BTCKingdom Review – Legit Exchange or SCAM?

BTC Kingdom is a peculiar operation at first glance: it is an exchange, claiming to be the “Safest Place to Buy/Sell Cryptocurrencies”.

Update (March 30, 2019): Much negative feedback has accumulated in the comments below since the publication of this review. We now believe that BTC Kingdom is a SCAM!

Whether it is indeed THE safest such place or not, may be up for debate, but it certainly is a crypto exchange that accepts fiat deposits too, and that’s quite a potentially welcome feature indeed.

Buying cryptos is such a hassle with the banks stepping up against the industry these days, and exchanges like BTCKingdom may indeed provide a solution to this conundrum.

Above and beyond that, the operation features some interesting investment-oriented services too, and rather outstanding liquidity.

About BTC Kingdom


The exchange looks like a solid outfit, employing some 120 people – according to their own website – all over the world.

That said, the headquarters of the operation is located at Sofia, 1574, Slatina Reg., Hristo Smirnenski R.A., bl. 9, entr. G, 3rd fl., app. 7 – make of that what you will.

The corporate entity behind the BTCKingdom brand is Home Market Ltd. According to company representatives, the operation is brand new and as such, one mat not yet find many records of its activity/existence.

The BTCKingdom support staff can be contacted by email (, phone (+35 220 880 721), and via an email form on the contact page of its website. The support staff is knowledgeable and seems eager to engage/help. Support is available 24/6.

What does BTCKingdom offer?

As already mentioned above, there may indeed be quite a bit of potential in the services peddled by this exchange.

In addition to accepting fiat deposits (and thus providing an entry point for those looking to pick up crypto for fiat), the exchange supports some 800 cryptos, among them popular currencies such as bitcoin, bitcoin cash, XRP, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, ZCash etc.

The trading services provided by the BTCKingdom platform include maximum leverage of 1:4, liquidity derived from some of the biggest crypto exchanges, such as Kraken, Poloniex and Bittrex, a trading platform featuring professional-grade analysis tools, 300% margin loan as well as unparalleled market access.

All this sounds great, but is it all legitimate? By the current looks of things, the above said features do indeed seem to exist and to function as advertised. The whole shebang is available for mobile devices too, in the shape of a couple of apps which can be downloaded for free, directly off the official BTCKingdom site, for Android and iOS respectively.

It goes without saying that trading on margin and leverage is an inherently risky activity. Both of those components of the trading equation increase risk, so make sure that as a trader, you fully understand how they work and how they impact your profit/loss odds.

Accepted Payment Methods

If you are looking to purchase more exotic cryptos (or even better-known, almost-mainstream ones such as XRP), BTCKingdom may just be the answer to your prayers. While it is currently unclear how reputable the operation is among its users, it is still very young and thus there just was not enough time for relevant feedback to accumulate.

At any rate, the exchange accepts an impressive number of payment methods. They have VISA, MasterCard and Discover all “covered”, together with Skrill, Neteller, WebMoney and Qiwi. Obviously, deposits can be made in BTC, ETH and a number of other cryptocurrencies too.

The BTCKingdom Website/Domain

Given the fact that BTCKingdom is a new operation, it makes perfect sense to run a bit of a background check on the website/domain used by the exchange.

Created in July 2016, and updated in November 2018, the domain is registered to an entity, the identity of which is under wraps. The whois query does not yield any relevant results in this regard.

As the Whois information makes it clear, the age of the domain is not particularly impressive. Given that we are talking about a brand new operation here though, that does not carry much relevancy in this instance.

We’ve read reviews stating that is not exactly a popular destination for the buying/selling of cryptocurrencies. The site apparently carries a global Alexa rank of 6,172,811 – which is not impressive to say the least. Once again though, this bit of information does not say anything relevant about the legitimacy of the outfit.

With the above in mind, it is hardly surprising that the domain authority rank of is not very formidable either.

The Google review profile of the operation is very shallow, and by that we mean that hardly anyone has thus far taken the time to review it. This utter lack of reviews fits into the overall picture of the newly launched exchange though, so there’s nothing wrong with that. Furthermore: no reviews is still a LOT better than negative reviews.

What does the crypto-sphere have to say about BTCKingdom though? The short answer to that is: not much. Having searched bitcointalk far and wide, we came up empty-handed in this regard. This can be viewed as good news: when scammed, crypto victims are extremely quick to turn to a community forum such as bitcointalk, to warn members of the public there.

As said though, we failed to dig up such a red flag on BTCKingdom. The fact that no one thought it worthwhile to even mention the operation there, can again be jotted down to the tender age of the outfit.

BTCKingdom Complaints

Since first reviewing the shady nature of BTCKingdom there has been a steady stream of negative reviews and complaints.

Many online investors are going as far as calling BTCKingdom a scam.

Shared below are a few of the most relevant reviews we have found regarding BTCKingdom:

“it’s a scam, and they have called and spammed the wrong person to many times. i just ordered a nice “little present” on darknet for 3 person related to this company.”

“Hello, we are starting a claim against BTC KINGDOM…They are a scam and many people investing, have lost their money….So we need everybody that has been affected by this company to contact us..”

“It is proven that BTC Kingdom is a big SCAM, I have emails from people who are been scammed by this organisation, some people put all their savings in this company and BTCK do not want to pay the money back. Their website is build on cloud sharing. They let people buy bitcoins for them and on their website they claim to make more money by trading and exchanging. If it was that easy to earn money, the whole world would invest in BTC Kingdom, but people please do not believe their beautiful story…” Review Conclusion

BTCKingdom is NOT about cloud mining, and it does not make any too-good-to-be-true promises, successfully ticking off these two items on our review check-list.

Indeed, what the operation promises to deliver is perfectly plausible, feasible and believable. That said, it has to be pointed out that – at least for the time being – the operation is not regulated and licensed to provide investment-related services in any shape or form.

While user feedback is quite non-existent at this stage, it looks like the exchange is indeed paying “all those who have to be paid”. Some of their users even told us about their positive results with the exchange.

Verdict: BTCKingdom is a SCAM!

Blacklisted Site:

Do you have an experience to share? We invite you to share your insight and feedback below!

71 thoughts on “BTCKingdom Review – Legit Exchange or SCAM?”

  1. i have a very positive experience with btc kingdom. They contact me regularly and they have also made a lot of profit in the few months that I have been there. If I want to withdraw money I can just send to them and they will arrange it. Have already collected money myself. So I don’t know what all that hatred is for that company, but they certainly aren’t scammers.

    1. you are absolutely one of the BTC staff. Just to let you know that all phone numbers that they use to call us from are blocked, our accounts also are blocked. stop fooling people with your false comments. BTC Kingdom is a SCAM and no doubt about it.

      1. I certainly do not take them, I am a customer of it and I do not understand that people talk about them like that without giving proof. If they are not reliable then prove to me that I cannot decide whether to stay with them or not

        1. i’m advicing you my friend. if you can as you said withdraw money so do not hesitate one more second. stop being blind and check what SCAM organization does to steel your money. i’ve already told you above what happened to me, i did not invite all those stories, they are facts.

  2. ik heb een zeer positieve ervaring met btc kingdom. Ze nemen regelmatig contact met me op en ze hebben ook al veel winst gemaakt in die paar maanden dat ik er zit. Als ik geld wil afhalen kan ik gewoon sturen naar hun en zij regelen dat dan. Heb zelf al geld afgehaald. Dus ik weet niet waar al die haat voor dat bedrijf voor nodig is maar ze zijn zeker geen oplichters.

        1. Hello Kev, i was a bit busy those weeks but as i see there was too many reaction, are you still believing BTC kingdom is real? Wake up

  3. you are right Jack, but don’t worry, we have ordered some really bad shiit for the management teeam, they will get it beginning of next week if they are still very we found them yesterday.

    bassicliy we ordered kneecaps broken + whatever they operation teeam prefers to do. so i guess they will be collecting money for wheelchairs next week.

  4. it’s a scam, and they have called and spammed the wrong person to many times.
    i just ordered a nice “little present” on darknet for 3 person related to this company.

      1. There has not been anyone on this forum that their have been cheated. And from my experience I made a profit every day that they traded. have you lost all your money?

        1. All positive meassage on this forum are staff from BTC. Just to let you know that i can’t access my account anymore. I can’t even call what they used to call ” your financial manager”. If you are new, they will blurry you with the interest they are making everyday, they will force you to invest even more. Once they get ride of you, they’ll make you loose your money and they’ll close your account.
          if they are honest people like you said, why do they block accounts, why they do not allow all these people here to withdraw ” THEIR” money? why you do not find them on facebook or twitter…..wait few time and you’ll see

  5. Hello, we are starting a claim against BTC KINGDOM.
    They are a scam and many people investing, have lost their money.
    So we need everybody that has been affected by this company to contact us:


    (remove the spaces in the mail adress)

    1. People, again don’t get fooled. “I have reasons to believe” that this anti fraude group has been organised by the same scammers from BTC Kingdom. Why?
      1) the english they use in their e-mail when you send them your information contains the same words as they use everywhere, the 1st phrase contains “we have reasons to believe” was a phrase they used alot when they called me to warn “they have reasons to believe” you have to do a trade now on Bitcoin cash.. 2) when you send to their antifraud adress, you immediately get an answer, which normal individual can set up an automatical answer from an email adress that is not linked to but… please look good! you get an answer from! If you surf to then you can discover that these kind of email servers are set up to prevent to know who is the owner of the e-mail. Which organisation that wants to sue BTC Kingdom is scared to show their identity? 3) The conversations is in English.. most of the scammed people are dutch people.. You think now .. what is their goal setting this up? well simple. If you like to scam alot of people, you want to know as a scammer how many people from the 50 scammed know that they are scammed? Well I will set up an organisation to get all the information. Then I know as a scammer which people I can stop scamming and close their accounts and all the rest I put my effort in. I also bought 1000 mobile numbers, and you gave me all the information through antifraud with information from their account managers including their mobile numbers whoever contacted me. This is so helpful if you go to the police, I can now close the accounts of my scammed clients, block the mobile numbers they had contact with and the police can never find me back. Actually you give the scammers more information so they can run away with your money and never found back. My opinion: if you are scammed, go to the police! Never trust set up organisations like this, just trust your legal authority.


        We can only try to assure you that we are not BTC KINGDOM and that we want to help people to file a report to the international authorities. These scam websites need to stop. People are losing a lot of money due to these scam artists. As you can read in our e-mails, we don’t ask for your personal info, we don’t ask for money, we don’t want your bank account number. We only ask about general information, like names and phone numbers of BTC KINGDOM account managers, e-mail addresses, Whatsapp numbers, etcetera. Thanks to the contributions of many we have almost found the source and the people behind the website. By the way, the B.E. in our name does not stand for the country code. This is an abbreviation of our group, which we won’t display publicly.

  6. Hello Tim,
    I have a big doubt of this company since i lost all what i invest in because of child behaviour of one of their financial manager, it was completely obvious who’s mistake is but they put the blame on me. Every time i try to contact a costumer services manager or any responsible person there speak with, they always answer that they can’t do anything, you should speak with your financial manager. they never let your complain arrive to the correct person, i have even a doubt that they have a customer services department.
    Guys who have been working with them, have ever could withdraw money back when you want to do? Did you ever had an issue with them? how was it resolved? Really if someone could help us, i feel i am dealing with a MAFIA.

  7. It is proven that BTC Kingdom is a big SCAM, I have emails from people who are been scammed by this organisation, some people put all their savings in this company and BTCK do not want to pay the money back. Their website is build on cloud sharing. They let people buy bitcoins for them and on their website they claim to make more money by trading and exchanging. If it was that easy to earn money, the whole world would invest in BTC Kingdom, but people please do not believe their beautiful story. The only way to know if their are a legal company is the withdrawal proces. They never agree to withdrawal your money because they give the reason it is not possible because they are trading with your money. In real they just keep your money for buying bitcoins because in the future when a bull run is coming up, they run away with your bitcoins! NEVER invest in this company! BE AWARE!!

      1. it doesn’t matter who manage your account. they’ll convince you to invest more and when you want to withdraw your money than they’ll claim that they are trading with it than they’ll claim that lost your money to keep you waiting for ever and they have your money in their pocket and they are making interest and your are paying for them.

    1. Hi Jack,
      Have you invested any money with BTC Kingdom?
      I could not understand why you are writing on behalf of others.
      You must have more poof regarding your claims that btc kingdom is scam.
      Please share it with us. I have some amount of money with them and they are kind and very attentive. Have your friends waited for a year for the plan to work before starting to withdraw money? What kind of plan has your friend made? What is the exact reason for loosing all their money?

      1. Dear Fatima, Brecht and all the other fake names that have been used on this page. This reviews and answers have been written by only 1 person, that person is someone of BTC Kingdom themself. I have read all the reviews here and to be honest, come on, do you really think that we are stupid? The style of the message, the way how it is written is exactly the same for most of the reviews here. What does a scammer? trying to win the trust of everyone. How you can win the trust? by putting only positive things online and delete all the negativity. I have around 20 people now that have been scammed by your organisation and we are grouping us to take action on your illegal activities. I want to recommend Scambitcoin to contact me to warn everyone of this company. It has even been on the news of the Holland and the Belgian television channels. If you still believe that your money is safe with them, then you are a fool, open your eyes. When the story is too beautiful to be true, then it is fake. A company that promise you 15% extra on your invest guaranteed is the solution of all the problems in this world… if life was that easy, the world would look different now. If you still do not believe what I am saying, then they fooled you as a fool and you can’t be fooled more in life 🙂 So wake up!

        1. Hello Jack,
          i confirm what you said. how can i contact you to add my situation to your list and make a complain about this organization

        2. Hello Jack,
          i confirm what you said. how can i contact you to add my situation to your list and make a complain about this organization

    2. Hello Jack,
      i confirm what you said. how can i contact you to add my situation to your list and make a complain about this organization

  8. Its the first time that I write a review, however BTCKINGDOM proved me wrong and after the big loss I had in 2018 they have managed to turn my luck.
    Thank you all at BTCKINGDOM!

  9. Been working with Btckingdom for about 9 month. Got in to Bitcoin back in December last year and haven’t been able to get the returns I was looking for.
    Until I started to work with Btckingdom and even in this “Crypto winter” as they like to call it I have been able to make back my losses and make a very nice return!
    No doubt that Btckingdom made 2018 as the most positive year for me so far!
    Thank you guys!

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