Trade Well Review – Trustworthy Crypto Broker?

Trade Well is an emerging Crypto CFD broker. They offer more than 100+ pairs and provide upto 1:40 leverage. Their platform is web based and it’s unique functionality brings a new touch of practicality to trading.

However, there are few things you should know before joining them. Read our detailed review to know everything about this broker and make an informed decision.

Disclosure: We get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

Trade Well Review

License and Custom Support

It is always best for you to trade with licensed brokers. So, that you are always under the protection of the local regulatory body. However, we are not stating that all the unregulated brokers are outright frauds.

Considering the risks, it is better to avoid them. The parent company of this broker is Invest Support LTD. Below are the details regarding their registration.

Registration Number – 205538955

Address – 5, 1B Dimcho Debelyanov street, Metropolitan Municipality Izgrev Region, 1113 Sofia City, Bulgaria

Phone –  +3726094190

Email –

Traders can contact the support team via telephone, telegram app or email. However, as there are no testimonials as of now, we do not have any feedback regarding them.

Account Types and Leverage

This broker offer 5 types of accounts. The distinguishing factors are starting capital, trading terms, account manager and educational content.

As a rule of thumb, you will get more professional services, if you start out with more up-front capital. Trading bonus is available across all the account types.

However, make sure that you have completely understood with the terms and conditions first. We strongly recommend our readers never to accept bonus because most of the time it acts like a double edged sword. The amount of leverage ranges from 1:10 to 1:40. This might sound low, but in the world of cryptos it is enough.

Remember cryptocurrencies have a lot of volatility. So it is important for you to adhere to strict risk management. Otherwise, the consequences will be severe. Moreover, most of the brokers do not offer 1:40 leverage so it is not a deal breaker.

Educational Material

All of the clients of this broker can access an educational outlet. There are both in the format of video tutorials and books. This kind of gesture shows their commitment and integrity. Although, the quality of the material available is a subject to one’s opinion. Trade Well Educational Outlet

If you are a complete beginner, then you will benefit a lot from it. Remember to backtest every strategy before you decide to use them on a live account. Though, past results does not guarantee future actions, it is good to know the statistics.

Charting Tools and Platform

The platform offered by this broker is web based. It runs on most of the modern devices which has an active internet connection. However, if you are used to algorithm trading, then you might be disappointed. As an alternative, they offer account management, but the exact performance records are something you should keep an eye on.

There will always be execution delays in any type of copy trading. So, be prepared for that in advance or avoid trading during those times. As far as charting is concerned, there is nothing to worry about.

TradingView charts offer some of the best tools which will be more than enough for most traders. Moreover, with tradingview you can set for price charts as well so that you don’t have to stay glued to the screen. This feature will be helpful especially for swing traders.

Domain Insight domain was registered on 15/05/2018. The registrant details are completely masked for privacy reasons. However, you can always contact the support team if you have any concerns. Since this website is relatively new, they do not have high ranking on similar web and yet. So, we cannot trace at their main traffic sources.

Deposit and Withdrawals

Trade Well offers accounts in 4 base currencies which are AUD, USD, EUR and GBP. The minimum deposit amount is $250 or equivalent. Deposit and withdrawals can be done through wire transfer, credit cards and Bitcoin.

They state that the withdrawals are usually processed in 2 days, but sometimes can take as long as 5 business days. Unfortunately, the minimum withdrawal amount is not specified.

Trade Well Review conclusion

Trade Well is a decent broker who brings a lot to the table while their leverage might seem capped for smaller accounts, it really comes down to the strategy you employ. If you are planning to trade with this broker, then start with the minimum deposit and then scale it up if it’s necessary. The sole reason why we are recommending this is because of the lack of feedback. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

We invite you forward to share your experience with us in the comments section.

118 thoughts on “Trade Well Review – Trustworthy Crypto Broker?”

  1. I agree with all the above comments. This is a scam. First they try to encourage you to put in more money to obtain a higher level of help and leverage. if that does not work, they will offer a bonus. Do not take the bonus – once you have a bonus, it is almost impossible to extract yourself as the number of trades required to pay it back is astronomical – in the millions!
    The first few trades may well make you a reasonable profit – than another “more experienced” trader helps, and in a few minutes your money is gone. Then a “recovery” expert will offer more bonuses if you add more money to your account, and expert help to recover your account to profit.
    I also had problems over several days with closing deals which were showing a reasonable profit on the “live” screen – but when the deal closed – I had suffered a loss, sometimes a significant loss. I complained about this and “miraculously” this stopped. To me this suggests we are not seeing real live prices but some kind of rigged system.
    There were also occasions when I knew I had a deal open, but it would not appear on my screen until I logged out and logged back in – sometimes this was required two or three times before the deal would show up and I could close it.
    All my traders were South African and quite pleasant until I dug my heels in and made it clear they were not getting any more of my money. When i tried to close my account the “manager” tried to make me do more deals – I refused – and it took the best part of 30 minutes arguing that I was not doing any more deals – I just wanted to close my account. Fine, he said. send me an email and I’ll close it but you will not get any money back. This was OK with me as I had virtually none of my own money left – only “rescue” bonuses.
    This website is a big Scam and should be closed down.

    1. Sorry for your bad experiences with I did get a call early on from someone in Forex24 telling me they could get everything I lost if I would agree to moving my account to Forex24. They did send me an e-mail, but I am not a citizen in a country Forex24 is licensed in. I am a US citizen, but live in Southeast Asia. I just sent customer support and e-mail today requesting a refund of my deposits. I complained about the trickery. I am sure they won’t refund anything and will probably wait until 90 days are up to close the account. I think the idea of a class action law suit is a good idea, but will probably cost more than all the deposits.

  2. I was scammed by also. I had $8050 USD in my balance when my account manager made all but $50 disappear. I ran across this website that helps to recover money from scammers. I thought I would share it.

    1. Sorry for your loose…if you just buy bitcoin your money..maybe in five years btc will $100k or $250k…our money that have been scammed by tradewell will worth a fortune..enough fund for our retirement.

    2. Ik ben er een paar dagen geleden mee begonnen, de pret van incasseren begint pas naar een inleg van $10000 daaronder blijft het aanmodderen en nog beter is voor goud te gaan en door te groeien, ze maken echt geld.
      Het valt mij op dat de klagers allemaal onder de inleg van $10.000 zitten, ja daar krijg je minimale ondersteuning en geloof mij, zonder ondersteuning is het geld verliezen. HET ENIGE WAT NODIG IS IS LEF en een gezonde dosis angst, ik wens iedereen succes ook mijzelf!

      1. Dag Emiel! Neem het van mij aan, je kunt naar je geld fluiten. Elke winst die je maakt is virtueel, je zal die nooit mogen incasseren. Op een dag zorgen ze ervoor dat je bijna alles verliest en dan zeggen ze bij Tradewell dat het aan “the volatility of the market” ligt. Ik heb het zelf meegemaakt dus ik weet waarover ik spreek. Ik wens je veel succes maar ik vrees dat je de zoveelste slachtoffer wordt. Wens je achteraf gerechtelijke stappen te ondernemen tegen Tradewell, laat me dan zeker iets weten. groeten M.

    3. I lost $17750 aud through them in a week it was some credit card money and my life’s savings and they kept putting enormous amounts of pressure on me to give them more and more money. I started off with the minimum but they told me I couldn’t trade with that little and the promised to double my my money and to protect it with their fake bonuses. When I saw with in the week that the account was loosing money and I really needed it I told them I wanted my money back and to close the account. I told them numerous times on the phone what my financial situation was and it wasn’t good. They still put the pressure on for more funds
      I also emailed them them to get them to close my account and refund my money but they told me my money was gone and that all that was left in the account was their bonus money. They are fraudulent scammers. I’m presuming other means to get my money back from them.

      It was my first time investing in anything and I feel so stupid for believing their adds on LinkedIn and Facebook about being on a popular Australian TV show with one of the fellows that made millions from them and vouched they were legit. They aren’t. I’m currently worried about paying my rent as I done even have the money for that on my credit card because they scammed me.

  3. I am interested to hear all the misfortunes you have all experienced, yet the best you are all doing, so far, is making threats of handing these crooks to the police, and months pass by, and you are still moaning and moaning, and doing nothing! Why not stop for one second, make your minds up, and pull yourselves together and at long last, inform, for example, the Interpol?
    Copy all the comments on this site, paste them into one long manuscript, and send this as documentary evidence – to your local police, as well as the Interpol, etc., etc.
    Please do this and keep your fingers crossed; something would surely happen!

      1. Im sure tradewell account managers are using fake name..just be carefull to justine block and david jhonson.ther are scammer..they intentionally wipe out my balance acoount sothat i will not able to widhtraw my initial investment.actually they arescammer..from helpdest,custumer support and all account manager..they all want is to take your money and to gain or take profits.

    1. They are international syndicate and organized criminals and mastercard should take drastic action agains this illigal activities of this company..their website should be ban by every country.creat fb page to spread to every people their scheme.

    2. All of them should be brought to court and jail them..every employee of tradewell are involved in this scamm..fbi,interpoll,eu should coordinate each other yo syop this crinal activities..

  4. Radu Costache

    It’s a scam, just got burned 800 euro.
    I admit it was my fault by accepting to “trade” the way they asked me to.
    All I wanted was to buy XRP, I made an account and transferred 500 euros in order tu exchange them into XRP.
    Than the “fun” began: they called me and talked me into putting 300 euro more into account.
    They offered to school me into trading, while continuing to ask for more money into account, presenting me the mirage of easy money. I didn’t fell for that and after three or four talks with “my account manager” where they demanded money (5000 euro) and I wouldn’t give in, they tricked me into signing a document that allowed for greater risk transactions, they used a fancy term, I cannot recall.
    After seeing they are unsuccessful, they transferred me to a “colleague” to “help” me with the account.
    He asked me to place two orders, giving me directions how to do it. In less than 30 seconds I was 800 euro short, leaving me less than 3 euro into the account.
    I have all of the conversations recorded, if anybody has any ideea on how to use them against those scammers, please give me a hint!

    1. They have strategies how to trap their client to burn their 3 second the client money all gone.they are base in europe.can we report them in interpol or anti money laundering.

    2. So sad if we just put our money buying btc,ltc or eth..our money already doubled without risk from scammer

  5. Report them at visa and mastercard..anti money laundering unit..creat fb grp to inform people thewe company is also to your gov the block s
    This site.

  6. So sad that we will not gain on this crypto bull run due to our hard erned money invested in a scam broker.too many lies and deception from the account manager..after you deposited your they will not allow to take profits..only two option..either you will take your initial investment without prifits or wait to wipe out your money..

  7. The problem if you can widthraw your profits…either you take your initial investment and will close your account or they will mke you wait until your account money will be wipeout.

  8. Its so sad that we missed this crypto bull run just because our hard erned money invested in scammed chance to take profits in this site..either you will wipe out your money or take back your initial investent without profits and they will close your account.

  9. Could please confirm that you have received the original money that would be great. Because somebody else can use your name her.

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