Crypto Currency Scams!

There are many types of scams in the world of cryptocurrencies. There are fake exchanges, mining schemes including cloud mining (learn why you probably shouldn’t get involved in Bitcoin mining,) HYIP, pyramid and ponzi schemes, auto trading robots, fraudulent account managers and many other types of scams.

Please let us know if you were scammed by any cryptocurrency brokers and services by leaving a comment below.

Avoid the following Bitcoin and other crypto currency related SCAMS, which we’ve already reviewed.

Cryptocurrency Blacklist

Bitcoin - The Dark Side

Want to report additional crypto currency scams? Please write a comment below or contact us today! If you would like to share a review longer than 300 words, then consider submitting content for us to post.

765 thoughts on “Crypto Currency Scams!”

  1. United Markets Capital (UMC)
    As far as I can tell this site is a scam and should be investigated.
    Easy to sign up and deposit money but once they have it you do not control then withdraw.
    Good luck. Their withdraw button will simply display “an agent will contact you”and non one ever will
    Based on what i have found so far it is highly suspected this may be BTC Kingdom started out a new site. Addresses and phone numbers all appear very similar.
    Be very cautious with this

    1. My account has disappeared from their site. I can no longer login and no replies to my messages.
      United Markets Capital (UMC) is a complete FRAUD
      All money invested now appears to be gone.

  2. Matthew Johnson

    Hello. I started a trade with and the trader is clever veryia on instagram. Ended up paying him nearly $6800 and have not received my $12k profits. Is or legit trading websites? Thanks, Matt

  3. Could you help me to review and Two weeks ago someineone offer me an investment plan on it. Thanks so much…

  4. Don’t believe all the above statements, some may be from personal opinions and encounters, but some are false. Some people try to attract or know more people by debunking the scam, and then guide them to invest. Other trading currencies, so this is just a means for them to get customer resources, they are lying. I understand their purpose, they are trying to find someone to join their organization and become the bottom of the pyramid!

  5. – –

    “Dezcoins” is now another under another domain name: “Waxcoins”.
    I was contacted anonymously via TELEGRAM.
    My best guess, they simple keep on changing their domain name.
    If you have to transfer money in order to access crypto currency it is always a scam!!

    Scam works like this:
    You are being approached by unknown person. He or she try to convince you that they need your help to access crypto (BTC bitcoins for example).
    You make an account and they tell you to transfer money so that you can access a larger sum of Bitcoin. The scam is that you continuously have to make new deposits in order to access the bitcoin. First for example: 0.05 btc, then 0.1 and so forth.
    Do not do this, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR OWN MONEY!

    Please make people aware to stop this, gather evidence and report to authorities. They also are not present on any Social Media platforms! So no Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. Good indication that they know not use because they are fraudulent.

    Please report and spread word.

  6. Hi admin, Please can you do a review on I have been investing with them they seem legit, I was initially investing with the silver plan which is turned out great and i’m thinking of moving to the Platinum plan. So i needed to be sure if i’m safe.

  7. Margaret Rodriguez

    Please blacklist 360 cryptoearners he is on Instagram as Trade_with_Alexander_wayne.. go on his site and see for yourself.. I’m trying g to get his account removed from IG.. he stole 500$ from me.. im a single mother looking for financial freedoms with no help or family support .. please go on his IG account and let him know he is a scam

    1. Hi,
      I’m wondering the same.. It seems fishy, no https, scamvoid says the domain has been created only 30 days ago, no legal notice..
      Have you been invited to make profit for a new currency called PCT ?

      1. I have received an invite to make profit on a new currency called PCT as well. Where did you get this from? Sounds a bit scammy.

        1. Hi, I was also invited to invest on this site by a pretty girl who is fishing old guys like me on the net. I discussed with her to see where the trap was. Now, I know. She told me yesterday that PCT would raised up by 15% today. And it is at +15.7 % now. Easy money isn’t it? So, I am convinced that it is scammy. Hopefully, I did not fall in the trap.

          1. Yep, Tinder. Was her name Angel? I am chatting with her as we speak. One thing I know for sure is that she is a real girl (at least for some time, hah) as I’ve spoken to her on the phone once.

            The more I talk to her the more she’s pushing for it. It’s definitely a scam. Don’t fall for it.

          2. Mine is named Yangshu or YueYue, she is super cute and very nice haha.
            She lives in Hong Kong and is traveling in Thailand right now, I wonder if this is the same person.
            She told me she owns a wine import business and has an uncle working in the government. That’s where she got the juicy news about the new PCT..

          3. Here’s a picture of the girl I was in contact with (taken straight from her Tinder profile:

            Her profile name was “Angel” – when I talked to her briefly on the phone, I asked her what her Chinese name was. She said it was something that sounded like “Yangshu”.

            I was approached by other girls with similar profile pics – usually they are heavily edited. Last one was called Wency Zhang or Lili Zhang. This seems to be an on-going scam.

            Anyways, in itself is a complete scam exchange.

            Here’s how I know:

            – 2-key authentication with Google Authenticator is not working even if you set it up.
            – The site does not use HTTPS.
            – When you want to place a buy or sell order for PTC/USDT or any pair with PCT, it shows a message telling you that the currency cannot be traded yet even though there are orders on the screen. In fact, the screens usually only showed stuff while I was talking to her. Now nothing happens when you try to open up any of the PCT exchange views.
            – When you try to deposit any crypto into your account that isn’t BTC, ETH or LTC, it will *always* give you the same destination address (i.e 0x2d5568d25616daa0163e2e6c951d887012e396ac – just FYI, please DON’T send anything there).
            – The IP addresses that show up in the login history are almost always (Which is generally a local area network IP, not public).
            – The exchange’s support email is (oh come on!)

            Anyway, just for the heck of it, I faked putting an order in and told “Angel” that I bought some PCT – I doctored the webpage to show that I had a PCT balance just to see what she was going to say. After I did that,
            she insisted that I sent you a picture of my transaction and she wanted proof that I actually send BTC over to addex. Down the line, she just made it super-obvious that it was a scam (not like it wasn’t already).

            As I said, please don’t fall for it. The girl is pretty, yes, but don’t let that blind you!

          4. “she insisted that I sent you a picture of my transaction”
            Sorry typo – I meant “her”, not “you”.
            In any case, her backstory was as follows:
            She was traveling near NYC (Stamford, CT) for a month or so visiting her grandfather. Her grandfather apparently knew someone who works for HSBC who had insider information about a new crypto that the bank is supposedly going to release in January, which is (of course) PCT.
            More details about this fake PCT cryptocurrency (including a “white paper” written in Chinese- can anyone read this? I’d like to know what it says just for shits and giggles) can be found here:

          5. She was Rikki from Tinder. Good to know that this is the same person, and the same scam. When they start asking for money, gift cards, or to invest in something you have never heard of, and they are conveniently unavailable, that should be your first sign of trouble. She was claiming to run a wedding business this time.

        2. Same scam pattern for me too. I met a beautiful Asian girl on a Chinese dating platform (not Tinder) in mid September. Then few days ago she mentioned that she invested in PCT, at the recommendation of her uncle which is a shareholder in a financial company. Her uncle also previously invested in Bitcoin and made a fortune out of it.
          The two websites she mentioned were “” and “”.

          Luckily, beautiful and smart girls do not blind me, but make me even more cautious hahaha.

        3. Is globe crypto investment s am? Almost same even deposit $200 and it will be $2000 and there is a service fee. Website is globecryptoinvestment.
          Thomas garcia is the person that will chat.

      2. Hi, I am so stupid, a cute girl made me blind and I sent 2 BTC to I am regretting it a lot.

        As Jack mentioned in this thread, this exchange is definitely a scam. After buying PCT I cannot transfer PCT to any crypto and they said: “the current public offering phase has not been completed and the personal transaction has not been opened.”. It means I can not do anything.

        In that case, what can I do to recover? Is there any advice for me?

        1. Hi Mark,
          I’m so sorry for you. I tried to report this scam to the Hong Kong police as it seems the contacts were coming from HK, but they replied me that this is out of their jurisdiction. It seems the website is hosted in China. So they pointed me to the Cyber crime bureau of China, but unfortunately the webpage are all in Chinese..
          I also reported it to GoDaddy the host company, but no answer yet.

    2. Hi, I am so stupid, a cute girl made me blind and I sent 2 BTC to I am regretting it a lot.

      As Jack mentioned in the above, this exchange is definitely a scam. After buying PCT I cannot transfer PCT to any crypto and they said: “the current public offering phase has not been completed and the personal transaction has not been opened.”. It means I can not do anything.

      In that case, what can I do to recover? Is there any advice for me?

      1. Hey mark, yea you can easily run a reverse image on the persons picture sometimes and see if these people are real. I had the same thing as well happened and then when i noticed if was another person picture she contacted me by another number, lmao. These are the two phone numbers 85267609865 & 85253092285. Not sure if this this money can be returned but trying looking into some of these sites like mychargeback or something. not sure if they work. it really sucks that that dont have the heart and used you. sorry this to happen to you.

        1. Hi All,

          i have lost my 1100 CAD already, is there a way we can catch these people ? the same thing happened to me, the girl first talked a lot about share trading, then she said Jack Ma is her Uncle, she also sent me the picture of herself with him. She told me about PCT, i being new to this cryptocurrency trading felt that it might be legit. She claims to have a fashion business of Milan brand. She sent her video driving a ferrari. is sthe site which i used to buy the PCT, she first asked me to install Shakepay(which is legit app to buy and sell bitcoin)
          Is there any way to report this to the Hongkong Police department or cyber crime department.

          1. I got scammed as well. Off of Tinder. Shame on me for falling for a pretty face. They are shameless in their recruitment. If you feel comfortable sharing your contact info I would be open to getting in touch. There is basically no way to get your money back. Apparently in order to withdraw I have to submit my ID. No way in hell am I doing so after reading this. I wish I wasn’t so stupid and checked this beforehand. Unbelievable.

      2. I feel like I have been scammed as well, but I am not 100% sure. What you are saying is that the public offering hasn’t been completed. It’ll be completed in January. So if this is a legit site then we should technically be able to trade it at that time… but I’m very concerned as it requests a copy of your ID…. I don’t feel comfortable sharing that given that I’ve seen all of these comments about being scammed by HK girls on Tinder. This is so disturbing, and an expensive lesson for me, if true… I’m really saddened to hear that there are such dishonest and classless people. I’m really, really sad.

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