CpuCap.com / CpuCap.org / CpuWin.com Review

Cpu Cap (CpuCap.com/CpuCap.org) was created on February 6th, 2018 by Alex Denial and is an online platform that supposedly enables users to participate in free cryptocurrency mining.

cpucap.com - CPU Cap

Cpu Cap Review

CpuCap.com does not provide any information regarding their operation except for in their meta tag where they promote the ideology that users who sign up with their platform can participate in free cryptocurrency mining.

According to their platform, Cpu Cap currently supports the following cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Stellar, Monero and Nem.

Upon further investigation, Cpu Cap mostly embodies an affiliate platform and provides no outlet for cryptocurrency mining.

When visitors decide which particular supported cryptocurrency they wish to mine and select “Switch to Mining,” they are prompted to disclose their wallet address.

Upon disclosure of their wallet address, users are then redirected to their affiliate dashboard where no reference to mining is disclosed besides a “Run Terminal” button. Which when activated does not render any cryptocurrencies to the user which leaves them with solely an affiliate driven income opportunity.

According to their affiliate dashboard, users will earn 20% from Bitcoin producers that they lure into using their platform. Whether or not this platform is compensating its affiliates or not is still unclear.

According to a WHOIS report, CpuCap.com was created by Alex Denial through the PDR Limited registrar on February 6th, 2018. Reflecting an expiration date of February 6th, 2019, Alex Denial’s disclosed contact information is as follows: Alex Denial, California California, Kırıkkale, Turkey 55123.

Provided contact information in the WHOIS report would be the email address phpsxs@gmail.com along with the telephone number +505.555555555.

Cpu Cap Scam

CpuCap.com provides an attractive site interface yet fails to disclose any information of value regarding their operation.

Lacking transparency and credibility, Cpu Cap deceptively asserts that their operation is an online platform that supports free cryptocurrency mining when in reality it is nothing more than an affiliate platform.

Cpu Cap references that CpuCap.com Inc is their alleged corporate entity underneath their supported cryptocurrency assets although thorough research on the web and amongst Turkey business registries fail to validate that CpuCap.com Inc is an existing corporation.

The disclosed contact information in the WHOIS report is falsified, rendering a physical location that is unable to be plotted according to search queries which likely means that the true creator behind this operation rented a virtual address and alias online.

According to a SimilarWeb report, CpuCap.com does not possess any market intelligence rankings or insight.

Given the deceptive nature behind Cpu Cap, we do not condone that any cryptocurrency investor, miner or enthusiast consider utilizing their platform.

Whether or not this platform is paying is uncertain and until more community feedback surfaces regarding CpuCap.com, we are classifying this operation as not credible or trustworthy.

Interested in learning how to day trade cryptocurrency? Start right now with Lesson 1: Opening and Executing a Trade Using Binance.

Do you have any knowledge, experience or opinions relating to CpuCap? Please feel free to share your feedback by leaving a relevant comment below!

118 thoughts on “CpuCap.com / CpuCap.org / CpuWin.com Review”

        1. Ehrlich gesagt durchschaue ich das ganze nicht so Recht.Es ist keine klare Systematik erkennbar.Manchmal kommt nach mehr als 30 Minuten ERROR,manchmal nach mehr als 0,00004000,manchmal nach mehr als 0,0003000 oder manchmal auch nach weniger.Und nirgends wo kann man was in Erfahrung bringen,was wann und wie zu tun ist.Oder hat jemand eine andere klare Info?

    1. this is really bigscam…they didn’t pay at all. i’ve got 75,xxx ltc in there,and i withdraw, they say its done,paid…but where..there’s noting in my ltc wallet. andnow its site not working at all

      1. Guenter Gebhardt

        Die Seite ist mehr was für Arbeitslose oder Rentner,bzw. für Menschen die den ganzen Tag über nichts besseres vorhaben als vor dem PC zu sitzen.Wer hat schon sonst die Zeit oder Lust viertel stündlich “save” zu machenum überhaupt Minianteile von Coins gut geschrieben zu bekommen

    2. Ulan kitapsız kâfir seni! Sen şirketin adamısın, o yüzden hırsız şirketini burada sıradan kullanıcı kılığına gierek herkesi kandırıyorsun! Sizler birer alçak şebekelersiniz! Sahte ödeme kanıtınla ancak cahilleri/aptalları kandırbilirsin! Cehennemin dibine kadar yolunuz var…

  1. Eduardo Gonzalez

    Friends I have been using the site for 5 months. I received 4 payments in total. They pay with discretion.

          1. Hi Eduardo, what is there any way to contact them. I have the same issue, it was paid already but no bitcoin received yet. Thank you.

          1. Nice to hear. Maybe they pay only half of us. I still wait of my payment from 1. Of february. 3 weeks No response from Support…. So for me ITS scam !

        1. i am regular use cpuwin.com and withdraw 16 times 0.005btc payment history shows paid all withdraw but till date not recive any payment in my binance account plz help me
          Your Payments History
          ID Amount Date Status
          1 0.00500901 BTC 15 July 2018 – 07:51 Paid
          2 0.00500404 BTC 21 July 2018 – 20:32 Paid
          3 0.00500197 BTC 29 July 2018 – 11:01 Paid
          4 0.00501039 BTC 04 August 2018 – 16:37 Paid
          5 0.00500920 BTC 09 August 2018 – 14:58 Paid
          6 0.00500985 BTC 14 August 2018 – 19:38 Paid
          7 0.00500803 BTC 19 August 2018 – 20:08 Paid
          8 0.00500457 BTC 23 August 2018 – 20:19 Paid
          9 0.00500767 BTC 28 August 2018 – 16:06 Paid
          10 0.00882317 BTC 01 September 2018 – 03:58 Paid
          11 0.00500443 BTC 05 September 2018 – 10:17 Paid
          12 0.00500208 BTC 10 September 2018 – 06:12 Processing
          13 0.00500868 BTC 14 September 2018 – 17:06 Processing
          14 0.00503113 BTC 19 September 2018 – 02:30 Processing
          15 0.00500141 BTC 23 September 2018 – 09:05 Processing
          16 0.00500455 BTC 28 September 2018 – 16:15 Waiting
          what we do for payment

          1. I am only two times withdraw for April 2018.

            Status “paid” (no transaction ID)

            But unable to receive payment zebpay wallet.

    1. Hello Eduardo,

      Please take screen your account and your wallet BTC to proof you receipt the BTC. The link of bitcoin which can get by buying. If the website is good, we will help a lot of people. Thanks!

    2. Ulan kitapsız kâfir seni! Sen şirketin adamısın, burada herkesi kandırıyorsun, alçak şebekeler sizi! Mart ayı baz alındığında şirket açılalı 1 ay olmuş olmuştu, sen nasıl 5 ay diye utanmadan yalan söylüyorsun pornocu sapık seni… Cehennemin dibine kadar yolun var…

  2. Bin nun seit 2 Tagen dabei und habe folgendes festgestellt.Wenn man nicht regelmäßig “save” macht bekommt man den Hinweis “Error300” was auch immer das bedeutet.Also die ganze Nacht laufen lassen und dann Morgens saven funktioniert nicht,zumindest nicht bei mir. Hat jemand eine ander Erfahrung gemacht?

        1. Danke für die Info. Woher wusstest du das, habe keine Info bekommen… Hast du schon Mal eine Auszahlung bekommen? Warte seid 1.2. und passiert nichts…

          1. Habe ich auch nur durch Zufall erfahren,soll im Backoffice gestanden haben(wobei ich kein Backoffice erkennen kann).Ich bin jetzt eine Woche dabei und muss folgends feststellen.Sobald man über 4000 kommt und SAVE macht bekommt man ERROR(300), d.h. die geschürften Coins sind weg.Nach ca. 54 Min. hat man die erreicht.Ich gehe davon aus das das gewollt ist,denn jedesmal wenn man save macht muss man auf Instrumente gehen um eine Änderung im Account zu Aktivieren.Somit erscheint dann wieder die Werbebutton und die klicks benötigen die Betreiber der Seite.Meiner Kenntnis nach kann man erst ab 0,10 BTC sich auszahlen lassen,steht auch unter KONTEN–Zahlungdedails,erst wenn der grüne Balken auf 100% steht geht das.Bin jetzt bei 2,23% in einer Woche,also ca. 50 Wochen bis zur 1. Auszahlung.

          2. Hallo Günter, da kann ich dir helfen: du musst spätestens alle 15 min auf save drücken , sonst verfällt es …. Über 1% am Tag schafft man da nicht… Also wenn es gut läuft 100 Tage …. Habe nur Zweifel, ob die auszahlen, Februar Auszahlung sollte in 1- 3 Woche n im März kommen … Ich habe noch immer nichts bekommen… Steht immer “in Verarbeitung” … Kommt mir alles sehr komisch vor ….

          3. Das ganze Ding ist undurchschaubar.Hier habe ein paar findige etwas instaliert was ihnen eine Menge Geld bringt,und wir sollen nur als Mittel zum Zweck dienen.

    1. It’s happening same with mine.. I think if you are a Free user the payment will arrive in your Wallet after 10 days from Ok status in their site. I have executed a withdrawal already and I will come back here after 2 -3 weeks for update.

        1. Guenter Gebhardt

          Oh,war erstaunt heute morgen,jetzt geht es in 12 wer Schritten,alle 4 Sekunden,das ist mal was anderes

      1. Don’t waste your time in cpuwin.com/bitcoin-mining/. they are not paying any one. I am still waiting my January 2018 payment.

  3. sandor Vizkeleti

    Also ich mache seit 13 .Februar 2018 und schau mal was gibst zu ende!!melde mich dann!!
    [affiliate link removed]


  4. Can you please review idealbit. Biz i have put £100 of bitcoin in this and it is currently paying but imI’nitI’m100% about it thanks

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