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CryptoAllDay Review – Reliable Crypto Platform or Scam?

The immense boom of the Bitcoin industry over the past several months has inevitably sparked the endless creation of cryptocurrency related scams. It feels like for every one legitimate opportunity we come across there are 3 or 4 other deceptive operations that we had to debunk prior to reaching it. In the case of Crypto All Day, we encounter not a cloud mining or pyramid scheme business model but instead an online investment platform that, at first sight, successfully pulls off the appearance of a legitimate brokerage. Upon further analysis though, slowly and exhaustively we were able to peel away the deceptive layers of the CryptoAllDay.com platform. Throughout this detailed review, you will discover our findings regarding this phony investment brokerage and why this platform is not one that should be trifled with.

cryptoallday.com - Crypto All Day

What is Crypto All Day?

The About Us section found at CryptoAllDay.com does a relatively poor job of providing insightful information regarding their platform. Claiming to operate as a 100% safe personal Internet wallet, crypto investors are encouraged to part with their bitcoins by depositing through their site. How many bitcoins an investors deposits through Crypto All Day will dictate which investment plan they become enrolled through and which trading features become available to them.

What does Crypto All Day Offer?

Crypto All Day portrays their operation as an online platform that will safely guard your deposited bitcoins. Pooling together your deposited funds with other investors funds, the team of financial experts employed through this brokerage will then intelligently invest your deposit through a variety of high yielding investment channels. No specification as to which assets are traded are specified but allegedly their team will apply hedging trading approaches along with provide hedging insurance to ensure the well-being of your deposited funds.

What we found misleading about claiming to provide hedging insurance would be how deeper research revealed that this platform is not regulated or insured by any regulatory entity. This indicates to us that this brokerage is not safe to invest with while also discrediting their claim ofΒ  β€œsafeguarding” your deposit since they are not an insured platform. Investors who still wish to ignore these red flags and enroll through this platform are able to get started with 1 of 4 account types.

Light Trading Account

Deposit Bonus: 20% initial, 10% for reoccurring deposits

Deposit Required: $250 USD or 0.04 BTC

Account Features: Daily and weekly market reviews

Standard Trading Account

Deposit Bonus: 30% initial, 20% for reoccurring deposits

Deposit Required: $500 or 0.07 BTC

Account Features: Professional Market Analysis, 3 Daily Trading Tips, Daily/Weekly Market Reviews

Premium Trading Account

Deposit Bonus: 50% initial, 30% reoccurring deposit

Deposit Required: $2500 or 0.36 BTC

Account Features: Standard account perks, 1 risk refund trade, 1 monthly risk free trade, bi-weekly mentoring sessions

VIP Trading Account

Deposit Bonus: 100% initial, 50% reoccurring

Deposit Required: $5000 or 0.73 BTC

Account Features: Premium account perks, 2 risk free trades per month, weekly mentoring sessions

It should be made clear that the acceptance of any of these deposits bonus will β€œlock in” your funds with the brokerage. It isn’t until you generate a volume of trades between 15x to 40x the accepted bonus deposit that you will be eligible to file for withdrawal.

Crypto All Day Misconceptions

According to CryptoAllDay.com, their operation is owned and operated by a private limited corporation known as Petrasol Ltd. Negating this claim would be how search queries conducted through Republic of Seychelles business registers fail to churn up any credible search results of Petrasol Ltd being a verified business. As previously mentioned, their site claims to offer hedging insurance yet they are not overseen by any regulatory body which means that they are not insured.

Other misconceptions found on their site would be how they essentially operate anonymously. The only real identifying information disclosed to us on the site would be there telephone number +44 203 808 3763 along with their email address support@cryptoallday.com. No information regarding their creators or operators can be found mentioned anywhere on the site. Furthermore, the site claims to have been in operation since 2015 yet a WHOIS report will reveal that this domain was created only on August 14th, 2017.

CryptoAllDay - Date of Origin

Can CryptoAllDay.com be Trusted?

After considering the information laid out to you above, it becomes quite clear that this operation is not trustworthy. No information regarding their technology platform is disclosed, they are operating completely anonymously, they fail to verify that their team of financial experts are licensed and foolishly lie about their operational procedures and date of origin.


While CryptoAllDay.com claims to have over 95,000 active trading accounts on their platform, a SimilarWeb search will reveal these claims to be bona fide fabrications of the truth. Reflecting a poor SimiliarWeb global rank of 7,047,018 it is clear to us that this operation is not popular and receives minimum amounts of traffic, if any at all.


I saw you wrote an article on Cryptoallday and that they are scammers. I want to confirm that. They scammed me out ofΒ $25Β 000Β on Friday. They blame the drop of a the bitcoin, but Timothy O’Connor told me my money is liquid. They sold my bitcoin before the price started dropping.Β Unfortunately I was doing business with them from 20/11/2017 … that was before you wrote the article on them.

Crypto All Day Review Conclusion

Crypto All Day is a poorly developed online platform that will do nothing more than steal your Bitcoin deposits. Providing no insight into their platform features while leaving much of their operation unknown is a considerable red flag that we cannot ignore. If you are searching for investment brokerages or Bitcoin exchanges to invest through, make sure the operation you are looking into is more than open about their identity and provides transparent information regarding their operational model.

Review Verdict: Crypto All Day is a SCAM!

Blacklisted Site: CryptoAllDay.com

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Please share any thoughts, experiences or feedback you may have by leaving a comment below!

Important note regarding the following comment section. Some of the positive reviews you’ll read below were posted by people with different names but using the same IP addresses, making it quite obvious that they are fake comments!

220 thoughts on “CryptoAllDay Review – Reliable Crypto Platform or Scam?”

    1. sounds like another one who wants to take advantage on our weakness and steal our money.
      watch out this is the new generation scam.

      1. Due your due diligence, if you had in the first place you would not have been cheated out of your life savings. I always do that is how I found this group which seems legit and not a reload scam:




          1. Can you actually read? The article says my client is suing Bitblender which is a dark web operation.

    2. This, not a law firm.
      “Global Attorneys Org” which does have a website but it has virtually zero information about the organization. I also can’t find an employee by that name on the site or on LinkedIn. Additionally, a whois search of the DNS record for globalattorneys.org is hidden behind an anonymous registrar service.

      1. I was asking for info on Cryptoallday not your money. You send thousands of dollars to an obvious scam and then when someone show up asking for information for a possible lawsuit, you insult them? I get the picture, say no more….you can easily verify who I am if you wanted to. Seems you folks are good with a computer except when losing money to the Russian mafia. Anyone who wants to contact me can do in confidence may do so.

        1. Really? where are you located? Facebook?Linkedin? oh right, you don’t have any you are hiding behind some anonymous domain so no one will find you.

          Doctor? with your spelling mistakes. yeah right….

          I believe people won’t be that dumb to believe you.






    [26/12/2017, 16:37] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: i have some bad news and good news for you
    [26/12/2017, 16:38] 🚘: Yeah it’s ok. I have seen that I loose all the investment πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
    [26/12/2017, 16:38] 🚘: Doesn’t matter
    [26/12/2017, 16:39] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: we can recover that
    [26/12/2017, 16:39] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: if you have the will
    [26/12/2017, 16:39] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: it was the software
    [26/12/2017, 16:39] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: maybe the market was too volatile for her
    [26/12/2017, 16:39] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: i can recover it quickly manually if you want
    [26/12/2017, 16:41] 🚘: Thank u kind. But this trading definitely not for meπŸ˜‚
    [26/12/2017, 16:41] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: you never gave it a real try ,ate
    [26/12/2017, 16:41] 🚘: I’m not continuing invest
    [26/12/2017, 16:43] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: as you wish
    [26/12/2017, 16:43] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: you can make a fortune with me but as you wish
    [26/12/2017, 16:43] 🚘: You could’ve done it before it crashed if u wanted to
    [26/12/2017, 16:43] 🚘: Thank u kind Thomas
    [26/12/2017, 16:43] 🚘: Anyway there is always something to blame on

    1. You have nailed it.
      Why visit scam site review if yo are making money and pretend you are from Australia or South Africa or where else. YOUR IP TELLS US YOUR ARE A LIAR!

      1. Well said Niel they are just trying to bullshit there way to make it look good. One day they will fall like a bag of shit.

      2. Yes thats what i mean, why the hell they vsiit scam site if they making money, I myself wouldn’t even visit this scam site nor giving my fucking time just to fill in the review if I making money with them. All good reviews are faked!

  2. hi Jon,
    me too, made that big mistake and lost 100000€ I am willing to join you when going further with our claims! I hope we will be a group big enough to convince lawyers etc…, I live in Antwerp – Belgium. I wish to be refund soonest possible, as I have nothing left at the moment.

    1. hi jon ,i lost olso all my money 42500 euro,can we coms in communication for see if we can do something,here my mail , alain.mertens1811@gmail.com

      I hope that together we can do something.

      we can’t late do this people ,take millions of many of people.

      Hope her you soon .
      Salutations .


  3. hy ,i work 5 month with them ,make profit ,ans some guy Jacob ,make trading ,my account was on74000 e ,and in 10 min ,he say go in negatif way this trading ,and lost everithing ,i invest 42500 e ,and now ,stay 0 e ,in my pocket ,i can’t sleep about this

  4. Their ghost writers are very active.
    Not one of these people writing positive about Cryptoallday are for real, they are all involved in this scam.

    1. Groote oplichters zijn het mij zijden ze dat ik winst maakte maar ik ben alles kwijt, en dan zeggen ze we houden contact met u tot je er achter komt dat je geen geld meer hebt staan

        1. [26/12/2017, 16:37] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: i have some bad news and good news for you
          [26/12/2017, 16:38] 🚘: Yeah it’s ok. I have seen that I loose all the investment πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
          [26/12/2017, 16:38] 🚘: Doesn’t matter
          [26/12/2017, 16:39] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: we can recover that
          [26/12/2017, 16:39] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: if you have the will
          [26/12/2017, 16:39] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: it was the software
          [26/12/2017, 16:39] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: maybe the market was too volatile for her
          [26/12/2017, 16:39] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: i can recover it quickly manually if you want
          [26/12/2017, 16:41] 🚘: Thank u kind. But this trading definitely not for meπŸ˜‚
          [26/12/2017, 16:41] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: you never gave it a real try ,ate
          [26/12/2017, 16:41] 🚘: I’m not continuing invest
          [26/12/2017, 16:43] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: as you wish
          [26/12/2017, 16:43] Thomas Bitcoin Broker: you can make a fortune with me but as you wish
          [26/12/2017, 16:43] 🚘: You could’ve done it before it crashed if u wanted to
          [26/12/2017, 16:43] 🚘: Thank u kind Thomas
          [26/12/2017, 16:43] 🚘: Anyway there is always something to blame on
          Dat was toen mijn gesprek met een van hen. Aub kunnen we iets doen tegen deze soort fraude praktijk? En die heeft me achteraf nog gechanteerd ook. Om verder nr de rechter te stappen omdat ik zijn bericht hier op de site toonde

  5. amazing experience with cryptoallday.
    we had hard days during the process.
    also, lost my money once.
    after my lose, i have decided to go for recovery and since then i am 100% happy and already got back to my bank the funds that i have lost!!!

    1. You lie and are a paid agent.
      You do not loose any money on your trading account, you win all the way!
      It is when they have to pay out, then they tell you the gains are not yours, you have only put in so much. The money is suddenly tied up in longterm ‘arbitrage’ and they cannot liquidate now.
      Just before, they messaged me to tell me my account was to small so it could not be invested, because I refused to put more money in.
      When I asked to be paid out, it was in a longterm contract.
      You lie and sleep with them.
      I know of at least 3 other people with the same problem as me.
      They are SCAM artists!

        1. They got my money to they must be caught and put away πŸ˜’
          Feeling lost. Cant believe how they roped me in . 4 of us all at same time !!!! We must do something about this i filed a report with acton fraud police.

  6. I invested $7500+ with this scam company. At first they are all friendly and show you good yields. The money visible on your account is actualy just a script following bitcoinratings, now and then it’s ajusted to show you your gains are rising so it appears they are “making you money” as they tell you. Andres, Chris, Brian and other companymembers will graduatly try to invest more to fasten the “moneymakingprocess”!!! Small withdrawles are always declined as they have no intentions to payout any money.
    These scammers are persuasive and the software they juse can/may boggle your mind, I will tell you that. Trading on my own now showed me the system they offer is in real life bitcoin trading practicly impossible due to the maner of trading altcoins.
    Don’t let them fool you because the are real good at this…SCAMMING!!!!!!!!!

    BIG SCAM DON’T “INVEST” !!!!!!!!!

  7. Gunnar Hargrevsson

    2 weeks ago, i have finished 18 months Journey with CryptoAllDay, Thomas, Michael, Steven, Chris, Marshall, Chase and Kristen.
    18 months that i was suspicious, scared and skeptical regarding it all.
    2 weeks ago, when my financial plan came to an end, i was asking for getting my investment back plus the profits that made.
    at the beginning, they were trying to convince me to stay but i wanted out cause i had a big need in those funds.
    after 2-3 days of discussions, i have got 100% back.
    my $30.000 that i have invested from my hard earned money. and another $28.000
    in total, i have got back $58.000 back to my bank account.


  8. Ahmed Abdul Razek

    i just came across “ScamBitcoins.com”
    i am a client of Michael and Thomas for the past 2 years. happy client i must write.
    as an investor in the online industry, it’s always a bit scary to operate.
    i have decided to have a quick research online.
    suddenly, i found this website. almost got a heart attack due to the all bad comments over here.
    to be honest, according to my personal experience, those comments are not making any sense.
    on top that, most of the comments here, are GOOD.

    do not fall into corrupt writers games.

  9. I just got news today that my $244,000 had gone… I started with just over $30,000 which grew very quickly… report them to the police and your local fraud squad…. maybe if we all pull together we can recuperate our funds and put a stop to theses scum bags.
    They are good at one thing and that is scamming. Strength is in the multitudes and I know it can be done… better together than apart.If anyone here actually knows the whereabouts of these lads maybe they should let us all know.Thomas Friedman is the one I’m mostly interested in and supposedly Michael(surname unknown)… I’d say they are also using false names.
    They can and will be found, sooner or later…. I have notified the relavent authorities and they have assured me that they will be tracked down.
    I would settle for my initial investment but very disappointed by the gross loss… was depending on that money for my kids….karma is a great thing and it will bite them back eventually.Do you want your money back? I do… let’s do it!!!!

    1. Ahmed Abdul Razek

      you seem to be another corrupt paid writer.
      also according the things you are writing i can understand that you also don’t have any common sense.

      1. If you are from Cryptoallday you know for a fact that I am not a payed writer…..your scam is not going to last much longer…. cryptoallday is not a registered or regulated website trader so therefore they have no license to trade… the dashboard is purely fiction…. I can prove this with emails, photoshots and whatsapp messages from Thomas Frieman.

    2. Yes I agree with you something must be done I lost everything ……Thank you Thomas Frieman for putting me on the streets….

      1. Rachel van Engel

        Hello Helen,

        I lost 75.000€ and now have nothing left! I live in Belgium and which to communicate with you to see if we can do something to recover our funds! I live with a very small pension now and have not enough for covering the whole month!Where do you live? what can we do? Please tell me! regards Rachel

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