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Kirkland & Felt Review – Confirmed Scam!

Kirkland and Felt (kirklandfelt.com) is an all in one investment solution which claims to be involved in trading and mining cryptocurrency. The founders of this firm are John Kirkland and William Felt. There is no information on these alleged personalities.

Their platform showcase transaction records, but those are all bogus. The returns advertised by them are up to 155% after 28 days.

Trading is undoubtedly an exciting way to earn a living. However, it is not possible to sustain these kind of returns. Before they trick you into depositing with them, go through our review wherein we have unraveled all their filthy agendas.

KirkLand Felt Scam Review

Company and Support

All the investment companies indulged with the retail clients have to be regulated. Looking at the way the world of online trading has evolved over the years. It is better to stick with licensed entities, as the number of scams are ever rising.

KirkLand & Felt is an ICO. They raise money for trading and mining activities from the general public. In return, the investors are promised certain returns after some time period. We checked their legal aspect. As it turns out, they are not recognized by FCA. So, they are not only unregulated, but also illegal.

Their website does not reveal any kind of registration certificate. Seems like, they do not care about featuring relevant details in front of the potential investors. The support team can be contacted through email only.

Email – support@kirklandfelt.com

Address – 332 Ladbroke Grove, London, United Kingdom

How does KirkLand Felt Work?

There is no details about what they will do with the funds raised. In their About Us section, they say that their traders have been around from the 1990’s. Apparently, that is the reason for their success. This narration does not make any sense.

We do not have the slightest idea about the indicators they consider or the trading approach they use. They do not feature any information regarding the various aspects of trading like risk diversification and money management.

Moreover, the do not showcase any trading history. There isn’t much to talk about mining either. We do not know the location of their data centres or the type of machinery they employ. Basically, there is no credible proof to support any of their claims.

Plans and Returns

Mining and trading are both exciting opportunities which paves way to make reliable income. However, do not mistake it as a shortcut to acquire wealth. Take a look at the plans they advertise, do they look sustainable to you?

Max Trade

Returns – 7% Daily

Duration – 20 Days

Minimum Deposit – $25

High Trade

Returns – 155%

Duration – 28 Days

Minimum Deposit – $10

Mining Plan

Returns – 1.25% Daily

Duration – 20 Days

Minimum Deposit – $10

Affiliate Program

All ponzi scheme require consistent stream of new participants to stay alive. To grow their profits, these fraudsters offer an affiliate program. They pay attractive incentives to any individual who refers more people to their service.

Basically anyone can sign up with them, as they do not care about things like KYC. The commission percentage ranges from 1% to 7%. Operational model of this firm is similar to that of a pyramid scheme. Ultimately, everyone will make money at the expense of the innocent investors.


Below we have gathered the statistics of this website with the help of whois.com and alexa.com.

Domain – KirkLandFelt.com

Registered On – 16/01/2017

Expires on – 16/01/2023

Global Rank – 387,280

Rank in Brazil – 37,004

Majority of the traffic to this website are coming from Brazil, Iran, India, Pakistan and Turkey.

Red Flags

The details of the creators of this firm are untraceable. If they were actually legit, then why are they hesitating to reveal any images of the owners? Moreover, they do not have any credibility boosting factor on their website.

A vast majority of the social trading platforms and reputable services offer demo account. The main reason for doing so, is to make the clients confident and allow them to get familiar with the interface. Since this firm does not do that, on what basis will you trust them?

Kirkland and Felt Review Conclusion

Kirkland & Felt is certainly a fraudulent service. There is no way to earn the kind of returns they promise through trading or mining. If you encounter this firm through any of the online forums, then do not engage with them. Since they are a ponzi scheme, they will get shut down sooner or later.

Do you have any experience with Kirkland and Felt?  Share your story by leaving a comment below.

88 thoughts on “Kirkland & Felt Review – Confirmed Scam!”

  1. Hello team.
    I’m following up on the deposit made on my account on 27/04/2019.
    It’s not reflecting on my account on.
    Your response to this matter Will greatly be appreciated.
    Thank you.

  2. Sicuramente un’altra maxi truffa, noi potremo fare una class action con Afue, associazione no profit che opera nel settore a livello internazionale per sostenere chi è stato truffato e smascherare e bandire i truffatori che sono sempre di più! Ha una grossa funzione sociale. radiovocedellasperanza.it/a-tu-per-tu-con-afue-26-aprile-2019/
    E’ il presidente dell’associzione che parla, a suo tempo truffato anche Lui, per questo ha creato l’associazione.
    Possiamo far partire la class ection con Afue quando vogliamo!

    1. Sicuramente un’altra maxi truffa, noi potremo fare una class action con Afue (assocviazione vittime finanziarie), associazione no profit che opera nel settore a livello internazionale per sostenere chi è stato truffato e smascherare e bandire i truffatori che sono sempre di più! Ha una grossa funzione sociale.

      E’ il presidente dell’associzione che parla, a suo tempo truffato anche Lui, per questo ha creato l’associazione.
      Possiamo far partire la class ection con Afue quando vogliamo!

  3. che a te sia andate bene, è un fatto, ma credo che migliaia di persone siano state truffate da questi signori.
    personalmente ci ho rimesso quasi € 10.000
    questo fa perdere fiducia anche verso quelle società, o persone serie, che guadagnano e danno la possibilità a molti investitori di guadagnare.
    Invece purtroppo ci sono persone in malafede come questo signor Kirkland, che ha organizzato una maxy truffa. Comunque sono sempre convinto che anchec i gro0ssi patrimoni se rubati, portano solo male, lo sappia il sig. Kirkland…dove va li il suo destino l’aspetta..e non solo per lui

  4. Hello guys, i have been getting a lot of messages regarding pending withdrawals. I myself don’t have an investment yet in kirkfeltplus as i was waiting for sometime to see how it runs and then would decide to invest. I am not the Admin and an investor like you who has almost $1500 in kirkfelt and waiting for my balance to show up like you all. I was made a mod in the group due to the fact that i am a known investor since 2012 and similarly what John deemed fit he made some other mods as well. Some in such case took undue advantage of John and some did their work without any doubt. I would not take names as that is not me who goes around pointing fingers on everybody and blame them for their mistakes.

    Now to think about it, according to my analysis i think no one should make a new investmet in kirkfeltplus as i have many reports of pending withdrawals for almost 48-64 hours. Make sure to spread this word around to your referrals as well. John is not online in telegram since 17th April and he is the only one who runs this platform and can process the withdrawals so please don’t ask me in personal message about the old deposits or your pending withdrawals, It is only John who can come online and do this for us.

    Nevertheless Kirkland ran a long time and gave good returns to everyone who were wise and not much greedy or naive to understand how investing online works. Officially i think its the end. I myself was in the platform and gained almost 8-9 months of pure profits. No other program i know this year ran for such long. I also hope we see many such programs in the future which gives us good returns. For the ones who lost you can always follow me in my telegram channel where i post updates about my investments online. Always make sure to send me a personal message as i can surely guide you well according to your total capital. I have been doing that for many people. For the ones who earned in Kirkland I am happy for you. I think its now time to move on and i won’t be any longer posting in here unless John comes online which has a 10% chance seeing his good nature. In other cases i would say a 0% chance.

    My telegram channel link – t.me/ReviewAndUpdates

    1. che a te sia andate bene, è un fatto, ma credo che migliaia di persone siano state truffate da questi signori.
      personalmente ci ho rimesso quasi € 10.000
      questo fa perdere fiducia anche verso quelle società, o persone serie, che guadagnano e danno la possibilità a molti investitori di guadagnare.
      Invece purtroppo ci sono persone in malafede come questo signor Kirkland, che ha organizzato una maxy truffa. Comunque sono sempre convinto che anchec i gro0ssi patrimoni se rubati, portano solo male, lo sappia il sig. Kirkland…dove va li il suo destino l’aspetta..e non solo per lui

    I hope you can provide proof not of payment, but many people have lost money from the previous website because their money no longer reflects in the version 2.1. So, show us proof that the the money of the investors/depositors have been returned.

    here’s my email: easy_rael@yahoo.com

  6. heatstreak dont fool the ppl.
    John is a scamer!!no news from him.a lot of ppl loose money as me.
    coming monday scotland yard has a case about him.

  7. non metteteci memmeno un cent, sono imbroglioni, per un certo periodo ti fanno incassare un po di interessi. Poi all’improvviso dicono che sono attaccati da haker, cambiano il sito, e misteriosamente i tuoi soldi spariscono. Cercano di tenerti buono dicendo che ripristinano tutto. Ma non è vero sono 2mesi che aspetto al nostro gruppo hanno rubato 10.000€.

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