CBC-Finance.ro Review

CBC Finance is a Romanian company. The domain CBC-finance.ro was registered on January 4, 2019 for 1 year. But their previous domain, cbc-it.ro, was registered back in 2017 for 3 years. Their Facebook page, Digital Coins & Financial Matters, was created on March 26, 2015. Is CBC Finance a legitimate company or a scam? Let’s see…

cbc-finance.ro (CBC Finance)

CBC Finance Services

CBCFinance offers a wide range of services within the blockchain industry, including:

  1. Trading (“quick money”)
  2. Investment plans
  3. Educational plans & courses (though the link from their site to the education platform seems to be broken…)

It seems like they were also intending to start offering the following additional services:

  1. Blockchain consulting for lawyers, accountants, developers, and law enforcement agencies.
  2. ICO Advisory – for people who want to start an ICO
  3. Crypto asset management
  4. Crypto Payments Implementation
  5. Mining Plans – We provide mining equipment, location and cheap electricity

But all the links lead to a Coming Soon page with an expired count down timer. It seems like currently only trading and investment plans are actively offered. Or they just forgot to update the site…

Deposits can be made via bank transfer (RON, EUR, GBP, USD) or to cryptocurrency wallets including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and Litecoin. There’s a a flat 2% fee for every non-cryptocurrency deposit made.

Every month, on the 29th, CBC Finance sends out a report with the accumulated percentage for the period 1 – 28th of the month. For users who have reached their lock in period, they send a full account statement.

Withdrawals can be made in USD (cash or wire), BTC, and ETH. If the withdrawal is made within 5 days after the 1st of the month, it is charged with a 5% fixed fee, while if it is made within 20 days after the 1st of the month, there’s a commission of 1% for international transfers, and 10 RON for domestic payments.

There’s also a 30% Performance Fee.


There are at least three trading products offered by CBC Finance:

  1. Trade Express: For people looking for quick returns, along with a low to medium risk, your funds will be managed by a team of experienced cryptocurrency day traders.
  2. Smartrade: For people looking or wealth, along with a very low risk degree. The longer period allows to generate profits also from compound interest accumulation.
  3. Sure Trade: Benefit from long positions, hard forks, sudden market moves, and developments within the cryptocurrency industry.

With a short lock in period, investing your money into a day trading service which claims high returns may seem tempting. But where is the proof? No proof is shown anywhere regarding investment performance.

Well, there is a Monthly Reports Graph, but it doesn’t specify which investment plans the data reflect.

CBC Finance Monthly Reports
Not very convincing, is it?

Futures trading is also offered. The minimum investment is $250. The maximum may be $1,000. The funding period is 20 days, while the contract period is 45 days. Potential gains are 300-500%. What’s in it for CBC? That performance fee we mentioned earlier of 30% on generated profits…


With CBC Finance’s Crypto Flex Invest, a 24-month investment plan is created with a monthly payment plan to suit any budget. Possible gains: 20x your investment. Acceptable 10% risk degree on capital invested. There are 3 Crypto Flex Invest plans:

  1. Flex Invest 100 – Invest $100 per month
  2. Flex Invest 250 – Invest $250 per month
  3. Flex Invest 500 – Invest $500 per month for possible gains of 40x your investment over a 16-month period. Risk degree for this plan is 25%.

The company’s revenue equals to 25% of the gross generated profit.

CBC Finance also offers a program called Level Up Investments, a 24 month plan starting from $3,250 to $25,000. The money is allegedly invested for 24 months in lucrative and carefully selected blockchain and crypto currency projects. There are 4 plans:

  1. Bronze – Invest $3,250 to generate a target goal with returns of up to $32,500.
  2. Silver – Invest $4,000 to generate a target goal of $40,000.
  3. Gold – Invest $15,000 to generate a target goal of $200,000.
  4. Platinum – Invest $25,000 to generate a target goal of $500,000.

In the Level Up Investment program a company fee (applied on the profits generated) ranges from 15% for the platinum plan through 20% for the gold plan to 30% for the bronze and silver plans. Moreover, a management fee (appled per year on the total value of the portfolio) is 1% for gold and platinum and 2% for bronze and silver.


Some information is provided, but the service does not seem to be available at the moment.

They are basically offering courses regarding topics such as blockchain and cryptographic systems, cryptocurrencies, how blockchain works, development strategies and how to maximize your profits using cryptocurrency systems, and more.

The teachers are the same traders that trade for clients of the day trading and investment products.

To join the courses, one must be willing to dedicate one evening a week to attend the course and another 2-3 hours for individual study.

Who is Behind CBC Finance?

8 people make up the CBC Finance team:

  1. Cristian F. Pricop (Executive Director & Trader)
  2. Cristian Dreghiciu (Administration / Logistic Manager)
  3. Alexandra Prodan (Senior Sales Manager)
  4. Anthony Harisson (Business Development Manager)
  5. Eugen Maciuca (Senior Trainer)
  6. Ana Maria Ionica (Office Manager)
  7. Bjarne Virenfeldt (Legal Advisor)
  8. Letitia Stancu (Accounting Manager Strategic)

CBC Finance is a registered entity of CBC IT INNOVATION SRL, with headquarters in Str. Calea Vitan, No. 238, District 3, Bucharest, Romania, registered at the Trade Registry in Bucharest under number J40/7936/2017, CIF/VAT ID: RO37656560.

Address: 3 Duiliu Zamfirescu Street, District 1, Bucharest, RO

Additional address: 97, Vila 1, Iancu Nicolae Street, Voluntari, Pipera, RO

I’m unsure why there are three different addresses listed on the site. Also, 3 phone numbers:

Tel: +40 (0) 21 555 0676

Additional number: +40 (0) 746 106 371

Additional number: +40 (0) 756 022 500

Email: contact@cbc-it.ro & contact@cbc-finance.ro



Review Conclusion: is CBC Finance a Scam?

Overall, the operation seems a bit sloppy, not fully cooked, and unprofessional. On the other hand, there seem to be real people behind CBC Finance. Personally, we would not risk our money by investing with this company. The returns promised seem way too good to be true and without evidence of past performance, we would highly doubt them.

Still, to call CBC Finance a scam we would need some complaints from people who have invested with them.

So please make sure to let us know by commenting below if you have any first-hand information regarding CBCFinance.

Thanks for reading this quick warning, and as always you are welcome to let us know if you have any questions.

23 thoughts on “CBC-Finance.ro Review”

  1. Hi
    This story îs pure fiction!! Where do you get your Information?? I know them personally and I m colaborating with them for 3 years now. I invested a lot and the return was fabulos. Cristi P îs The brain of The trading and a very good one too. I wish him all The Best, nobody made me so much money like him!!!

  2. I have one financial product with them since September 2018 and it has grown every month. They are fucking amazing and a real gem and I am lucky that I found them and I hope that they will continue to do this as they’re making a lot of money for their clients. If someone wants proof, I’d be more than happy to share everything.

  3. Your article above is very disingenuous, especially with little first hand knowledge and smacks of a rival envious of the CBC success. They are a very professional team who constantly deliver, are always informative and extremely easy and friendly to deal with. Risks and rewards and terms of interaction are clearly advised for the investors so scam it certainly is not. There are no guarantees with such investment but mine continue to grow at predicted levels and nearly 2 years down the line the risk appears nominal. I am very happy with and trusting of CBC.
    Any investment is an individual choice and you must be fully aware of the risks and rewards, I would recommend CBC to anyone considering an investment in crypto’s.

  4. Hello.
    Well I’m an investor on this company tho’ since 2017 and I can confirm all procent (%) u mentioned above are real! There was almost 50% gain within 1 month on the golden age of crypto trading 🙂 (novb 2k17) I have nothing to add since already some guys replied above but I recommend this company to my family and my friends and stuff and they are all happy with them 😀

  5. Hi there , I am collaborating with CBC since Feb2018 and I have several investments with them from trading , BTC, investment plan and leverage and I can say that are professionals in what they do. The company grew and I am glad that I had the chance to grow together with them. What I liked is that NOBODY ask to bring them clients nor that their products are presented aggressive , all happens very smooth , making sure that I understand the product before I get in.
    Another strong point is that the withdrawn is happening without any difficulty, just send one email with your bank details and is done.
    WHAT’S IN IT FOR THEM : 30% performance fee that so, I think that have all the interest to make a good job.
    P.S. I visit their office several times (each time they move I was informed and invited to their new location) and we make several meetings per year regarding my portfolio (at their office or by phone if I am travelling)

  6. In my opinion, a review is for a product or service that you, personally have purchased and/or used. This “review” is just an “outside” opinion for someone who is analyzing how the company website is built and sustained. From the text it does not occur that the writer has even contacted them for an opinion.

    I can personally say that I have been investing with this company for 18 months so far, had my doubts and worries at first, but since, they have delivered healthy profits for my investments in several of their products. I have met them in person, I visited their HQ office, they have expanded the team since I first met them. Also I have cashed out for some of my investments, without a hitch.

    Of course there is risk associated with this type of investment / products and you should asses the risks vs the pros, and as they recommend, invest only what you can afford to lose.

  7. I both live in Romania and invest with CBC-Finance (and previously when CBC-IT), which I have done so for a quite a while now; I also know the company very well.
    This is a serious company. There is nothing factual for you, with regards to this company to write false claims about and are more than welcome to contact me directly via personal email if you wish to discuss this further.

  8. Top guy’s who have delivered fantastic returns since inception. Made some managment changes for the better cutting the dead weight in my opinion.
    I have made withdrawls when needed and continue to add capital increasing my holdings in multiple trading products.
    Took a hit with a miner, but “you can’t win them all” Thru my personal experience, I would confidently recommend anyone intrested in this space as a novice or seasoned professional to participate in the various trading platforms available, knowing that there is always a risk in these type of trading vehicles, but theses guys have managed thus far to outperform such associated risk delivering really great returns to me personally..
    I have been to their offices and they are a legal registered company to operate such activities…..hope this helps anyone looking to jump in.

  9. Hello,

    I have worked with these guys for the past 2 years now. They are very serious and only grew as a company so far. I’ve put money in, taken out also, from different types of services that they have, trading and investments alike and everyhing works smokthly. I’ve also met them in person severl times so these are real people, don’t worry. So far everthing went ok with them and I am satisfied with the service.

  10. I have had an investment portfolio with CBC Finance for the past 18 months.
    On my BTC long term I have received more the 100% return.
    My Ethereum long term has got better returns than my BTC.
    My leveraged investments have not perfomed well on the last contact but that was across the board for everyone as the market has not been to good.
    I have withdrawn profits from my investments in numerous ocassions without any issues.
    I personally don’t understand what would make you right this article without getting some factual information 1st.
    These accusations seem rather false to me..
    As a customer of CBC I’m happy with the service they provide.

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