GDM Finance SARL ( Review

GDM Finance SARL ( is an interesting and peculiar type of investment company which aims at bridging the gap beyond the financial industry.  They are also involved in providing trading opportunities to the masses and are said to be not limited by regulation.

The way they have diversified their investment portfolio in a manner which is very peculiar and less aggressive way which closely resembles the way preferred by the hedge funds.  Their platform is a little confusing at first and they are not the ones who hard sell you on any plans or other type of services so you might not know what you are getting yourself into.  

Read our review till the end to find out if this platform is the one you want to invest your money with.

Company and Support

Firms which offer financial service like assets management, investment consultation and taxation consultation are required to hold proper legal work which confirms the authorization given from the concerned authorities.  

GDM Finance SARL is an all in one investment solution which basically operates in a manner similar to their larger counterparts but the only difference is that the entry barrier is low so that majority of the everyday people can get involved in trading.  The returns depends upon the starting capital but there are no guarantees being made.

Since this platform accepts people from all over the world we checked to see of they are listed on FCA and FTC but unfortunately could not find their details on either of the services. This firm is registered in Switzerland and was incorporated on 20 May 2010.  

Though they have given the address of the firm unless you are situated nearby the only way to reach the support team is through the contact form which is made available on their website.  The time required for them to answer your queries is not mentioned or specified.

Here are the important details of this firm:

Registration Number – CHE – 115.696.215

Address – Avenue de vaudagne 56, 1217 Meyrin, Switzerland Review - Scam or Legit?

How does GDM Finance SARL Work?

This firm as they state is focused on maintaining a diversified portfolio while keeping risk as minimal as possible.  Their capital is allocated between energy sector, gold and agriculture.

As you can already tell these markets have very little to no correlation which makes it a perfect combination to trade as conservatively as possible.  70% of the trading capital is said to be used to buy equity securities of agricultural companies, since these products are necessities they are most likely to provide stable returns over time.  

With regards to gold and energy funds the information provided by them is very basic.  Though they have managed to make their narration long it still lacks all the vital information.  

Their exact approach towards trading is a mystery and without knowing what parameters or method of analysis they follow how can we trust them to handle our money?  Without proper evidence or verifiable records we cannot draw any conclusions.


The most daunting thing about the markets is that it does not matter which way you analyse the data or back test the strategies you want to adopt, no individual can guarantee or even quote the kind of profits that the trade might result.  So one of the easiest way of measuring or gauging the profits you might make is by looking at the previous accomplishment of the particular company.

Below is a rundown of the average returns this firm has supposedly got, note that they have not put up any evidence to support their hypothesis.

2010 – 18.7752%

2011 – 19.8997%

2012 – 20.6512%

2013 – 21.3991%

2014 – 22.0321%

2015 – 23.4539%

2016 – 24.9007%


This website has some amazing statistics to prove their popularity.  They currently rank 1,177,308 globally and 20,488 in Philippines according to  It is estimated that they get around 1 million visitors monthly.

For some reason we could not find information regarding the registration date of their domain and the owners on because the platform was unable to perform a lookup.  The reason for an unsuccessful lookup is either because of the invalid domain extension or unsupported domain extension.

Is GDM Finance SARL a Scam?

Just take a look at the comments below and decide for yourself.

It is true that there is lack of evidence but the reason why we are not assuming anything is that their profit targets are something which is achieved by most investment banks and is certainly not flashy and unrealistic like majority of the online opportunities promise. - Team Members

There are images of the creators and employees but we could not find any details about them on the web so it is a minor concern.  Moreover the performance stats of the individual fund managers are not revealed and the names of the administrative side of the firm is not mentioned  so transparency is clearly not their main priority.

GDM Finance SARL Review Conclusion

GDM Finance SARL talks too much about the exciting kind of opportunities markets provide us like the 24 hour cycle, the liquidity and the ever rising volatility which paves way to more potential profits but without specific instructions or plans turning the plan into a reality will be difficult.  

Though there is abundant details on general topics it isn’t something which will make you feel confident.  Our best suggestion for you is to wait till more user testimonials start to show up on the internet or start with the least amount of money possible.

Update (March 29, 2023) – We received the following complaint:

I lost a total of 178,000.00 USD after investing with GDM Finance SARL in 2018. Despite my efforts, I was never able to recoup my investment.

Have you tried GDM Finance SARL?  We invite you forward to share your experience by leaving a comment.

75 thoughts on “GDM Finance SARL ( Review”

  1. 스티븐제이씨 글잘읽었어요
    그럼우리돈은ㆍ받을수가 없는거예요

  2. 스티븐제이씨ᆢ잘읽었습니다ᆢGDM회사가 5월24일파산신청을냈다면ᆢ우리들투자금은ㆍ받지를 못하는겁니까ᆢ
    이걸어떻게 해야할지

  3. Well it Finally happen…..GDM Philippines is new victim to the investment fraud….Per report of 2 international credit reporting agencies based in Europe. GDM Finance Sarl is under liquidation as of May 24, 2019 and filed for Bancruptcy…Thats why no wonder we could no longer access GDM website. We may never be able to see our investments again. Other countries beware.

  4. 국제사기입니다 한국도고통받고있어요ᆢ2017년12월부터
    필리핀도 한국처럼사기당한겁니다ㆍ일부러코인만들어서ᆢ안주고있고ᆢ한국처럼중간에돈이ᆢ사라졌다는식으로ᆢ필리핀과ᆢ똑같은ᆢ수법을ᆢ한국도썼어요ᆢ빨리고소하세요ᆢ
    지디앰ㆍ놈들 다들도망갔어요ᆢ진짜ᆢ너무속상합니다
    빨리 경찰서에알리고ᆢ스위스대사관가서알리세요

  5. GDM은 사기회사입니다ᆢ한국에도2017년12월달부터
    이자가 중단되었습니다ᆢ현재까지도돈을지불안하고ㆍ
    핑계만되고 코인을바꿀수있다고하고2019년3분기4분기에
    돈이ᆢ오른다고ᆢ사람들한테시간을끌더니ᆢ결국에는앱을ᆢ삭제시켰네요ᆢ제가몇번이고 사기라고올렸는데ᆢ필리핀에계신분한테ᆢ근데ㆍ그걸안믿고ᆢ돈을기다린다고하더라구요
    저도 얼마나기다렸는지ᆢ그게벌써1년6개월이지났습니다
    이게ᆢ돈안줄려고ᆢ시간끌고ㆍ결국은ㆍ앱을 없애고
    뉴스나ᆢ방송국에 알려지겠지요ᆢ

  6. I am one of the investor here in the Philippines and this is what happened.
    I invested my hard earned money to this company amounted to P450,000.00 that promised a weekly interest.
    BUT after my three months interest payout it stopped paying interest for some Licencing issue. It stopped paying interest on the month of January 2019 upto the present. NOW as of this day we can no longer LOG IN TO the WEBSITE or PLATFORM of the company.

  7. 네, 제 이메일은 jaymers3@gmail.com이고 2020 년 12 월부터 필리핀에서 납부하지 않았습니다 … 이제 GDM은 KOrea, 필리핀 및 캄보디아가 합병하기 때문에 우리 정부가 많은 문서 또는 빨간 테이프를 준수해야하기 때문에 병합됩니다. 호의적으로 GDM 텔 루스 3 분기 올해 우리는 지불됩니다 또는 GDM 동전 마침내 Bitcoin에 환대 수 있으며 우리 나라의 통화로 교환 … 내 이름은 스티브
    ne, je imeil-eun 2020 nyeon 12 wolbuteo pillipin-eseo nabbuhaji anh-assseubnida … ije GDMeun KOrea, pillipin mich kambodiaga habbyeonghagi ttaemun-e uli jeongbuga manh-eun munseo ttoneun ppalgan teipeuleul junsuhaeyahagi ttaemun-e byeonghabdoebnida. houijeog-eulo GDM tel luseu 3 bungi olhae ulineun jibuldoebnida ttoneun GDM dongjeon machimnae Bitcoin-e hwandae su iss-eumyeo uli nalaui tonghwalo gyohwan … nae ileum-eun seutibeu

  8. 한국인들은ᆢ고통을받고있습니다
    다ㆍ도망갔는가봅니다ㆍ소문으로 싱가폴에있는걸로
    나의 이메일입니다

  9. GDM회사는ᆢ지금스위스에없습니다ᆢ내소문듣기론ᆢ싱가폴에도피해있다고들었네요ᆢ필리핀ᆢ한국등다속고있습니다ᆢ
    더이상ᆢ회원들을ᆢ희망고문하고있네요 국제사기꾼들입니다ᆢ빨리신고를하고ᆢ방송국에알려야합니다ᆢ

    1. 안녕, 내가 너에게 연락 할 수있는 이메일을 가지고 있니? 나는 또한 필리핀에 투자 한 사람이며 이미 약속을 지키지 않은 채 꽤 오랜 시간이 걸렸다. 고맙습니다.

    2. Stephen Jayme

      필리핀에서 안녕하세요. 당신이 알고 싶은 것이 무엇입니까? 우리는 2018 년 12 월 이후로 주간 지불금을받지 못했습니다. GDM은 누군가를 보내고 있지만 지금까지 아무 것도 보내지 않을 것이라고 약속합니다. 지금 그들은 한국, 필리핀, 캄보디아가 합병되기를 원한다. Im는 갈 때까지 더 많은 지연을 두려워한다. 저에게 jaymers3@gmail.com을 이메일로 보낼 수 있으며, 제 그룹과 연결시켜 드릴 수 있습니다. 실제로 사기라면 이미 느껴질 것입니다.

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