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InvestmentBeta Review – Scam Alert!

Investment Beta (InvestmentBeta.Tech) is a ridiculous cryptocurrency investment scam that claims to professional manage investors funds.

Allegedly founded in 2016, InvestmentBeta does not render any promised investment guarantees openly and overall possesses a great volume of unknowns.

To find out more regarding this illusive and recently engineered cryptocurrency investment scam, we invite you to read our unbiased review.

About InvestmentBeta

InvestmentBeta is allegedly a “privately owned non-ponzi company operating on the Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin trade market.”

According to their About Us page, they were founded in 2016 and to date have allegedly managed over $30 million for institutional investors but recently have opened their platform to worldwide individual investors.

Supposedly, all investors funds are managed by a team of “Binary Trading investment experts,” no reference to these entities are disclosed nor are any references to their qualifications such as required licensing.

The only available means of truly reaching out to InvestmentBeta would be their contact submission form or by emailing support@investmentbeta.tech.

Who is Behind InvestmentBeta?


InvestmentBeta.Tech does not disclose a corporate entity anywhere upon their site and according to their Terms & Conditions, InvestmentBeta is operating on its own accord.

According to their home page, Sean Brooks is disclosed as the CEO behind InvestmentBeta.Tech.

Other notable board members would be as followed:

  • James Pedro – CFO
  • Lucy Michaelas – Senior Board Member
  • Sarah Lawson – Senior Board Member

However, as you can gather for yourself from the image disclosed below, their alleged founder is nothing more than a fictitious entity.


How does InvestmentBeta Work?

According to the About page found at InvestmentBeta.Tech, investors funds are managed by their so-called team of binary experts.

When visiting their FAQ section, however, InvestmentBeta claims that investors funds are doubled through the following method:

“We use a custom high-frequency trading algorithm. Because the bitcoin price is constantly changing, our platform will automatically trade thousands of bitcoin (satoshi) every minute, locking the price differences as profits.”

While in theory this may sound like a powerful investment approach, it is not possible.

InvestmentBeta also claims to have your investment funds doubled within a 7 day period.

Minimum Deposits Accepted

  • 0.1 Bitcoin
  • 2 Ethereum
  • 1 Bitcoin Cash
  • 10 Litecoin

During the time of writing this review, InvestmentBeta claimed to only accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin payment methods, and as a result promises that they can give 99.9 percent guarantee on desired results due to those deposit methods.

As many of you may have already deduced, InvestmentBeta only accepts irreversible forms of payment.

Coincidence you may ask?

We believe not.


InvestmentBeta Scam Test

Does the site promote unbelievably high income assertions?

Yes, Investment Beta asserts in their FAQ section that they double an investors Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash or Litecoin investments within a 7 day period.

Does the site disclose verifiable ownership information?

InvestmentBeta blatantly conceals their ownership information from prospective investors.

Claiming to be a privately owned non-ponzi company, InvestmentBeta does not disclose verifiable ownership information nor do they disclose any identifiable means of communication.

How old is the website?

InvestmentBeta claims to be allegedly founded in 2016 yet a WHOIS report will reveal that their site was incepted on November 5th, 2018 by the entity Lucy Michaels of California, US.

Does the site have a physical address?

5319 Merle Hay Rd, Johnston, IA 50131, USA is the disclosed physical address of InvestmentBeta.

According to a Google map search, the said physical address does not disclose a legitimate location for InvestmentBeta and is closely associated with hotels, a pizza restaurant and an open, vacated lot.

Are any legitimate sites affiliated with the website?

We were unable to find any legitimate sites appearing to be associated with InvestmentBeta during the time of writing this review.

How popular is the website?

Fortunately, InvestmentBeta does not currently appear to be a popular site.

According to SimilarWeb, InvestmentBeta.Tech reflects a global rank of 17,522,176 with a US rank of 5,634,593 as of December 31st, 2018.

Given their poor web rankings it appears that their site receives little visitor traffic.

What discrepancies were there encountered when reviewing the site?

InvestmentBeta exerts a good sum of red flags that should be considered:

  • Unverifiable ownership information
  • Unrealistically high income guarantees
  • Fake user testimonials and board members
  • Failure to insight whether their trading experts are licensed
  • Unverifiable physical location of unverified corporate entity

InvestmentBeta Review Conclusion

InvestmentBeta is an investment scam that is currently fleecing US investors out of their hard-earned cryptocurrencies.

Allegedly based out of the United States yet failing to disclose a verifiable corporate entity, which must be licensed with the United States to provide investment services and advice, InvestmentBeta exhibits all the traits we commonly encounter across untrustworthy investment ventures.

Their disclosed physical address leads us to a dead end, their high income assertions are misleading to say the least while they claim to have been existence since 2016 only for us to find out their site was registered under 2 months ago.

Why would you want to put your trust and hard-earned money with an investment operation that has not earned the right to be considered trustworthy?

Our two cents regarding InvestmentBeta is that they are a fraudulent scam operation that should be avoided by any means necessary.

Verdict: InvestmentBeta is a SCAM!

Blacklisted Site: InvestmentBeta.Tech

We ask that you share any insight or experiences you may have below!

1 thought on “InvestmentBeta Review – Scam Alert!”

  1. Dear

    Very very thankful
    Pl any one ait sugfect for legit ogr scam free site.

    Earn site with investment


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