Kirkland & Felt Review – Confirmed Scam!

Kirkland and Felt ( is an all in one investment solution which claims to be involved in trading and mining cryptocurrency. The founders of this firm are John Kirkland and William Felt. There is no information on these alleged personalities.

Their platform showcase transaction records, but those are all bogus. The returns advertised by them are up to 155% after 28 days.

Trading is undoubtedly an exciting way to earn a living. However, it is not possible to sustain these kind of returns. Before they trick you into depositing with them, go through our review wherein we have unraveled all their filthy agendas.

KirkLand Felt Scam Review

Company and Support

All the investment companies indulged with the retail clients have to be regulated. Looking at the way the world of online trading has evolved over the years. It is better to stick with licensed entities, as the number of scams are ever rising.

KirkLand & Felt is an ICO. They raise money for trading and mining activities from the general public. In return, the investors are promised certain returns after some time period. We checked their legal aspect. As it turns out, they are not recognized by FCA. So, they are not only unregulated, but also illegal.

Their website does not reveal any kind of registration certificate. Seems like, they do not care about featuring relevant details in front of the potential investors. The support team can be contacted through email only.

Email –

Address – 332 Ladbroke Grove, London, United Kingdom

How does KirkLand Felt Work?

There is no details about what they will do with the funds raised. In their About Us section, they say that their traders have been around from the 1990’s. Apparently, that is the reason for their success. This narration does not make any sense.

We do not have the slightest idea about the indicators they consider or the trading approach they use. They do not feature any information regarding the various aspects of trading like risk diversification and money management.

Moreover, the do not showcase any trading history. There isn’t much to talk about mining either. We do not know the location of their data centres or the type of machinery they employ. Basically, there is no credible proof to support any of their claims.

Plans and Returns

Mining and trading are both exciting opportunities which paves way to make reliable income. However, do not mistake it as a shortcut to acquire wealth. Take a look at the plans they advertise, do they look sustainable to you?

Max Trade

Returns – 7% Daily

Duration – 20 Days

Minimum Deposit – $25

High Trade

Returns – 155%

Duration – 28 Days

Minimum Deposit – $10

Mining Plan

Returns – 1.25% Daily

Duration – 20 Days

Minimum Deposit – $10

Affiliate Program

All ponzi scheme require consistent stream of new participants to stay alive. To grow their profits, these fraudsters offer an affiliate program. They pay attractive incentives to any individual who refers more people to their service.

Basically anyone can sign up with them, as they do not care about things like KYC. The commission percentage ranges from 1% to 7%. Operational model of this firm is similar to that of a pyramid scheme. Ultimately, everyone will make money at the expense of the innocent investors.


Below we have gathered the statistics of this website with the help of and

Domain –

Registered On – 16/01/2017

Expires on – 16/01/2023

Global Rank – 387,280

Rank in Brazil – 37,004

Majority of the traffic to this website are coming from Brazil, Iran, India, Pakistan and Turkey.

Red Flags

The details of the creators of this firm are untraceable. If they were actually legit, then why are they hesitating to reveal any images of the owners? Moreover, they do not have any credibility boosting factor on their website.

A vast majority of the social trading platforms and reputable services offer demo account. The main reason for doing so, is to make the clients confident and allow them to get familiar with the interface. Since this firm does not do that, on what basis will you trust them?

Kirkland and Felt Review Conclusion

Kirkland & Felt is certainly a fraudulent service. There is no way to earn the kind of returns they promise through trading or mining. If you encounter this firm through any of the online forums, then do not engage with them. Since they are a ponzi scheme, they will get shut down sooner or later.

Do you have any experience with Kirkland and Felt?  Share your story by leaving a comment below.

88 thoughts on “Kirkland & Felt Review – Confirmed Scam!”

  1. Bonjour, cet article est totalement infondé. cela fait 2 mois que je suis sur cette plateforme et j’ai toujours reçu mes 7% d’investissmeent. Ils sont sérieux

  2. Io ho conosciuto adesso questo sito e certamente proverò a rischiare qualche centinaio di dollari, non i minimi. E sai perchè?
    Perchè ho capito che blog come il vostro, che sembrano dedicati a fare il bene delle persone, effettivamente fanno bene solo a se stessi, per conquistare visite e quindi valore, spargendo veleno su tutto e su tutti , basandosi sul fatto che la notizia negativa e di allarme è molto più attraente delle notizie normali e positive.
    Pla spendibilità della valuta. Per anni sono stato terrorizzato contro la criptovaluta Onecoin : è un ponzi, è uno scam, collassa entro una settimana. Bene Onecoin opera ormai da oltre 200 settimane, ha cambiato la vita di milioni di persone e sta completando il suo ecosistema con un vastissimo e-commerce ( dove è garantita la spendibilità della criptovaluta ONE. Proprio la settimana scorsa ho acquistato un lussuoso appartamento a Rio de Janeiro. Ci sono decine di modi per avere rendimenti elevatissimi, soprattutto nel campo del forex, delle cripto e della pubblicità, forse è meglio che smettiate di ragionare come ragionieri di fine 900. I tempi sono cambiati.

    1. Sono completamento d’accordo con te. anche io sono una Onecoiner ,Kirland e molto altro. Credo che per farlo devi avere una formazione, ci sono piattaforme serie che ti aiutano molto e anche gratuitamente,(se siete interessati fatemelo sapere) consiglio inoltre di non farvi raggirare da chi vuole solo confondervi le idee, ricordo che Ponzi e’ stata una grande truffa ma non per questo il Sistema e’ sbagliato. Bitcoin e’ per eccellenza uno schema Ponzi ma guarda un po ora dove e arrivata… e chi ci ha creduto e’ oggi milionario. Ragionate con la vostra testa, conoscenza~ coerenza ti rende libero finanziariamente.

  3. Ecco qui chi sono i truffatori io commento così tu prendi soldi per scrivere altre stronzate. Io sto guadagnando e di brutto pure con kirkland…. Vediamo se la pubblichi questa

    1. You have no idea what you are talking about because you have not made any investment yet in Kirkfelt. All the ones who are commenting have investments in the program and earning really well. I myself have been earning for almost 8-9 months with great returns. You are free to do what you like, either invest and earn or sit on the bench watching others earn. The decision is yours but do not speak without knowing the truth, that is naive 🙂

          1. hello. My problem is, my deposit from the version 2.0 got lost and now everything is zero in 2.1. There is no update whether they will return it or not. It’s not proof pf payment that i want to see. Proof that my deposit is returned. I know some have experienced the same. So where is the proof that people who lost their deposit have been returned?

      1. Il mio conto su Kirkland si è azzerato e non so che fine hanno fatto i miei soldi… come posso fare per riaverli?

      1. Hello Heatstreak,
        I opened an account with the company and for sometime now since last week they have been down. As at today I cannot access my account and already an investment of $90 has been placed in the system by me.

        Please any help will be appreciated my email is


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