CryptoAllDay Review – Reliable Crypto Platform or Scam?

The immense boom of the Bitcoin industry over the past several months has inevitably sparked the endless creation of cryptocurrency related scams. It feels like for every one legitimate opportunity we come across there are 3 or 4 other deceptive operations that we had to debunk prior to reaching it. In the case of Crypto All Day, we encounter not a cloud mining or pyramid scheme business model but instead an online investment platform that, at first sight, successfully pulls off the appearance of a legitimate brokerage. Upon further analysis though, slowly and exhaustively we were able to peel away the deceptive layers of the platform. Throughout this detailed review, you will discover our findings regarding this phony investment brokerage and why this platform is not one that should be trifled with. - Crypto All Day

What is Crypto All Day?

The About Us section found at does a relatively poor job of providing insightful information regarding their platform. Claiming to operate as a 100% safe personal Internet wallet, crypto investors are encouraged to part with their bitcoins by depositing through their site. How many bitcoins an investors deposits through Crypto All Day will dictate which investment plan they become enrolled through and which trading features become available to them.

What does Crypto All Day Offer?

Crypto All Day portrays their operation as an online platform that will safely guard your deposited bitcoins. Pooling together your deposited funds with other investors funds, the team of financial experts employed through this brokerage will then intelligently invest your deposit through a variety of high yielding investment channels. No specification as to which assets are traded are specified but allegedly their team will apply hedging trading approaches along with provide hedging insurance to ensure the well-being of your deposited funds.

What we found misleading about claiming to provide hedging insurance would be how deeper research revealed that this platform is not regulated or insured by any regulatory entity. This indicates to us that this brokerage is not safe to invest with while also discrediting their claim of  “safeguarding” your deposit since they are not an insured platform. Investors who still wish to ignore these red flags and enroll through this platform are able to get started with 1 of 4 account types.

Light Trading Account

Deposit Bonus: 20% initial, 10% for reoccurring deposits

Deposit Required: $250 USD or 0.04 BTC

Account Features: Daily and weekly market reviews

Standard Trading Account

Deposit Bonus: 30% initial, 20% for reoccurring deposits

Deposit Required: $500 or 0.07 BTC

Account Features: Professional Market Analysis, 3 Daily Trading Tips, Daily/Weekly Market Reviews

Premium Trading Account

Deposit Bonus: 50% initial, 30% reoccurring deposit

Deposit Required: $2500 or 0.36 BTC

Account Features: Standard account perks, 1 risk refund trade, 1 monthly risk free trade, bi-weekly mentoring sessions

VIP Trading Account

Deposit Bonus: 100% initial, 50% reoccurring

Deposit Required: $5000 or 0.73 BTC

Account Features: Premium account perks, 2 risk free trades per month, weekly mentoring sessions

It should be made clear that the acceptance of any of these deposits bonus will “lock in” your funds with the brokerage. It isn’t until you generate a volume of trades between 15x to 40x the accepted bonus deposit that you will be eligible to file for withdrawal.

Crypto All Day Misconceptions

According to, their operation is owned and operated by a private limited corporation known as Petrasol Ltd. Negating this claim would be how search queries conducted through Republic of Seychelles business registers fail to churn up any credible search results of Petrasol Ltd being a verified business. As previously mentioned, their site claims to offer hedging insurance yet they are not overseen by any regulatory body which means that they are not insured.

Other misconceptions found on their site would be how they essentially operate anonymously. The only real identifying information disclosed to us on the site would be there telephone number +44 203 808 3763 along with their email address No information regarding their creators or operators can be found mentioned anywhere on the site. Furthermore, the site claims to have been in operation since 2015 yet a WHOIS report will reveal that this domain was created only on August 14th, 2017.

CryptoAllDay - Date of Origin

Can be Trusted?

After considering the information laid out to you above, it becomes quite clear that this operation is not trustworthy. No information regarding their technology platform is disclosed, they are operating completely anonymously, they fail to verify that their team of financial experts are licensed and foolishly lie about their operational procedures and date of origin.


While claims to have over 95,000 active trading accounts on their platform, a SimilarWeb search will reveal these claims to be bona fide fabrications of the truth. Reflecting a poor SimiliarWeb global rank of 7,047,018 it is clear to us that this operation is not popular and receives minimum amounts of traffic, if any at all.


I saw you wrote an article on Cryptoallday and that they are scammers. I want to confirm that. They scammed me out of $25 000 on Friday. They blame the drop of a the bitcoin, but Timothy O’Connor told me my money is liquid. They sold my bitcoin before the price started dropping. Unfortunately I was doing business with them from 20/11/2017 … that was before you wrote the article on them.

Crypto All Day Review Conclusion

Crypto All Day is a poorly developed online platform that will do nothing more than steal your Bitcoin deposits. Providing no insight into their platform features while leaving much of their operation unknown is a considerable red flag that we cannot ignore. If you are searching for investment brokerages or Bitcoin exchanges to invest through, make sure the operation you are looking into is more than open about their identity and provides transparent information regarding their operational model.

Review Verdict: Crypto All Day is a SCAM!

Blacklisted Site:

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Please share any thoughts, experiences or feedback you may have by leaving a comment below!

Important note regarding the following comment section. Some of the positive reviews you’ll read below were posted by people with different names but using the same IP addresses, making it quite obvious that they are fake comments!

220 thoughts on “CryptoAllDay Review – Reliable Crypto Platform or Scam?”

  1. Johnathan

    It’s always exciting to start investing and after several hours seeing that the trading balance is increasing.

    very new to this field and very happy from the results

    The financial advisers are very professional and knowledgeable

    customer support is helpful and assisting with everything

    Highly recommended for everyone

  2. i am not usually writing in that kind of websites but after reading everything I decided to go for it once.
    i am 63 yo and considering myself as a businessman.

    during all of my life, my 1st rule is ‘never lose money’.
    all the deals i ever made, was successful (thank god). since real estate to stocks.

    i only started to lose when i got involved with online trading 3 years ago.
    I’ve lost in Binary options around £280K. I THINK IT WAS A SCAM.

    since then, i promised to myself to not get involved with that kind of markets.
    then, i met Michael, my financial advisor.
    Michael was changing my point of you in regard to the online industry and showed me the difference between working with scammers to working with a PROFESSIONAL!

    thank you Michael for helping me.
    thank for the amazing profits.

  3. Guys, It is very simple, if you don’t trust no one from your nature, just start with the software, I got from $250 investment into $530 so far in 2 months. I trust no one so I am using the software, so far so good!

        1. Rachel van Engel

          Dag Paul, ik ben alles kwijt bij cryptoalldays! ik zag ook op het scherm dat het bedrag steeds beter werd! Ze vroegen me regelmatig meer geld te deponeren! eens dat ik mijn geld wilde terug vorderen, was de kous af! Dat ging niet zeiden ze! Ben je wel zeker dat jou geld terug zal komen?

          Ik tracht Belgische slachtoffers van cryptoaalday in een groep te krijgen; dus als het mis zou gaan (hopelijk niet !) mag je mij contacteren ! groetjes

          1. Ben ook alles kwijt gellukig nog maar paar honderd euros maar corrct is correct, ik zou ook graag deze fraude praktijk bestrijden. Mijn zogezegd brooker was Thomas.

  4. Toni

    I’ve been in the financial market for more than 10 years.
    Each time i saw someone writing a bad review or “trashing ” on someone else , i always thought what made him/her do that .
    i’m making money here and enjoying every moment of it , it does not change the fact that they will always be positive people and frustrated people
    let’s not get unprofessional , because the potential of making money here is enormous
    It’s all starting with the right approach


  6. I already made an increase since $7,000 of my Bitcoin to $10,400 thanks to my broker’s trading’s method. I am very satisfied with the results so far, I have sustained some losses due to the market’s volatility, however, I have gained more than lost and I also aware that nothing is 100% in life.

  7. I am from Capetown, South Africa, I have started to work with Cryptoallday for the last 3 weeks, so far I made some profits!! and got some training session to learn all about this Crypto Currency’s market, which is a whole new world to me. I cant lie about it, I am enjoying every minute of it, and on a daily contact with my Account manager.

        1. Hul het net eenvoudig my rekening toegemaak en as ek probeer aanteken dan kry ek net boodskap dat rekening nie bestaan nie, dit nadat ek probeer het om €3,800 te onttrek. So ek neem aan dat my geld verlore is. Hul aanlyn hulp adres noem net dat ‘n makelaar my sal kontak. As jy geld wil ontrek dan meng ‘n makelaar in en weier dat jy die geld kan onttrek. Die makelaar vra eerder vir verdere belegging om meer bitcoin te kan koop, sodat jy dit later teen wins kan verkoop. Dis die sogenaamde makelaar met wie ek deel “Andres M “

  8. Nicolas Petterson

    Hi All,

    i am a client of Thomas and i want everybody to know that this guy was changing my life for good.
    he was helping me to clear all of my debts and been showing me the bright side of life. which i haven’t seen before.

    shame on those who are trying to blackmail and to ruin the reputation.
    lucky all of us, i can see much more happy clients then unhappy clients.

  9. Scam……scam…..scam……From the top to the bottom…..
    Michael…….1st Bullshittter
    Thomas and Timothy O Conner the same person and the Biggest Bullshitter…..
    All the positive comments on this issue ….is comments from their own desks of the crooks…..
    Be warned ……Do not invest with them,,,,,,,,,,

      1. Rachel van Engel

        hello Ray, if you are living in Belgium, please join us, and we will together take measures to go to Justice! I live near Antwerp and hope that you can join us (by e-mail) at first!

    1. didn’t like the auto trading, and it took my financial advisor ( David G.) long time to contact me HOWEVER, he is a genius in Crypto Currency , EVERYTHING he told me happened in the real market, and the way that he chose the Alts and the risk management he advise for my portfolio is THE BEST THAT I HAVE EVER HAD.

      everything made in MY SIDE, and MY WALLET, so i cant understand which scam flag you guys are placing here?!

  10. Craig
    started with Cryptoallday
    Lovin every minute
    sent the documents and was verified at the same day .
    standing on 20% profits including withdrawal that was sent to my bank
    I’m recommending everyone who is a novice to get it to the Crypto’s
    Crypto’s market is fascinating and providing a lot of opportunities for those who are looking for a secondary income

    1. Raymond Stewart


      don’t you have anything good in live to focus on? beside ruin legit people reputation?

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