Fraudulent Institutional Investment Scam

In recent months, numerous individuals have fallen victim to an elaborate investment scam orchestrated through the website The scam began innocuously enough with an invitation to join a WhatsApp group focused on trading. At first, these messages seemed like spam, easily ignorable. However, persistence from Ella, who claimed to be the secretary of a Professor named Sam, began to wear down defenses. Ella shared compelling screenshots of trading profits, convincing unsuspecting victims to invest.

One such victim, located in Plano, Texas, initially saw returns on their investment and even managed to withdraw $5000, which added a veneer of legitimacy to the operation. Encouraged by these early gains, the victim invested further, hoping to triple their money as promised. However, the scam’s true nature revealed itself when Ella sent a distressing message about Professor Sam’s arrest. The platform they were using, an app called Liletop, supposedly essential for institutional pre-market trading, suddenly became inaccessible. The victim’s account was cleared, and the perpetrators vanished, leaving a $30,000 loss.

This scam has left many questioning the legitimacy of and the entities involved. The following analysis aims to shed light on the fraudulent nature of this operation, providing a comprehensive review to help prevent others from falling into similar traps.

Domain Analysis

The domain was registered recently on May 6, 2024, through Pte. Ltd. and is set to expire on May 6, 2025. The registrant information lists an organization named “hai nan xiao lian you ze ren gong si” based in Nei Mongol, China, which raises initial suspicions due to the region’s association with fraudulent activities.

The domain utilizes a robust and scalable hosting environment hosted by, Inc., specifically on their AWS EC2 infrastructure in Portland, United States. However, the reverse DNS lookup of the IP address ( points to a generic EC2 hostname, which offers little insight into the site’s legitimacy.

The website’s authority is notably low, with a Semrush Domain Authority Score of 2 and zero organic search traffic. This indicates that the domain lacks significant content or is relatively new and has not yet established a presence in search engine rankings. The absence of paid search traffic and keywords highlights its lack of visibility and credibility in the digital space.

Analyzing the backlinks to reveals a mix of follow and nofollow links, primarily from websites that track scams and fraudulent activities. Scam Detector and CryptoScamBlacklist are among the referring domains that flag as suspicious.

The website, purporting to offer trading services, displays several contact details and organizational information. It prominently features a contact phone number, (972) 333-5018, suggesting a base of operations. The domain is registered under an organization named “hai nan xiao lian you ze ren gong si,” based in Nei Mongol, China, raising immediate red flags due to the region’s notoriety for online scams. The site claims to utilize an app called Liletop for trading, an unusual platform with little to no presence outside of this context, which is another warning sign. Review

A critical analysis of the website’s content reveals several issues. Firstly, generic stock market data and imagery, such as screenshots of trading indexes, aim to give a semblance of legitimacy but lack any concrete affiliation or regulatory certification from recognized financial authorities. The website design and embedded elements, like the favicon and meta tags, appear polished yet superficial, indicating efforts to appear credible without substantial backing.

The website contains a well-crafted interface with real-time stock market data, which could easily mislead users into believing the platform’s authenticity. Reviews

The website has been associated with multiple complaints, highlighting its involvement in an elaborate investment scam. One detailed account on the Better Business Bureau’s (BBB) Scam Tracker reveals scammers’ systematic approach to lure victims. A user from British Columbia, Canada, describes how they were added to a WhatsApp group that claimed to offer stock trading signals. Initially skeptical, the user was convinced by the orchestrated responses from other group members and the assistant’s persistent reassurances.

The user narrates their experience of creating an account on through an access code provided by an assistant. After initial successful deposits and withdrawals, the user grew confident and invested larger sums. However, trouble began when their withdrawals started being blocked, and excuses were made about the funds being frozen due to “risky withdrawals.” The user was coerced into depositing additional funds to resolve these issues, but these deposits only resulted in further losses.

The assistant, Ava Jacon, and other supposed group members kept up the façade by sharing fake success stories and encouraging further investments. Despite the user’s efforts to resolve the issues by following the assistant’s advice and even contacting customer service, they lost around $10,000, including their savings and living expenses. The user also reported interactions with several fake group admins and members, whose phone numbers and WhatsApp activity were part of the elaborate deception.

This account and others underscore the fraudulent nature of The scammers used well-crafted techniques to establish trust before swindling users out of their money. Victims are left with significant financial losses and emotional distress, underscoring the importance of being cautious with online investment opportunities.

Complaints We Received has generated numerous complaints from individuals who have lost significant money through its fraudulent investment schemes. One notable case involves a victim who was convinced to invest $23,000 in what was described as an institutional stock investment. The scammers assured the victims that their funds were secure and promised substantial investment returns.

However, when the victim attempted to withdraw their principal amount, they were informed they needed to pay an additional $3,300 to facilitate the withdrawal process. This tactic is a classic example of advance-fee fraud, where scammers demand extra payments under various pretexts to release the supposed funds. The victim, realizing the fraudulent nature of the operation, opted to withdraw only their original investment of $23,000. Despite this, the withdrawal never materialized, leaving the victim with substantial financial losses.

The payment method for these fraudulent investments was primarily through cryptocurrency, making it even more challenging for victims to recover their funds. Cryptocurrencies are often used in scams due to their pseudo-anonymous nature and difficulty tracing transactions back to the perpetrators.

The complaints highlighted a consistent pattern of deceit, where victims are initially lured by the promise of high returns and then trapped by demands for additional payments under various guises. This method preys on the victim’s hopes and fears, ultimately leading to significant financial and emotional distress.’s fraudulent activities have left many victims with depleted savings and shattered trust in online investment opportunities. The site’s convincing facade and well-orchestrated tactics underscore the importance of vigilance and skepticism when dealing with online financial platforms.


The analysis of, combined with multiple firsthand accounts of financial loss and deceit, leads to an unmistakable conclusion: this site is a sophisticated scam. The calculated persistence of the scammers, the misleading assurances of high returns, and the manipulative tactics used to extract additional funds all point to a well-orchestrated fraud operation.

Victims have described being ensnared by seemingly credible promises of institutional stock investments, only to find themselves trapped in a cycle of demands for more money. Using cryptocurrency for transactions adds a layer of complexity and anonymity that protects the scammers while leaving the victims with little recourse.

The sophisticated presentation of, including real-time stock market data and professional-looking interfaces, aims to create a veneer of legitimacy. However, these superficial trappings mask a fraudulent intent that has left many financially and emotionally devastated.

Ultimately, the operations of are a stark reminder of the perils of online investment scams. The recurring themes of unfulfilled withdrawal promises, additional fee demands, and the anonymity provided by cryptocurrency point to a clear and present danger for potential investors. The evidence overwhelmingly supports the conclusion that is a scam.

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