank was 1,617,793 and much of their traffic came from Belarus.

AionNext’s Response to this Review

In general the entire review is based on a conspiracy theory rather than pure facts. AionNext is a “New” and highly financially backed Crypto currency trading platform. Our motto is to provide our traders with a professional and user friendly trading experience and constantly improve our technology. As for now AionNext is in a continuous growth as its fueled on:
A. Investor money. Money which was crowd-funded for AionNext establishment.
B. Commissions structure. AionNext charges a small commission for each and every trade a client is taking on our platform.

AionNext Review Conclusion

While we cannot call AionNext a straight-up scam, we have to call it very suspicious indeed. This operation rings all sorts of alarm bells and raises a variety of red flags as detailed above. We would keep our currency – fiat or crypto – well away from it.

Do you have any feedback about AionNext? Please share it with us by leaving a comment below!

Thank you for reading our AionNext review. For legitimate alternatives, visit our cryptocurrency day trading page. Feel free to subscribe to ScamBitcoin.com in order to receive our reviews directly to your e-mailbox.

252 thoughts on “AionNext Review – Cryptocurrency Trading Brokerage”

  1. Aionnext website has been removed, together with the investigators’ records. When I contacted Nicko Luciano who was their main broker, he claimed he had left the company 1 year ago. I told him that he had only contacted me two months back and he denied. I sent him the screenshot he sent me of my account. He only said sorry and wished me good luck. He played innocent but he knows me very well. He had spoken to me on the phone dozens of times.

  2. Trevor Gilbert

    hi zak, or can anyone please help/guide me into how I can claim my money back off the bank from the aionnext assholes scam as I paid most of my money via my debit card and as this is a complete scam and I’m told I can get my money back please can you or someone help.

    As just two days ago I had 89,622 in liquid cash in withdrawal and 25.5357BTC and today i have -3455,00 and jus .5357 BTC thats over $250000 dollars gone.

    I have invested 29,500 via debit card and am told i can claim this back can Zak or anyone please advise/help

    thank you
    Trevor Gilbert

    1. If you want assistance can you please contact me on aionnoot@gmail.com or facebook aionnoot & add friend otherwise I can’t contact you as I don’t have you details. This applies to anyone that wants to contact me as I don’t visit this website often. Thx

  3. Could you people out there please contact Visa or Mastercard and inform them so that they
    would stop all transaction relating to payment to Aionnext. At the same time also contact the
    police or Interpol so that arrest could be made. Hopefully these scammers would be jailed for a long long time.

  4. Trevor Gilbert

    I used a debit card to pay rather than credit card once can I claim my money back due to being scammed

  5. Trevor Gilbert

    I have been scammed by all the people above Nicko on the top of the list I paid my money to aionnext by bank card can I claim that back by being scammed are we protected from this by any way. please can someone help

  6. Hi Zax could you please contact me as I have lost thousands of pounds namely from Aionnext and other Investment Firms and I am sure I have been defrauded of all my hard earnt money.

    Please email me and I will email you back with all my contact details

    1. Richardo & others who used credit card can you contact me through my aionnoot@gmail.com/ Aion noot @facebook as I don’t have ur details. Aionnext scumbags troll this page. Best if luck to everyone involved unfortunately with Aionrats. BTW these vermin are calling previous victims posing as priemermarket eat. These scammers days are numbered.

  7. Susan Copeman

    I can’t complain that I’ve lost money through these people because I got a full refund of the minimum deposit that I made with them, thank goodness, because I made it via debit card rather than credit card and could have lost it.
    But …
    Their site came up when I was looking to invest in crypto currency and I must have registered interest because they didn’t leave me alone after that. I was getting lots of calls encouraging me to invest. The last one came at a time when I was quite busy and the guy told me that they’d had some info that btc was about to rise and I needed to get in now or miss out.
    Under pressure, I agreed and sent off the money.
    They sent me a request for KYC info. The poor way that this was worded, along with spelling mistakes that I’d noticed when I was transferring my money, plus the bullying, set alarm bells off.
    By now in a panic, I decided to search for them online – and found this website which confirmed my worst fears.
    So I did a really horrible thing but justified it because I felt they’d tried to do a horrible thing to me. I didn’t complete the KYC form. I told them that the reason why I’d been so rushed when they kept calling me was that my husband had been very ill – and sadly that night he’d died. I’d paid the money out of our joint account which would now be subject to UK probate rules, with lawyers involved. Would they please refund the money to me and I’d consider making another, probably much larger investment when probate had been granted?
    The money was refunded the next day. Thank goodness they knew nothing about how probate works and that it doesn’t affect joint accounts.
    I wondered after this, in spite of all that’s been said on this site, whether I’d unjustly treated them. But I called up their website just now and my security engine described it as ‘high risk’.
    Thank you for the heads up you gave me. I was suspicious and you confirmed I was right.
    Since then, I’ve invested in crypto on my own behalf on excellent site Binance. Crypto is volatile but I’m doing OK – and I haven’t had the awful experience (thank you) of trusting people whose only aim is to steal my money.

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