Bitcoin Giants Review – Legit Crypto Platform or Scam? is an online option brokerage geared towards providing crypto enthusiasts with an opportunity to invest their fiat or Bitcoin currency for potential investment returns. Featuring a forex and CFD platform, prospective investors are able to invest currency pairs, stocks, commodities along with up to 8 supported cryptocurrencies. “Invest with the best” is the motto in which Bitcoin Giants tries to resonate among their viewers, however, thorough research will reveal an entirely different motive eluded by the creators behind this platform.

Apart from incorporating fictitious user testimonials into the framework of their platform, Bitcoin Giants employs questionable trading features with an unorthodox investment stage that doesn’t create a user-friendly atmosphere. To learn more about the deceptive nature of this brokerage we encourage you to continue reading our unbiased review. - Bitcoin Giants

What is Bitcoin Giants?

Bitcoin Giants is a web-based option brokerage that integrates cryptocurrencies into their CFD and forex platform. Unlike exchanges, Bitcoin Giants doesn’t enable their investors the ability to exchange their deposited Bitcoin or fiat currency deposits into other supported cryptocurrencies. Instead, investors who deposit into this platform through fiat or Bitcoin deposits are able to take their deposits and invest it among a variety of investment options. These options, as previously stated, support currency pairs, commodities, stocks and select cryptocurrencies.

Who is Responsible for Bitcoin Giants? is allegedly owned by G.G. Capital Group Ltd and operated by H.I. Capital Group. H.I. Capital Group has a set office address of 1323 Sofia, 28 Javharlal Neru Blvd, Silver Business Center, Office 24 while G.G. Capital is headquartered from Suite 305, Corporate Griggith Center, Beachmont Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

What we found interesting though would be how the address of H.I. Capital Group appears not to be a legitimate address along with how G.G. Capital Group Ltd fails to be filed as one of the active service providers at their designated address. Furthermore, we were unsuccessful in finding any evidence to suggest and verify that either of those two corporate entities actually exist. Search queries conducted through their allegedly governing specifications failed to result in any credible search results.

Found on the Contact Us page of would be the alleged main office address of Professor Fridtjof Nansen Street, Floor 7, Sofia, Bulgaria. As some of you may have been able to deduce for yourselves already though, this provided address is not an existing address. In fact, the only real addresses we were able to find in relation to the Bitcoin Giants platform would be their two provided email addresses of and

The only other identifying information we are able to discover on the site would be their disclosed telephone number of +44 752 064225. Regrettably, the creators behind this site registered their domain with a privacy package so we are unable to find any information regarding the registrars through a WHOIS domain search.

Bitcoin Giants Trading Platform

Bitcoin Giants employs a CFD and forex based platform for their investors. Meaning that all the options available are either forex set ups where leverage is involved or option based where traders must invest derivative values equated through the brokerage. All of the cryptocurrency supported investments are CFD based and are derived by values generated through Bitcoin Giants framework, not real-time rates. In addition, investors are able to partake in auto trading opposed to solely just manual investing.

Supported Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin Giants Account Types

Bitcoin Giants offers 4 account packages through their platform. As with most unverified and deceptive brokerages, Bitcoin Giants tries to encourage investors to deposit into one of their following account types and accept their assigned deposit bonus. What investors aren’t aware of most of the time of though would be how these deposit bonuses come with conditions that must be met before withdrawals can be executed, which is why unless you are a seasoned investor you should never accept a deposit bonus.

Basic Account Package

Deposit Bonus: 25%

Minimum Deposit: $250

Account Incentives: 25% bonus, 24/7 customer support and access to educational center

Silver Account Package

Deposit Bonus: 40%

Minimum Deposit: $2,500 or 1 BTC

Account Incentives: Basic account perks plus trading signals

Gold Account Package

Deposit Bonus: 75%

Minimum Deposit: $10,000 or 3 BTC

Account Incentives: Silver account perks plus personal broker, 1 on 1 trading & market analysis

Platinum Account Package

Deposit Bonus: 100%

Minimum Deposit: $50,000 or 10 BTC

Account Incentives: Gold account perks plus direct line to analyst and premium platform

Bitcoin Giants - Account Types

Question Marks and Red Flags

The blatant deception of their ownership and operating entities are major red flags in our books. We also cannot overlook the fact that Bitcoin Giants is not overseen by any regulatory body, which is highly frowned upon and a necessity for investor safety within the forex and CFD industries. Lastly, the “user testimonials” featured at the bottom of their home page are bogus and fabricated with the sole intentions of earning your trust.

BitcoinGiants Testimonials


A WHOIS search will reveal that was created on August 30th, 2017. Since their inception, the site has failed to amass any visitor traffic of significant value for it to earn any rankings on market intelligence sites like SimilarWeb.

Can Bitcoin Giants be Trusted?

Considering the information disclosed above we cannot classify Bitcoin Giants as a trustworthy operation. Functioning essentially as an anonymous brokerage while lying to your face with fictitious testimonials just goes to show that this brokerage doesn’t care about your well-being and are employing any measures necessary to deceive you out of your hard-earned money.

Bitcoin Giants Review Conclusion

Bitcoin Giants is an untrustworthy and pitiful option brokerage that has tried to further line their pockets by targeting the cryptocurrency community. Incorporating deceptive and fabricated elements into the framework of their site just goes to show the type of malicious investment opportunity that awaits for you at Bitcoin Giants. Do others a courtesy by sharing this review or sharing your feedback so that others are less likely to fall victim to this atrocious investment hoax.

Review Verdict: Bitcoin Giants is a SCAM!

Blacklisted Site:

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51 thoughts on “Bitcoin Giants Review – Legit Crypto Platform or Scam?”

  1. I have been trading with bitcoingiants for sometime. I tried to withdraw money many time but no luck and Andy Pitt is my account manager. I really would like to close my account and get the reminder balance refunded as I really do not like to involve in this pussy business.

    1. I made 6k in 4hrs. I was like wow….but then they changed something. I put the exact same bid that cost $150 in fees to $1500 in fees.
      Beware. I think this market is manipulated on an individual, case by case basis. Some are set up to trade fairly, some are not…..go to forex if you want regulated trading with oversite.

      1. I eat my words. They listened to my concerns,,leveled the playing field……I made alot of money today….ALOT

        1. OK. I tried to with draw my large profit and i have had my account shut down, They wont answer the phone or any email.

  2. gotta say I’m happy with the progress is okay, I get my money when I want (was my biggest fear). recommended

    1. 21k USD already on the account, withdrawal refused. Now threatened by closing my account if I don’t pay in even more, which is needed to start trading properly… I am quite desperate. Would it be possible for you to tell me how you did get your money?

    2. Complete con do not give these any money, the never pay withdrawals ever and they eventually signed me out, there firm is in a diffarent country so you cant pay them an immediate visit i have notified the police of there actions and hope that they will soon be made to reimburse all tgere clients

  3. I have been trading with bitcoin giants for a few months now and so far so good. I have been scammed before by other companies so I’m a bit hesitant but for now everything seems very good.

  4. Get lots of calls from supposed CEO Bruce Long, trying to convince me to activate my account. Alarm bells rang when the supposed head of this organisation was dedicating so much time to get my meagre £170. It an obvious boiler room.

  5. Please be very aware of these guys, they make it so real and very convincing at first. I invested through the basic package but all they did was calling back and asking and persuade me to put in more money as if my $244US already deposited is not even worth their time. Haven’t got any more calls once I refused to invest more so I just simply lost that money. Do not give them a second thought.

  6. Well I’am waiting for my payment for almost 3 weeks now. When I send emails to support it only retuns and say adres not found. So BIG SCAM

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