AirBit Club (BitBackOffice) Review – Deceitful Ponzi Scheme Hybrid

As you can accurately infer from the title of this review, AirBit Club is more than just a deceptive Ponzi scheme that should be avoided.

Further polluting and tarnishing the legitimacy of the cryptocurrency realm, AirBit Club has left a massive wake of victims throughout Russia and Colombia.

While you begin to maneuver your way through our detailed review, you will accumulate the facts necessary to verify that is an online destination that cannot be trusted.

About AirBit Club

AirBit Club is an expansive crypto related venture that is based upon an affiliate tier. Prospective applicants interested with this program are able to become affiliates through and are able to enroll with 1 of the 3 memberships offered.

According to their site, AirBit Club was founded with the mission of providing “cutting edge technology utilizing innovative tools to ensure that trading potential is maximized and that way increase bitcoin distributions to all affiliates.”

In lenience terms, the alleged goal of this operation is to provide investors with an opportunity to accrue more earnings in Bitcoin.

Further revealed on the site would be a partial business model, where the only verifiable source of income disclosed would be by those who deposit into their platform to get started with one of their memberships.

As the site claims, “50% of bitcoins will be split among all club members and 50% will be used to increase the power of trading, also to solidify our business relationships with companies dedicated to the growth of technology to trade cryptocurrencies.”

While some reference to the investment of deposited funds are hinted on the site, consumer feedback will reveal the contrary and go on to show that when confronted, AirBit Club refuses to provide transparent evidence in accordance to their statement. - AirBitClub – AirBit Club

AirBit Club Operational Model

AirBit Club offers affiliates unrewarding investment packages that will fail to accumulate a break even return unless the affiliate succeeds in drawing in new members.

As previously disclosed, AirBit Club offers 3 membership packages that vary between $250 to $1,000.

While the site displays USD as an accepted currency, it should be noted that only Bitcoin deposits are accepted through their platform.

Executive Plan

Renewal Fees: 1 renewal fee

Minimum Deposit: $250 in BTC

Supported Volume: 200 level

Duration of Membership: 2 cycles of 75 business days

Corporate Plan

Renewal Fees: 2 renewal fees

Minimum Deposit: $500

Supported Volume: 400 level

Duration of Membership: 3 cycles of 75 business days

Pro Plan

Renewal Fees: 3 renewal fees

Minimum Deposit: $1,000

Supported Volume: 900 level

Duration of Membership: 4 cycles of 75 business days

AirBit Club - Membership - Bit Back Office

According to the AirBit Club compensation plan, affiliates can expect to receive a daily return ranging between 0.2% to 1.2% on their deposited funds.

As many of you probably guessed, these daily returns aren’t near enough to achieve a break even with initial deposits which is why affiliates are highly encouraged to obtain new sources of traffic to earn commission.

While AirBit Club claims to employ a “Matrix-based” commission tier, it is essentially a pyramid scheme when broken down.

AirBitClub - Matrix Commission - BitBack Office

The investment package an affiliate gets started with will dictate the number of levels supported through the AirBit Club commission tier. The executive plan supports up to 3 levels, corporate up to 7 levels while the pro package supports all 18 matrix levels.

Affiliates should also be made aware that renewal fees are charged between each duration cycle, these renewal fees equate to a value of 35% of the cumulative ROI paid out during each cycle.

Affiliates are also offered the option to opt in a Retirement Plan that is featured through their platform. While not much information is disclosed regarding the Retirement Plan until you become an active member, it is known that an additional fee between $150 to $300 will be required.

As with all pyramid schemes, we never advise any investor to enroll due to the unstable and growingly unsustainable operational model required for the model not to collapse.

Who is Behind

As with most untrustworthy Ponzi schemes, AirBit Club fails to provide any ownership information. Not only do they fail to disclose any identifiable or corporate entity but they are explicitly vague about their operational model.

Furthermore, a WHOIS search will go on to show that was privately registered which makes it impossible for us to track down their creators.

One outdated review that went on the record against AirBit Club had disclosed that Mr. Gutemberg and Renato Rodriquez were the co-founders behind this scheme. Whether or not these two entities are truly responsible for we are uncertain due to the lack of information on their site now.

Question Marks and Red Flags is a nest egg of question marks and red flags.

Taking half of the deposit value of new members and disbursing them to previously established members is a text-book example of a Ponzi scheme.

Regarding the other 50% that is allegedly invested and used to smooth over connections with other technologic crypto companies we are quite uncertain, in fact, due to the lack of transparency we assume that the creators behind this site are keeping those deposits for themselves.

BitBackoffice is a pyramid scheme!

While the AirBit Club binary matrix compensation plan sounds great and all, it is the living and breathing embodiment of a pyramid scheme.

In addition, there is no relevant information regarding the creators, operators or corporate entity responsible for which makes this operation completely anonymous.

All of these exhibited characteristics are definite red flags in the investment world.

Can be Trusted?

Absolutely not. fails to disclose any information of significance on their site. The creators behind this site make it as vague and misleading as possible in the hopes of deceiving prospective investors (affiliates) of out of their money.

To learn more about the deceitful tactics employed by the AirBit Club scam, read some of the recent comments which can easily be found online by entering “airbit club reviews” or “bitbackoffice scam” in any search engine.

AirBit Club Review Conclusion

AirBit Club is a viral pyramid and Ponzi scheme hybrid.

While recent community feedback indicates that the site is still paying affiliates, most consumer feedback suggests some form of financial discrepancy with

Operating with total anonymity, we advise potential affiliates to avoid this investment scheme while it continues to grow unstable with their unsustainable pyramid scheme model.

Review Verdict: AirBit Club is a SCAM!

Blacklisted Site:

Do you have personal experience with AirBit Club? Share your story with us by leaving a comment below!

150 thoughts on “AirBit Club (BitBackOffice) Review – Deceitful Ponzi Scheme Hybrid”

  1. I live in Australia and joined the Airbit Club in 2017 after seeing a persuasive promo on Youtube.. I invested in a Pro membership which after exchanging into USD cost me around $1,400 AUD. Everything seemed ok to start with and after a few weeks, when i had accumulated $80 i thought i would request a payout, for the full amount just to ‘test the waters’ so to speak. This was not permitted. i needed a minimum of $100 before requesting a payout. So i waited until i had accumulated $120 and then tried again. Firstly it took 8 days to be ‘approved’ by Airbit club and then, after several attempts to have them explain why the transaction was taking so long, to which i was told ‘blockchain congestion’ I waited and waited for 20 more days before the transaction showed up in my wallet, but when i checked, i had only received $75!

    The payout amount of $120 in Airbit club had a satoshi number/value at the time of the payout request but the satoshi amount that i received was far less then what they sent to me.It had changed to reflect a value of $75. Furious, I contacted Airbit Club Support again as soon as i saw my pathetic payout and demanded an explanation. I was told that after the payout goes through their exchanges it loses value from that process, then there are fees associated with my receiver wallet and this is why i only get $75.

    I vigorously responded and demanded they explain their story about exchanges ? because as far as i am aware, once a transaction is sent it goes through the blockchain directly to the receiver wallet. I also explained that my receiver wallet did not have fees (Coinbase) so i did not believe their story and told them so. At this point i realised that they were never going to give me a satisfactory answer and i was even threatened with expulsion should i keep pressing them about their processes so i left it at that.
    I have concluded that after the 300 days/75 day cycle is over i will be very lucky to receive 60% of what i invested and so i have learnt a valuable lesson in bitcoin trading. Never use a third party!

    1. Hi ! I’m sorry to hear that but why didn’t u request a washout from your lear or the person who brought you in? It’s much easier and if.u have 100 in it you get 100 out withough any fees??

    2. Airbit club is real!! Look it up on Instagram ! With #Airbitclub

      i have 3 pro accounts to start with. And in one account, I earn $1,548.75 for only 300 working days. So if I deduct my $1000 investment per account, I will have $548.75 per account that is totally mine plus the investment was paid back to me. Good enough already better than keeping my 3k in the bank and it not growing other than dumb 0.01%.. we also are given the option to help and inform family and close friends about this amazing Opportunity. By doing so they are learning how to make money while we make even more money for every person who you invite. The money can also be cashed out with atm visa card or with the person who invited you since people join everyday!. If you’re interested, email me at

  2. I invest 15 thousand dollars my account shows not verified for the past 8 month so me and Many others we can not withdraw our money that seating
    There for about 2 years. I invest all that I had. Now I have nothing.

  3. I live en new york city. I am a member of Airbit Club NYC, I have no complains what so ever, i am very happy because i get benefits everday. If anyone is interested in getting information from someone who is actually joined in Airbit then go to

    1. Guy Bergounhoux

      Just invest in bitcoin club last month
      How do feel about that type of system
      Any problems to cash out …?

  4. People if you do your research you will know cryptocurrency (bitcoin) is not controlled by government ! So most liekey Airbit will not be registered with SEC but that does not mean it’s a complete scam. I also joined and I am making money already. I can show income proof. And accounts proof. If anyone is interested in getting information from someone who is actually joined in Airbit then email me. No strings attached I can show proof of income and my accounts.

  5. Trejes Tsiligarlik Sus

    may mga utak dilaw talaga pati dito sa airbit club. sinisiraan nila… hindi namin kayo pinipilit mag join sa club…

  6. It’s a scam. I asked SEC about airbit and they replied to me it is not registered. please always do your research first.

      1. Daming bobo sa pinas e.hahaha ka dami na sscam. Puta nag invest ka pa dyan kung kaya mo namanna pala mag invest ng madaming accounts. Eh d sana nag mine ka nalang ng sarili mo. Engot

  7. This is 100% Ponzi scheme. I put in 15k last year. In the first 6 month, I got about 60% of my money back. But after that, I was not able to transfer out any money. There is 10k “profit” sitting in my account, but the company is giving all kinds of excuse not paying me. I tried contact customer support regarding transfer out the “profit”. All I got is “request pending review. No one in the company is following up.
    I knew I was screwed after I signed up. So I didn’t signed up anyone. I guess they have no more money to pay me.
    Please let this be your warning. This company is a fraud. Who ever trying to sell you this, just say no and report to SEC.

  8. Try to withdraw your earned money. Check the rate of BTC they charge you. 100 % over official BTC rate. You have two wait app. month to get your money out of ABC. For 100 USD you receive 40 to 45 USD out. Just calculate your total income. It is very big loss. If is it a scam decide by yourself. ABC, no thanks.

    1. Thank you for writing this. I would like to confirm I had a similar experience. I requested $200 two weeks ago. The maximum withdrawal limit at the time. After all fees, only $95.00 was deposited into my bitcoin account. So, I lost $105 when I cashed out. But Airbit will tell you they paid me $200. Those who don’t know this have either not cashed out or they are selling their bitcoins inside the platform to some unknowing person. If they can’t find someone to sell to is going to find out the truth. It is funny how we are willing to turn a blind eye to what will happen to our fellow man as long as we make our profit.

      To those challenging the writer. #1. He is correct about Airbit Club. I have $2000 invested, a friend of mine has $50,000 and another has $3,000 invested. We are all under water because we were told we could make money without recruiting. #2. If you think he is promoting a product, do your due diligence instead of knocking him. For people to bring us information, they still have to make a profit. It is our job to double check what he sells against another site. And if he is credible which I think he is you should not find a problem with the products he promotes. From what I can tell he is open to feedback. Click on his scam link and read the comments and you will see this.

      For those of you who are making money in Airbit Club, I am happy for you. I am not one to take advantage of others to make money. I would have to do a lot of recruiting in Airbit Club and hurt other people down the line. I would rather take my losses than become a part of this scheme.

      P.S. Don’t know if I will post more because people are going to have to learn the hard way. I just wish I would have found this before I invested.
      And yes some people in the Philippines are making lots of money and I could even tell you why but don’t want the headache. Their are also people in the Philippines losing money but no one will talk about those. They are the sheep making the other people lots of money.

      1. Have you tried requesting a payout lately? Those who joined in 2016-2017 and early 2018 may have become rich because Airbit was new and recruiting was easy because there wasn’t much negative feedback yet but now that recruits are getting less, you see the real picture… Airbit compensation scheme has changed. The Formula 2X which gives a member 100% profit in reality does not yield any favorable result. My $1000 investment was promised a $1000 profit. When I request a payout, only 50% is sent to my wallet (after several weeks). So you get $1000 profit but will receive only approximately $500 when paid out and you pay nearly $200 every 75 days (4X in 300 days) to ensure you get your earnings for the next 75 days. Where is the $1000 profit? How much do you really get out of your investment? To those actively recruiting, good for you as you continue earning but those who were lured into the promises of a passive income definitely do not have the same story. I have 3 PRO accounts.

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