Review – United Software Intelligence – SCAM!

Update (December 12, 2017): US authorities have finally begun cracking down on USI-Tech. In a statement released on December 20, 2017, the Texas State Securities Board announced that it had moved against USI-Tech, serving the operation with an emergency cease-and-desist order. According to Texas Regulators, those named in the order (Clifford Thomas from Maryland and Michael Rivera from California) had violated state securities registration standards, and failed to disclose information based on which investors could make an informed decision about the feasibility of the USI-Tech pitch. Regulators have also pointed out that the operation peddles daily returns in classic HYIP fashion, while encouraging existing members (quite a few of whom have posted comments below) to bring others into the fold, matching yet another trait of classic Ponzi schemes.

USI (United Software Intelligence) Tech is very peculiar operation, which has recently started to probe the crypto currency vertical with an extremely scam-suspicious offer. What is so peculiar about USI Tech? If you take a look at their website and you actually do some research about the “products” they offer, you won’t find a single sign telling you that this is indeed legitimate. Everything about every facet of the operation screams “scam” and a “shameless pyramid scheme,” yet there are many people out there who promote it, doubtlessly in the hopes of picking up affiliate money in the shape of commissions and rewards. There’s a thread on USI Tech at too, where all the genuine posters express suspicion and skepticism, but no one actually delivers any kind of proof to combat the buzz generated by a couple of “promoters.” At this point, calling USI Tech a 100% scam would be far-fetched on account of this lack of evidence, but the fact remains that everything about the business model the operator pushes is wrong.

It appears that, the official website of the operation, has started out as a run-of-the-mill auto trading scam. It peddles some sort of shady software which is supposed to dominate Forex trading, automatically generating massive and consistent revenues for its users, in exchange for a one-time fee. Sounds too good to be true? You bet it does. The way the auto-trader is promoted is highly suspicious too. The website features a highly scammy promotional video, and it makes outrageous promises, without delivering any kind of insight into how these feats of greatness are accomplished. We don’t really find out anything about the company/people behind the operation either. The site does have an “impressum” page, where a Dubai company registration number and an address is given. The address is but a PO box at a hotel though, so it does absolutely no favors to the operation on the credibility front.

A truly dedicated investigator will actually find out though who this operation really belongs to, although it isn’t easy by any means, as those promoting the scheme will always do their best to keep this bit of information under wraps.

The person under whose name the domain has been registered is a certain Joao Felipe Fernandez Severino, a Portuguese national, who has been barred from financial activity in Portugal. This person was involved with another scam called AMC INVEST – apparently USI Tech’s first incarnation. AMC Invest offered 10% interest per month on investments and it ended up scamming hundreds of people before it was blown up by the authorities. People were arrested in connection with this case and some of them remain in custody.

If you come across a YouTube video posted by a certain OJ Jordan, in which he interviews the alleged CEO Ralf Gold and the UK rep, take it with a grain salt. This OJ character is apparently in on the scam as well.

Why do so many people seem to provide positive feedback on USI tech though? The fact that a EUR120 referral reward is offered to every new “member” one brings into the fold, may have a lot to do with it.

While on the USI Tech homepage we are told that their trading bot is not the type built on a couple of straightforward technical indicators, like most of its peers, no specifics are provided in this regard at all. We are supposed to take their promises and statements at face value and that’s it. The auto trader supposedly works with the MT4 platform, so it probably makes use of the technical indicators of the platform. The bottom line on this trading bot angle is that it’s most likely a shameless (and quite unoriginal scam).

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any shadier with the operator, you learn about USI Tech’s Bitcoin HYIP/Pyramid scheme, which promises fabulous returns of 1% per day for 140 days on one’s BTC investment. All one really needs to do to get in on this deal is to hand these trustworthy people his/her bitcoins. “Earning opportunities” abound after the investment is actually made too. Those who bring friends of theirs into the USI fold, get a 10% commission on the Bitcoin packs these friends purchase and – in classic multi-level marketing meets pyramid-scheme fashion – a 3% on the referrals those referred by them make.

If one has any doubt in his/her mind about the true nature of this operation, in the ridiculous videos through which they promote their Ponzi scheme, the marketers of USI Tech use a series of pyramid diagrams just to make everything crystal-clear. There may indeed be a good dose of irony at work here.

Joining this Bitcoin Ponzi scheme is obviously free of charge, unlike the auto trader deal detailed above. All the perpetrators really need are their victims’ Bitcoin deposits.

Again, if you log onto YouTube or run a Google search, you will see scores of people promoting this scam. The above detailed affiliate scheme does quite a bit to explain why that is the case. Furthermore, Ponzi schemes like the USI Tech Bitcoin one, may actually pay a few of their victims for a while, from the funds deposited by their referrals. Some of these schemes may actually run as long as new people keep joining by the droves, but sooner or later they will indeed collapse, as the math just never adds up for them.

While bitcointalk forum users are cautiously suspicious in USI Tech’s regard for the time being, that’s hardly the case at Reddit, where people don’t shy away from calling this Ponzi scheme what it truly is.

Now, if you think that you are the only one who fell for this scam, think again. The domain enjoys an Alexa global rank of 21,933 at the time of writing, which indicates this is a highly popular website. It’s mostly visited by people from the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany and Canada.

USI Tech Review Conclusion

The more closely you dissect USI Tech and its ridiculous offers, the more convinced you shall be that you are indeed looking at a combination of several different underhanded promotional methods and scams. We have an auto trading scam and a Bitcoin Ponzi scheme in the same package, powered by the evergreen appeal of multi-level marketing, and of course, by the never-ending supply of human ignorance.

Verdit: USI Tech is a SCAM!

Blacklisted sites:,, &

Now, as you can see below and also in various forums, there are many positive reviews of USI Tech online. The reason quite simply might be that they offer 35% commissions on 12 referral levels in classic Ponzi fashion. If you have been scammed by them, please share your story with us by replying below. You should probably also report them to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center to prevent other people from getting scammed!

Update (November 6, 2017)

USI Tech have apparently realized that the only way to keep their system running is to constantly make announcements, release new features and have public appearances. This way, the public is kept hyped and new money keeps flowing into the system. Thus far, USI Tech have apparently paid their participants, but some of their hype-generating statements have been revealed to be nothing but lies. For instance, the operation has NOT been cleared by the SEC for the US market. That is nothing but a lie. USI Tech is not registered with the SEC in any shape or form: this can be verified by searching the Edgar database. In fact, it looks like some people have already reported the operation to the SEC. The only reason it has not yet been investigated, is the limited nature of the resources the regulator has at its disposal. If it keeps growing the way it currently does though, USI Tech may just earn a spot higher up on the SEC priority-ladder. For the time being, take a look at this document and see what the SEC’s attitude is towards operations like USI Tech.

The operation has slowly been phasing out its Forex-robot angle, and it is now almost exclusively focused on the crypto currency packages. It has begun explaining its outlandish return rates through the generation of free energy with the aid of a magnetic generators, and the near loss-less re-conversion of heat into electricity. There’s an all-too-familiar artificial intelligence angle tossed in for seasoning too, so it’s safe to say that this one is getting wilder by the day.

Let us not forget that USI Tech have begun issuing their own crypto tokens, too.

Visit our Day Trading Guide to learn about legit cryptocurrency investment routes to consider. To join our member list and receive additional scam warnings from us directly to your inbox, please subscribe to!

Update (January 24, 2024)

A press release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of New York, details charges against Horst Jicha, the CEO of a crypto investment platform called USI Tech. Jicha, a German national, has been charged with securities fraud and conspiracies to commit securities fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering. He was arrested on December 23, 2023, as he entered the United States.

The indictment alleges that USI Tech was a multilevel marketing scheme disguised as a cryptocurrency investment platform. It was initially launched in Europe and later introduced in the United States in 2017. Jicha, as a co-founder and CEO, falsely guaranteed high returns and misrepresented the legality of the platform’s offerings. After facing regulatory scrutiny in the U.S. in early 2018, USI Tech abruptly ceased operations in the U.S., leaving investors unable to access their funds and resulting in substantial financial losses. It’s estimated that around $150 million in Ether and Bitcoin was transferred to addresses controlled by Jicha after the platform shut down.

Victims of this scheme are encouraged to contact the FBI at The charges are currently allegations, and Jicha is presumed innocent unless proven guilty. The case is being prosecuted by the Office’s Business and Securities Fraud and General Crimes Sections, with Assistant U.S. Attorneys Kaitlin Farrell, Genny Ngai, and Daniel Marcus leading the prosecution.

This case highlights the U.S. government’s commitment to prosecuting financial fraud, particularly in emerging financial opportunities like cryptocurrency.

99 thoughts on “ Review – United Software Intelligence – SCAM!”

  1. It’s not a scam because, so far the majority of members are getting payouts! Bring home the bacon honey while they’re hot because when the pigs stop supplying the factory, it will just be an empty sty. You’re getting your payout because it’s early days of the scheme. It’s a simple but brilliant one. You give me 50 eur, I give you back 0.50 eur for 140 business days. In 100 days, you just got back your capital so that’s a bountiful return because for the next 40 days, It’s free money… yey… earning… Sooooo why not re-invest that 50 I just gave back?because after all, I kept my promise of paying you 1% everyday… Wonderful, thank you. Now, I just got 50 eur again so I can pay you that 40 days remaining of the contract I promised. In the meantime, because you are getting some good returns, 40%, mind you for 6.5 months… why not refer your friends and family so they can make tonnes of money too and you will receive commission up to 35% from them and the people they recruit 12 levels down. WOW! You’re a born leader, you just got 3 of your friends in who just gave me 150 eur to cover the payouts of your rebuys every 100 days. Just make sure they do the same, Keep up the good work!

  2. Mr Greig van Emmenis

    I’ve been a part of USI for a month and a half now, and because of taking on new members and the price of Bitcoin going up, I’ve doubled my initial investment. I really don’t believe this is a scam. Bitpetite was a scam for obvious reasons, and their owner never showed their faces. USI Tech is different. They are out there, travelling the world, putting on seminars and investing in their company.

  3. The only thing SCAM IS THIS ARTICLE, I’ve joined with USI tech since August and there were suspicions at first but I put faith in my friend that referred me. I tested the waters with 1 pack and waited until enough earn interest was available. Then I was able to make my first test withdrawal and the minimum was $10 USD. It took a while to arrive in my wallet due to blockchain’s growing technology and how they process the higher amount transactions first. I eventually received my payment in the form of bitcoin then easily convert it to usd using coinbase. Ultimately I believe the more research you do about the cryptocurrency and how it works on the blockchain you can then begin to understand that this is a new GROWING entity that is being adopted by a lot of billion dollar companies, its going to take time to evolve and get accustomed to using it. And for USI Tech I am very pleased with their customer service after the update and they communicate well with emails. My suspicion of scam is no longer valid with USI. I see enough testimonies about this company that are unbelievable and once I have enough to have a nice compounding interest, then I will start making weekly withdrawals. I surely will be apart of that before its too late. Im apart of a fb groupchat with my upstreams that have tons of new information and surly someone can answer any questions….Test the waters, governments scam us everyday…..but this here I cant find s*it bad to say about the company except I wish I would have know when it first started. : )

  4. Recently joined USI Tech about two week ago, bought 2 packages to see how the payout works. It was roughly paying out 1% daily. About 5 days ago, I bought 40 packages since I was seeing the daily returns. After the purchase, USI stopped paying any daily returns either for the old packages or the new ones bought. I have reached out to support to see if there is any technical issue with site but no response from them in last two days. Not sure who can help and why would they stop the daily payout. Assistance here is appreciated.

    1. Not sure why your having issue Jay but Im sure you’ve been replied to by now. Sit back and relax sometimes you have to give this site time to update, they have so many new members joining everyday that takes more sever capacity and time to adjust to volume.

  5. Usi-tech is 8 years old? 2016 it started right? Until people stop investing and buying packages the scheme could go on for awhile.. i will be laughing at you all when the website randomly dissapears and you all go wtf what can i do now? Where my bitcoins? Go hunt em down to their HQ in Dubai to find and empty paddock and a camel? Bit late then. If u are ahead cash out now as this will collapse the thing faster. My theory is they are collectively collecting all your money to buy bitcoin, next year when/if bitcoin price doubles/triples whatever…bye bye thanks for helping us get rich.

    1. Hi, I was really thinking to make a big investment with Usi-tech, but not sure anymore after reading your comments. Do you have any suggestions where it would be safe to invest? I really would appreciate your suggestions Thank you!

  6. My definition of “getting paid” is when you have requested money from USI and they have actually deposited said money into YOUR bitcoin wallet. Saying that you have been paid 1% for the day’s trading and it shows up as being so in your back office does not mean you have been paid.

    USI has the earmarking of a ponzi scheme; a heavy emphasis on bringing in new members, saying they are trading its members funds in forex – or whatever – as a means of generating profits for its members, having trouble with its website because of migration, a backlog of support tickets, etc….

    If anyone has had any experience with HYIPs that were all the rage a decade ago, you will understand what I’m saying.

  7. Just do the math! There are 21,000,000 BTC in the world period! Not one more! Now each BTC can be divided by 1,000,000 according to the Block-chain ledger!

    What you see happening here is that people that have the first 17,000,000 BTC are exiting by having entities like USI – pull in the unsuspecting people.

    O.k. so I may be way off base – yet I doubt it.

    Those people that are praising USI are out getting the new $600.00 unsuspecting human that is full of greed… and that greed will feed the USI machine.

    (this is USI thing si very suspect)

    Brad Burns
    Post Disclaimer:
    I’ve invested and personally signed up over a million USD in accounts. I’m not someone who has just registered and is skeptical, I’m posting daily eye witness account information and tons of people have already contacted me that I signed up or didn’t sign up, the account information I’m sharing is real and so is the BTC and the money associated. I’m going to post a clear timeline of events, account information and more, I’m not revealing anyone’s names or personal information. I like many others jumped in head first to a system that’s obviously now turning out to be a huge MLM scam. I am an experienced forex trader/ Bitcoin trader/miner/C programmer / Database Designer/ PHP/MySQL / Server Administrator etc.. I’ve been in BTC since 2009 when it started.
    About 6 months ago I signed up for USI Tech and I have had a lot of people investing time and money and marketing into signing up as many people as possible, I never directed these people to do so (most of them) they just saw a very lucrative option in their “commission plan”.
    I took tons of screenshots everyday for this very reason, at the time of writing this USI just had their 1 year anniversary. On November 1st USI did a lot of things without warning anyone, and when the people who have bought into their MLM scam find out about it they are going to be really pissed off. Another thing that is sketchy as hell is the token sale they just integrated into the website. Stating things like we will release the white paper once we sell the tokens? What the fuck? So your going to make us buy into your MLM scam just to see a white paper on why we are investing. Get out of crypto town!
    Bullshit Commission Plan Updates (With No Warning):
    For 6 months myself and hundreds of other members 400-500+ just re bought and re bought thinking we would make tons of money down the line and we bought into their commission plans before the November 1st update which consisted of an agency license or forex trading license which comes with an agency license anyway, now of which is all gone in the new “website update”.
    Before The Website Update:
    The commission plan prior to November 1st was you get 3 members to buy 12 packages, and pay 600 Euros and you unlock 12 levels of commission. Directs were 10%, and every level down to 7-8 was 3% after that it was 1%.
    After the Website Update (November 1st):
    On day 1 of the upgrade I knew things were about to seriously go wrong. Well, so far all they did was piss a bunch of people off and scare a bunch of people away, the ones who invested are now blowing me up wondering what’s going on. Their new Uni Level plan blows, 90% of the old website is gone.
    Levels 6-12 on my account are gone, more levels are missing from other people who I signed up as well. They didn’t warn anyone about their new “website” or “Commission plan”. They didn’t tell anyone about their “token sale” until after the update. At the time of writing this the USI Tech iPhone and Android apps are now completely defunct AKA not working at all.
    They changed the commission plan to make it to where you have to sign way more people up with “packages” to get the Uni Level commission they promised from day 1, so it’s now literally 10 times harder to get Uni Level commission and you guessed it, I haven’t seen a single satoshi of commission from those levels. To make matters worse my account balance has greatly decreased, my daily pay is half if not less of what it was before the update. I’m missing hundreds of registered members that were adding daily commission to my account and 7 days later absolutely no response from their “24/7 support”.
    Keep in mind before their update I had almost 6000 Uni Level packages connected to my account, now my account quite literally reads 0. I was expecting to have 10,000 uni level commissions by the end of the year minimally.
    Broker Accounts / Payment Options All Gone:
    Now they have replaced the payment options for USI Tech with their new BitcoinByCredit system which charges users 10% for buying BTC with credit cards. Payza gone? (Red Flags) All the information on their supposed “trading bot” the download for people who bought the license (me) all gone. Tell me this why would a company that has it’s main feature as “trading” remove everything about trading on their internal website?
    They should turn Registration the fuck off then and fix their website before allowing people to rebuy over lost BTC.
    Instead they just keep taking new members for their obvious MLM scam.
    Their entire organization is a MLM scam.
    This Token Sale could be a huge exit strategy for them to rob everyone.
    At the time of writing this my lifetime account balance is literally less than before the update and I’m missing coin, members, commission, and 90% of the old website is now gone from the new one.
    Bottom Line:
    The only thing that will save USI Tech from this is if they build an internal personal audit and submit all the documents to the government, install visible verifiable transparency, and pay everyone every cent owed. If this is not possible then they can do like every other failed ICO and get eaten by the wolves.
    Update: 11/8/2017
    Uni Level Is Now Fixed
    Waiting On Next Moves From USI Tech, needs more integration with US Securities and Exchange Commission before it can get larger in my honest opinion.
    How the laws work on this stuff is pretty simple.
    I can tell a huge decrease in my daily pay/commission/members! This new website is most definitely engineered to just sell packages and tokens! How the hell could a company that makes all these claims about trading not even have anything related to trading inside their website! 90% of the functionality of the old website is gone!

      1. CryptoCurrency Logic

        USI-Tech is NOT a scam, Jeff. We’ve spoken to the owners and some of the long-time partners in Europe. They’re legit. No one hires the very expensive Hart, David, and Carson law firm (out of Chicago) if they were scammers. I’d be happy to stay in touch over the next couple years and report our earnings if you’d like.

          1. I have earned with USI Platform and just like you I was skeptical! My friend who asked me to do a few months back just purchased a fully paid home and a Bentley for her wife! So what do you think I should do?

    1. I don’t know what the hell you are on bro, but everything in my backoffice is in order, at 458 packages now getting all commissions 7 Levels now coz that’s as far as my team has gone. And for everyone else asking about money into the bank, I withdraw around $1500 a week to live on and rebuy with the rest.

  8. Post Disclaimer:

    I’ve invested and personally signed up over a million USD in accounts. I’m not someone who has just registered and is skeptical, I’m posting daily eye witness account information and tons of people have already contacted me that I signed up or didn’t sign up, the account information I’m sharing is real and so is the BTC and the money associated. I’m going to post a clear timeline of events, account information and more, I’m not revealing anyone’s names or personal information. I like many others jumped in head first to a system that’s obviously now turning out to be a huge MLM scam. I am an experienced forex trader/ Bitcoin trader/miner/C programmer / Database Designer/ PHP/MySQL / Server Administrator etc.. I’ve been in BTC since 2009 when it started.


    About 6 months ago I signed up for USI Tech and I have had a lot of people investing time and money and marketing into signing up as many people as possible, I never directed these people to do so (most of them) they just saw a very lucrative option in their “commission plan”.

    I took tons of screenshots everyday for this very reason, at the time of writing this USI just had their 1 year anniversary. On November 1st USI did a lot of things without warning anyone, and when the people who have bought into their MLM scam find out about it they are going to be really pissed off. Another thing that is sketchy as hell is the token sale they just integrated into the website. Stating things like we will release the white paper once we sell the tokens? What the fuck? So your going to make us buy into your MLM scam just to see a white paper on why we are investing. Get out of crypto town!

    Bullshit Commission Plan Updates (With No Warning):

    For 6 months myself and hundreds of other members 400-500+ just re bought and re bought thinking we would make tons of money down the line and we bought into their commission plans before the November 1st update which consisted of an agency license or forex trading license which comes with an agency license anyway, now of which is all gone in the new “website update”.

    Before The Website Update:

    The commission plan prior to November 1st was you get 3 members to buy 12 packages, and pay 600 Euros and you unlock 12 levels of commission. Directs were 10%, and every level down to 7-8 was 3% after that it was 1%.

    After the Website Update (November 1st):

    On day 1 of the upgrade I knew things were about to seriously go wrong. Well, so far all they did was piss a bunch of people off and scare a bunch of people away, the ones who invested are now blowing me up wondering what’s going on. Their new Uni Level plan blows, 90% of the old website is gone.
    Levels 6-12 on my account are gone, more levels are missing from other people who I signed up as well. They didn’t warn anyone about their new “website” or “Commission plan”. They didn’t tell anyone about their “token sale” until after the update. At the time of writing this the USI Tech iPhone and Android apps are now completely defunct AKA not working at all.

    They changed the commission plan to make it to where you have to sign way more people up with “packages” to get the Uni Level commission they promised from day 1, so it’s now literally 10 times harder to get Uni Level commission and you guessed it, I haven’t seen a single satoshi of commission from those levels. To make matters worse my account balance has greatly decreased, my daily pay is half if not less of what it was before the update. I’m missing hundreds of registered members that were adding daily commission to my account and 7 days later absolutely no response from their “24/7 support”.

    Keep in mind before their update I had almost 6000 Uni Level packages connected to my account, now my account quite literally reads 0. I was expecting to have 10,000 uni level commissions by the end of the year minimally.

    Broker Accounts / Payment Options All Gone:

    Now they have replaced the payment options for USI Tech with their new BitcoinByCredit system which charges users 10% for buying BTC with credit cards. Payza gone? (Red Flags) All the information on their supposed “trading bot” the download for people who bought the license (me) all gone. Tell me this why would a company that has it’s main feature as “trading” remove everything about trading on their internal website?


    They should turn Registration the fuck off then and fix their website before allowing people to rebuy over lost BTC.
    Instead they just keep taking new members for their obvious MLM scam.
    Their entire organization is a MLM scam.
    This Token Sale could be a huge exit strategy for them to rob everyone.

    At the time of writing this my lifetime account balance is literally less than before the update and I’m missing coin, members, commission, and 90% of the old website is now gone from the new one.

    Bottom Line:

    The only thing that will save USI Tech from this is if they build an internal personal audit and submit all the documents to the government, install visible verifiable transparency, and pay everyone every cent owed. If this is not possible then they can do like every other failed ICO and get eaten by the wolves.

    Update: 11/8/2017
    Uni Level Is Now Fixed
    Waiting On Next Moves From USI Tech, needs more integration with US Securities and Exchange Commission before it can get larger in my honest opinion.
    How the laws work on this stuff is pretty simple.

    I can tell a huge decrease in my daily pay/commission/members! This new website is most definitely engineered to just sell packages and tokens! How the hell could a company that makes all these claims about trading not even have anything related to trading inside their website! 90% of the functionality of the old website is gone!

    1. Michael D Woodall

      They fixed the problems with the new website. Everything is right now. Why didn’t you post that you fucking loser! USI Tech is not a scam!

      1. No need to bash people. People post negative things when negative things happen to them FUD is real. We all should be accustomed to this by now in the crypto space but anytime you lose something or something doesn’t go right you can panic. USI didn’t shut the lights off, their disruptions were planned and communicated. They are adding more staff. Security is their primary concern. Time will show and prove what their made of. MLM can work in the right circumstances. I think this is one of the few instances in which we should be grateful there is a MLM structure and we are allowed to profit with the companies growth without having to complete an employment application.

  9. If you search the “USI-tech” in the SEC website the first result is a 3 page PDF warning of Crypto ponzi schemes. “Warning bell going off bigtime”

    1. “THIS IS HUGE” * A GAME CHANGER * USI-TECH has been retained by Hart David Carson of Chicago to provide legal opinion regarding the viability and market strategy regarding a derivative based software platform presented in order to trade Bitcoin on Forex related markets. Accordingly, we render the following legal opinion (1) USI-TECH Limited, registration number 1CC20160282, is an international business company duly formed, validly existing, and based solely on the Good Standing Certificates – is in good standing under the laws of Ras Al Khaimah International Corporate Centre Business Companies Regulation 2016, (b) has all requisite power and authority to carry on it’s business as now conducted, and (c) is qualified to do business in, and is in good standing in every jurisdiction where such qualifications are required. (2) We are aware of no claim, litigation, action, or proceedings pending, threatened against, or otherwise affecting USI-Tech that involves the possibility of any judgement or liability not fully covered by insurance or that may result in a materially adverse change in conditions financial or otherwise of the USI-Tech organization. (3) USI-Tech Limited are in compliance with and actively endeavor to comply with those regulations currently in place by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) (4) USI-Tech is reflective of a validly existing and compliant multi-level marketing business model, adherent to the restrictions and allowances provided by KASCOT INTERPLANETARY INC, 86 F.T.C. 11186(1975) and in RE: AMWAY, 93 FTC 618(1979)

      1. Did they not do the same for “My Advertising Pays'” which has been shut down as a scam, how will you reconcile that information.

      2. Presumably you mean to say that USI has retained Hart David Carson. Great a legal opinion provided by someone that they have retained and paid a fee to. Sounds a little like having a dog and barking yourself.

  10. There isn’t a single person in USI who isn’t making money and hasn’t made their 140% as promised. The company has always made good on their promises. I have bet people 1,000EUR that they could not find a single person in the company who has invested and not made money and they have all lost.


    Someone who has met and interviewed the owners and been involved for approximately 1 year

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