Review – Yet Another Exercise in Futility? is a XRP faucet, and it is based on a dice-roll sort-of game, which is supposed to generate free Ripple (XRP) every hour. We learned about this faucet when one of our subscribers asked us to investigate Apparently, was the previous domain used by the people who brought you For some reason, they decided to change their website address and as of now redirects to

The faucet stands out by virtue of the fact that instead of drawing “players” back to its roll page once a day, it does so every hour. As soon as you hit the roll button and are assigned a random number, by a “provably fair” random number generator, a countdown timer starts, and before you know it, you’re ready to take your chance again.

There’s even a payout table featured just above the roll button, which details the amount of Ripples one will receive for every roll, in XRP as well as USD. Apparently, the higher the resulting number, the bigger the payout will be. Those who roll between 10,000 and 10,000 (no mistake, that’s exactly what it says on the site), get XRPs worth $300. Needless to say, the odds on rolling exactly 10,000 have to be extremely small, given how the model would definitely be unsustainable, if that amount were paid out even once a week/month.

Most of the rolls will result in numbers below 9,885, which are worth about $0.0003 – hardly worth anyone’s time. In fact, this is the main complaint that users have regarding the service: it pays VERY little, even compared to other similar services, which aren’t exactly going to break the bank either.

Numbers between 9,886 and 9,985 are worth $0.03. The 9,986-9,993 range pays $0.3, while the 9,994-9,997 range is worth $3. Those who roll 9,998 or 9,999 can consider themselves lottery-winners: their rolls are worth $30. - Coin Faucet

What’s the Catch?

…because there surely has to be one…While most similar services run Monero miners, taking advantage of users’ CPU resources in an underhanded, sneaky manner, that does NOT seem to be the case with We actually tested the rolls and promptly picked up our $0.0003, while keeping an eye on CPU performance. did not spike CPU usage at all. What became clear within a handful of clicks on the site though, was that these guys are looking to make some money with a CPC ad scheme. They shove ads into your face at every step, and if you think you will simply avoid clicking them, you have another thing coming.

You will click the ads whether you want to or not, because the site is set up in a way that will open various unsavory web destinations for you, even if you just unsuspectingly click a page anywhere.

Can this kind of setup cause you any actual damages? While the popping up of various ad-linked sites is little more than nuisance, there is always a possibility that these sites – some of which are indeed adult-oriented, or worse – might come with some surprise packages in the shape of a virus or two. It is unclear if hold any kind of control over the content displayed though the ads that they feature.

Should I Trust

The site does what it says it does, at the above-detailed cost. They’re not lying to you, so yes, you can trust them. If it is worth your time and the risks entailed by the repeated visiting of suspicious web-junk, by all means, go for it.

Additional Features

Besides the above-detailed faucet feature, also have a “Multiply XRP” and “Lottery” feature, which are supposed to increase their users’ earning potential. At the cost of having a couple more junk sites popped into our faces, we learned that these sections of the website are currently under construction.

The referral program on the other hand, seems to work fine. If you bring someone into the fold, you will apparently receive 50% of the prizes this person pockets. At one point, you will also get a free lottery ticket for every roll these people make. withdrawals are processed instantly. To be able to withdraw, users obviously need a XRP wallet. The minimum withdrawal amount is 1 XRP.

Users are normally limited to just one account.

Red Flags and Question Marks

There aren’t any such problems to speak of with The operation does not promise much, and what it does promise, it seems to deliver.

The site does not have an About Us section, so we have no idea who’s running it. Information about the domain name registrant is not available either.


The complaints you will hear/read about, are mostly focused on the ads and the small payouts. There’s really not much more to complain about.

Popularity was ranked 8,206,658 as of November 26, 2017, according to SimilarWeb. This indicates to us that the site is not very popular at the moment. Many of the site’s visitors, perhaps its owners to, seem to be based in Russia. Review Conclusion

To answer the question posed in the title of this review: yes, is most likely yet another exercise in futility. The amount of XRPs you’ll pick up through the service is minute. If you like the “gambling” though and you are not bothered by the incessant ads, you may find it entertaining for a while.

Official Site: (previously

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52 thoughts on “ Review – Yet Another Exercise in Futility?”

    1. Exactly my point but they won’t listen to feedback jus a regular excuse blah blah.. if da site don’t let us in or wont create a new user like other sites clearly something wrong wit the site. I say it’s a fake site 100%.

    2. This message usually appears if you try to create another account, but if you genuinely believe this is wrong please contact us via Twitter and we will create the account for you.

  1. Here is my rant against I have been playing for over 2 months, about 15 – 17 rolls a day! I have oathed myself to play this game at this pace for 1 year! I have accumulated only 0.61912870 XRP. Not to mention all the bullshit adds that you have to fight through just to begin to play the tightwad amount awarded. YUCK!! I also belong to and I have put a fraction of my time compared to and I already have over 3.00 of XRP and all I do over there is basically watch videos and get paid and the content is actually good!! One would think that XRP being under a $1.00 that you would accumulate at least 1 XRP a week!! at the rate I’m going!! But fuuuuuck nooooo! I have less than 1 XRP!! In 2 months time with tons of BULLSHIT ADDS THAT GO OFF ON YOU!! I mean the weekly XRP LOTTERY IS A COMPLETE JOKE!! Haha. Compared to I have earned much more in bitcoin there. Unless you win 1st or 2nd place in coinfaucet’s lottery. It’s laughable compared to, Hell 10th place over there is $10 btc !! gives you less than Air!. WHAT A BUNCH OF TIGHTWADS!!!! I probably won’t stay with this site because it’s rigged to be cheep and sleazy with those stupid adds and I can do much better anywhere!! Don’t have to put up with all the Booo Shit This site Owner is like a Squirrel trying to hang on to his nuts! Freaking give some love guy! Love 💕 try being at least giving.
    I would rank this faucet as probably the cheapest,stingiest Ever! Now I’m getting mad thinking about all the time wasted here

    1. Thanks for sharing your feedback. We have some users who received over 200 XRP from us, but some who made much less. Your feedback is important for us and thanks for sharing it.

  2. Cannot register….when I tried to sign up it say user existed but
    When I tried signing in, it says user/password incorrect, so I went about password forgot option and enter my email again, that is where I got user not exist.
    I had tried with multiple emails same problem,
    don’t think this site is legit!


      We have protection mechanisms in place against duplicate accounts, so the fact you cannot register doesn’t attest the validity of the site.

      You might want to try using a different device/IP and see if it works for you, you can also use a private browsing mode and see if it works for you. It’s not about the email you use but the device itself.

  3. ReCaptcha is a problem.. I have not been able to login the past 1 day because it will not let me sign in… ReCaptcha and similar capacities work in other sites but not this one recently… Kind of disappointing.

  4. Glad you lot fixed the annoying ad that redirected from login page, don’t mind pop ups I can close em as fast as they appear, all this is 1 minute of fun I’m destined to hit 10000 Ima get it even if it takes a million tries!

    1. Thanks for sharing it. It did happen when there was a server issue, it’s a glitch we’re working on to fix, it did happen in and about a year ago as well, it’s unfortunately a glitch but we are working to minimize and mitigate such errors to the minimum.

      If you would try to spin again you can see it would work properly for you.

      1. Apparently not even the owner knows how his site works. Ted, many lottery websites such as this use a “rolling” animation such as the one on The roll number is calculated using a computer algorithm. It’s the only number generated. All other numbers displayed on the roller prior to the reveal of your final number are completely irrelevant. However, you are RIGHT that the roll number isn’t fair, but not for the reason you said. You see, you probably used this website assuming that you had a fair 1 in 10000 chance of rolling the highest number, 10000. However, the owner of the website has admitted that in 11 million rolls in the website’s history, not a single roll was the number 10000. As you can see, there is not a 1 in 10000 chance of getting 10000. It’s probably more like 1 in 100 million. For all I know, it isn’t even possible. The algorithm used on this website is the same as the one on, and in the 60 BILLION rolls there have been on there, I have not seen one person on the entire internet brag about rolling the highest number. What’s worse is the owner refuses to show transparency. In another comment on here, he LIED to me telling me that there IS a 1 in 10000 chance of rolling 10000. I wouldn’t be surprised if was the one who DDOS’d this website due to his unethical activity being one of the top Google search results for his website.

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